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Cell Processes Study Guide
How things move into and out of cells
Know the following terms:
Diffusion – movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low
Osmosis – the diffusion of water through a membrane
Active/Passive transport – diffusion of molecules through a protein channel that are too large
to pass through the pores of the cell. Active requires energy and passive does not because the
particles are moving down the concentration gradient.
Endocytosis – the engulfing of large particles to move into the cell
Exocytosis – the movement of large particles out of the cell
Prokaryotic – cell without a nucleus – Example: Bacteria
Eukaryotic - cell with a nucleus
Photosynthesis – Cellular Respiration (Know Both of these equations)
Photosynthesis – this process takes place in the Chloroplast of the cell
Carbon Dioxide + Water + Sunlight -------- Glucose + Oxygen
Cellular Respiration – this process takes place in the mitochondrion of the cell
Glucose + Oxygen ---------Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP (useable cell energy)
Know the “chemical” representations for each of the chemicals in BOTH equations
Fermentation is cellular respiration in the absence (NO) of oxygen – produces lactic acid as a
waste product that will cause muscle cramps.
Cells need nutrients to: grow and develop, divide, and to perform functions
Homeostasis – the maintenance of a stable internal environment – Examples of things we do to
maintain this are: sweating, increase breathing rate, and make new cells to replace old worn out
Breathing is a process by which our tissues get the oxygen they need to live.
The ULTIMATE source of energy for all living things is the SUN!