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Protein Synthesis Test Review
Sugar Backbone
Nitrogen Bases
Double or Single strand?
A Uracil, C G
1. What are the building blocks of protein? Amino acids
2. What is DNA’s role in protein synthesis? To be a template for the mRNA codon sequence
3. If a DNA strand read AAT-CAT-GAT what would the mRNA strand look like?
4. What is the function of mRNA?
Copy the DNA code from the nucleus (transcription) and takes it to the ribosome
5. Where is the site of protein synthesis?
The ribosome
Use the following mRNA sequence to answer questions…
6. If a deletion mutation deleted all the A’s what would the new code look like?
7. If a mutation replaced all the G’s with C’s what would the new code look like? CUA-CCC-AAU-CUC
8. What did the original DNA sequence look like? CAT-GGC-TTA-CAC
9. What amino acid sequence is made from the mRNA sequence GUA- CCG- AAU – GUG?
Val, Pro, Asn, Val
10. What could be an mRNA sequence for the following amino acid strand?
Trp, Glu, Ile
Trp= UGG Glu= GAA or GAG Ile= AUU or AUC or AUA
11. mRNA has (codons / anticodons), and tRNA has (codons / anticodons).
12. What is the function of tRNA? Transfer amino acids to the ribosome
13. Where does transcription occur? nucleus
14. Where does translation occur? ribosome
15. How many nitrogen bases make up a codon? three
16. How many codons are in a strand of DNA that has 60 nucleotides? 20
17. How many codons would be necessary to code for a strand of protein that has 15 amino acids? 5
18. List the 3 parts of the RNA nucleotide. = Sugar (ribose), phosphate, nitrogen base (A-U, C-G)
19. What is transcription? Copying DNA into mRNA takes place in the nucleus
20. What is translation? mRNA goes to the ribosomes – sends a message to tRNA to go get the amino
acids to build a protein
21. What is a positive control? Something you know contains proteins
22. What is a good example for a positive control for a protein test?steak – peanut butter
23. What is a negative control? Something that doesn’t contain anything
24. What the best example of a negative control? water
25. Where are proteins assembled? ribosomes
26. What would happen if the organelle in Q 25 were missing from a cell? Body wouldn’t be able to make
27. What is a point mutation?
Change only affects only 1 nucleotide base
28. What is a nonsense mutation?
Stop codon in the middle of protein = non functioning protein
29. What is a missense mutation?
Complete protein – at least 1 amino acid is different = different protein
30. What is a substitute mutation?
One base replaces another = CTAAG = CTAAC
31. What is an insertion mutation?
Addition of a base in nucleotide CTAAG = CTATAG
32. Identify the following mutation: original strand: CUU-AAC-GGU
new strand: CAA-AAC-GGA
33. If the mutation in number 32 happened, what would be the result?
Silent mutation – doesn’t change the amino acid
34. 3 nucleotides (nitrogen bases) = _1_____ codon
3 nucleotides (nitrogen bases) =__1_____amino acids
1 codon = 1 amino acid
Using the picture to the left – be able to identify all of the steps of protein
synthesis – including every step of transcription and every step of