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Cell Anatomy and Physiology
Web Learning Adventure
Purpose: This exercise should help you to learn:
1- the names of the organelles that make up a cell '
2- How each organelle functions
3- How cells.are specialized
4- The cell theory
5- The tools cytologists use to investigate cells
Students' activities
You will use the internet to discover information and harvest pictures
and construct a document that will be printed and handed in.
All 18 of the following are the required topics that must be included in the final
document. The topics must be in the order listed below. [Note: If you want to
add additional topics that you have found interesting, you may add them to the
end of your document. This may result in an enhancement of your grade.]
1- State and explain the Cell Theory, 2- Describe in some detail how cytologists
investigate cells,
3- Nucleus 4- Nuclear membrane, 5- Chromosomes/Chromatin, 6- Nucleolus
7- Cell membrane, 8- Endoplasmic reticulum [discuss both smooth and rough],
9- Ribosomes, 10- Golgi Apparatus, 11- Lysosomes
12- Microbodies 13- Vacuoles, 14- Mitochondria, 15-Chloroplasts,
16- Cytoskeleton [microtubules and microfilaments], 17- Cilia or flagella, 18Cell Wall
- Topics
3-18 must include A-Name of organelle
B-Statement of what the organelle does
in detail.
C- A prediction of which types of
specialized cells may have an abundance
of that type of organelle.
D- A picture of the organelle
How do I create my document?
1- Get on the internet.
2- Start with a search engine [i.e. Google]
3- Search for example, cell mitochondria or nucIeus
4- Try out any web sites and links that look promising.
5- Find a good picture of an organelle to harvest for your document.
6-. Read about the organelles and find a section that does a good job
explaining the function of the organelle.
7- You may either write in your own words or copy and paste. [Remember you
must give credit for your quote.]
8- You next need to predict which types of cells can be
expected to have an abundance of that organelle.
A. #11 Lysosomes
B-- Lysosomes are formed by the Golgi apparatus to digest macromolecules
which enter the cell. They are like sacs which contain around forty digestive
enzymes. The lysosomes infuse with vesicles of engulfed material and release the
digestive enzymes to break up the material. The large molecules of food are
broken down into smaller particles. The products diffuse through the Iysosomes'
membrane and are distributed throughout the rest of the cell. The products
serve as building blocks of new materials. To breakdown old nonfunctioning
organelle that out lived their usefulness- cells fail to restore themselves causing
them to age. Because of this lysosomes are needed to rid the cell of these
unneeded materials that are occupying space in the cell. In stressed or dying
cells' membrane, this component of the cell denigrates material, releasing the
destructive lysosomal enzymes into the cytoplasm. Here they digest all
organelles and speed up the cells' death by this process of autolysis (selfdigestion). The products are recycled and reused to compose new parts of cells.
http:/ /
C-Lysosomes are most likely to be found in tadpole tails.
D- spring97/group6/er.html