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B2 1.1c – Student worksheet
Animal cell specialisation
Not all the cells in our body are the same. There are many different types of cell. Each type of
cell is adapted to carry out a particular job.
The diagrams above show some of the different types of cells found in your body.
Label the nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane in each cell. Cut out each cell
diagram and stick it down the left-hand side of a piece of A4 paper. (3 marks)
Write a caption for each cell diagram to explain the function of the cell. (6 marks)
Write notes beside each cell to explain how it is adapted for its function. (6 marks)
Put an asterisk (*) beside the cell that is only found in about 50% of humans. Explain your
answer. (2 marks)
Name two organelles that cannot be seen clearly in all these cells. (2 marks)
Explain what these organelles do. (2 marks)
What is the role of enzymes in a cell? (1 mark)
Find out which type of cell in your body has the shortest life and which has the longest life.
(2 marks)
Sheet 1 of 1
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