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07.04.2004 1.00 - 4.00 LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI –600 034 B.Com, DEGREE EXAMINATION - COMMERCE SIXTH SEMESTER – APRIL 2004 CO 6602/COM 602 - MARKETING RESEARCH Max:100 marks SECTION - A Answer ALL questions in not more than 3 lines each (10 2 = 20 marks) 1. State any 3 advantages of secondary data. 2. State any 3 advantages of the multiple - choice question. 3. What are the components of Advertising Research? 4. What are the main dimensions of product Research? 5. What are the main purpose for which sales analysis is fused? 6. What are Ecological Impact Studies in the context of Marketing Research? 7. State any 4 characteristics of an efficient marketing Research output. 8. What is field experimentation? 9. Briefly define the observation method of data collection. 10. Briefly explain the 3 conditions needed for effective observation. SECTION - B Answer FIVE questions in not more than 2 pages each (5 8 = 40 marks) 11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the questionnaire method of data collection. 12. Write a note on mechanical data collection instruments. 13. Explain how the Before - After without control experimental design is used. What are its strengths and weakness? 14. What are the steps to be taken to conduct an effective interview? 15. How is secondary data evaluated? 16. Write note on the scope of marketing research. 17. Explain the following types of observation. a) Contrived (b) Indirect (c) Mechanical 18. a) What is Focus group discussion? b) What are its chief dynamics? c) Explain the key factor for its sources. SECTION - C Answer TWO questions in not more than 4 pages each (2 20 = 40 marks) 19. Explain the stages in the marketing research process. 20. Explain the 4 types of questioning methods in terms of structure and design. Also highlight each one's strength and weakness. 21. What are the steps in research report writing? 1