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Name: _________________________
Date: ______
They make up everything!
First things first!
 There’s ALWAYS a theory!
 Cell theory states that:
o All living things are composed of _______________
o Cells are the _____________________________________ part of a living
o All cells come from other _______________
Types of Cells
Two Main Types of Cells:
 _____________________
 _____________________
Types of Cells
You may also see cells differentiated by:
 _______________________
 _______________________
 _________________________ organisms
 Found in all _________________________________
 No nuclear membrane (aka ____________________)
o Instead they have a _________________________ region
 No ___________________________ bound organelles
 Simple internal structure
 Most primitive (appeared about ________________________________________)
 Includes _________________________and archaebacteria
 Evolved _________________________ eukaryotic cells
 Structure:
o Plasmid (__________________) DNA
o Ribosomes
o _________________________________
o Cell wall (different composition than _____________________)
o Some have capsules outside wall (enhances
_______________________________  protects from engulfment)
o Some have ________________________________________ (for movement)
 More advanced than ___________________________
 ALL ______________________ organisms are eukaryotic
 There are some _________________________ organisms that are eukaryotic
 _______________________________ internal structure
Appeared around ________________________ years ago
YOU are made up by ______________________________!
Have ______________________________________ membrane
Have ______________________________________ organelles
Cell membrane
Cytoplasm – everything between ____________________________________________
Unicellular vs. Multicellular
 Some Eukaryotic organisms are unicellular = made up of ___________________.
 We are made up of ____________________________ which work together to allow us
to function.
o Cells  Tissues  Organs  Organ Systems =
o We are made up of ~___________________________ cells.
 How big is that number?
 37.2 trillion minutes = 70,729,300 years!!!
Animal Cells
 No ________________________
 Small or _________________________
 _________________________________
 May have flagella
 Have ____________________________ organelles
Plant Cells
 _____________________
 Large Vacuole
 _______________________
 Flagella in gametes (sex cells) only
 Have _____________________ bound organelles
Cell Organelles
 _______________________________________ that perform important cellular
functions in _______________________________ cells
 Helps a cell do __________________!
 Can be compared to ____________________! (see the name resemblance?)
Examples of Cell Jobs
 Making ______________________  keratin which is in your hair
 Sending signals ____________________________, how you know how to take your
hand off of a hot stove
 Turning _______________________ to glucose (______________________)
 Contracting for movement  ________________________________
The Nucleus
 The __________________ of the cell
 Controls most cell processes by giving
 Contains the hereditary information of _______________
o ___________________________________________________
o ___________________ of the cell
 Copies the ________________________________ so that when a new cell divides, the
new cell is exactly the same as the original cell
 Network of protein filaments that helps the cell to maintain its shape
o Microfilaments  ________________________ fibers(smallest)
o Microtubules  ________________________________________ (thickest)
 ______________________ the cell
 Also involved in ____________________________
 ______________________________ liquid (think mucous) which makes up the majority
of the volume of the cell
 Made primarily of ____________________ but there are also proteins, salts, etc. in it
 Forms a lattice that offers ______________________________ for the cell
 Ribosomes assemble ____________________
 Located on the __________________________________________ (ER for short)
 Also free-floating in the ___________________________
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
 Rough ER is ______________________________________________________.
 Rough ER is rough because of the ________________________________ on its
Ribosomes are responsible for ___________________________ (production) which.
Once the ribosomes produce their proteins, the proteins are stored in sacs called
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
 Is a network of tubes and small sacs called ________________________.
 ___________________________________________ (not just for muscle building but
also is a type of molecule that often makes up hormones).
 Also serves to store important ions such as ______________________ which is
especially important in muscle contractions.
Golgi Apparatus
 Takes molecules and puts them into _________________________________ (small
sacs) for transport and eventual export (secretion).
 Works closely with the _________________________ as it receives vesicles with
proteins from the rough ER and re-packages them for
 Also can create ___________________________ for export.
 Finally, the golgi apparatus produces ____________________.
 Sac (or membrane bubble) filled with _____________________ that break down old
organelles and large molecules
 Kind of like a ____________________
Types of Lysosome Processes
 _________________________ – digestion of food particle
 _________________________ – breakdown of organelles
 _________________________ – self-destruction of whole cell
 Sacs that store ______________ and other materials
 _________________________________
 Capture the _____________________________ to make glucose in plants and algae
 Energy is stored in _____________________________
 Contain their own _______________
 FOUND IN _________________________
 ________________________ of the cell
 Break the ___________________________________ to release the sun’s energy so it
can be stored and used as ATP
 Contain own ______________
Endosymbiotic Theory
 It is believed that mitochondria (___________________________) were once
independent prokaryotic cells that were ________________________ by larger
eukaryotic cells.
 Evidence = mitochondria have their ___________________________ which is not
replicated by the nucleus, they have their own _________________________, replicate
on their own in a method similar to how _______________________ cells divide
Cell Membrane
 Regulates what ___________________________________ the cell
 ________________________________ has proteins and carbohydrates embedded in
 Think of it as a ____________________!
 Made up of phospholipids which have
 _________________________________ (does this ring a bell?)
Cell Wall
 In plants, fungi, and bacteria: it gives _______________________________________
 Plants  made of ____________________________
 Fungi  made of ______________________
Word of the Day: COOPERATION
 All of the organelles _____________________________ to enable the cell to accomplish
its job
But How Does It All Fit?
 There is approximately __________________ worth of DNA in each one of your cells.
 Your cells are ___________________! Your nucleus is EVEN SMALLER.
 So how is it that all that DNA can fit?
 DNA is packaged into _____________________________.
 Chromosomes are long strands of _______________ that contain many genes.
 In humans, ____________________________________ b/c you inherit one from each
 Chromosomes are usually difficult to see BUT ________________________________,
they can be seen under a light microscope.