Download Unit 1 Lecture Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

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Unit 1 Lecture: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration: Chemical Symbiosis, Carbon Cycle
Objective: To understand the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the
energy exchange between living organisms.
1. Occurs in producers
2. Occurs in the chloroplasts of producer cells.
3. Involves the conversion of sunlight to energy as follows:
Sunlight (radiant energy)
+ 6H2O + 6CO2
(Glucose) C6H12O6
Here we see that the sun’s energy is captured by the “excitation― of atoms within the
chloroplasts. Water enters the plant through the roots. Carbon dioxide enters the plant through
the stomata, pores within the leaves of the plants. Oxygen, a product of this reaction also exits
the plant and enters our atmosphere via the stomas. The glucose produced basically becomes the
plant’s food to power all its cellular activities. Reading pgs 68, 108-109.
Diagram stoma and guard cells, see photo pg 109.
Cellular Respiration:
1. Occurs in consumers and decomposers
2. Occurs in the mitochondria
3. Converts the plant glucose into energy.
Carbon dioxide
+ Water
+ 38 ATP
(energy molecules)
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