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Objective: TSW learn the structures & functions of cell
1. Explain how the development and improvement of
microscopes changed the study of living org.
2. Compare and contrast compound light microscopes and
electron microscopes.
3. Summarize the cell theory.
1. Cells are the basic unit of organization for all org.
2. All living organisms made of 1 or more cells
3. All cells come from preexisting cells
4. Differentiate the plasma membrane and the
Unicellular and multicellular
CELLS (organized into)
TISSUE (i.e. muscle tissue, nervous tissue, adipose tissue,
etc..) group of tissues function together to make:
ORGANS (i.e. stomach and leaf of plant)
together to form:
organs work
ORGAN SYSTEMS (i.e. nervous system and leaf of
e.g. endocrine system
*Each cell has its own structure and function; therefore
each cell is like a factory or business (they have their own
operations to perform). *Over 200 types of cells in body
Cells have boundaries with passageways for materials to
enter or exit. Plasma membrane serves as boundary
between cell and its external environment & dictates
what enters and leaves cell.
-flexible (allows cell to vary its shape if needed)
-allows useful materials such as oxygen and nutrients
to enter, and waste products such as excess water to
-some materials enter and leave through protein
passageways and other materials pass directly through
membrane (*this helps maintain chemical balance
within the cell)
Cell wall- additional boundary found outside plasma
membrane in plants and some other cells (not animals).
-cell wall much thicker and less flexible
-found in cells of plants, fungi, bacteria, and some
-plant cell walls contain cellulose molecules, which
form fibers. Fibers weave together form strong
network. These provide most of fiber in diet.
-what does cell wall do for cell?
1) protects cell
2) gives cell its shape
Nucleus-manages cell functions. FACTORY/BUSINESS
Cheek epithelial cells
Stained with methylene blue
-surrounded by nuclear envelope,
containing large pores so materials can
pass back and forth between nucleus
and rest of cell.
-contains DNA (builds proteins)
-within nucleus is nucleolus (FACTORY-
= this produces tiny particles called ribosomes.
Ribosomes are sites where cell assembles enzymes
and other proteins.
*Major function of most cells is to make proteins and other
materials. Many of cell organelles involved in protein
synthesis or storage of materials. This occurs in the fluid
inside the cell—the cytoplasm.
-cytoplasm is clear fluid outside nucleus.
Much of cytoplasm is occupied by folded system of
membranes, called endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
-folded membrane forms network of interconnected
compartments inside cell. Large surface area can be
packed into small area by folding surfaces.
-membranes provide large surface area where
chemical reactions can take place. ER membranes
also contain enzymes for most of cell’s lipid synthesis.
-rough ER has parts that are coated with
-smooth ER makes lipids
*ER functions as cell’s delivery system
Golgi apparatus-series of closely stacked, flattened
membrane sacs that receives newly synthesized proteins
and lipids from ER, puts them in packages &
distributes them to plasma membrane and other cell
-proteins transferred from ER to Golgi apparatus in
small, membrane-bound transport packages, called
vesicles. The various proteins in the vesicles are
sorted and sent to their final destination, like
Cells have spaces called vacuoles for temporary storage
of materials.
-vacuoles store food, enzymes, and other materials
(some store waste products) FACTORY=
Lysosomes-- contain digestive enzymes, digest excess or
worn out cells parts, food particles, and invading
viruses or bacteria. FACTORY=
Peroxisomes function to rid the cell of toxic
substances, in particular, hydrogen peroxide -- a
common byproduct of cellular metabolism. These
organelles contain enzymes that convert the
hydrogen peroxide to water, rendering the potentially
toxic substance safe for release back into the cell.
Some types of peroxisomes, such as those in liver
cells, detoxify alcohol and other harmful compounds
by transferring hydrogen from the poisons to
molecules of oxygen. FACTORY=
*Cells require energy to carry out its many functions.
Mitochondria are organelles where food molecules are
broken down to release energy. (“Mighty”chondria)
-‘powerhouse of the cell’
-folded inner membrane is called cristae
Plastids are a group of plant organelles that either store
starches or lipids or contain pigments that give out color.
i.e. chloroplast= green pigment, red rose= red pigment
Chloroplasts- chloro=green
-organelles of green plants that transform light
energy into chemical energy.
-they contain green pigment called chlorophyll, which
traps energy from sunlight and gives plants their green
Cell has a cytoskeleton to act as a support for organelles
and to help transport substances throughout the cell.
Composed of tiny fibers which help maintain cell shape
(e.g. poles maintain shape of tent)
Cilia-tiny hairs e.g. windpipe
Flagella-long, whiplike projection e.g. reproduction cell=
-sperm has to travel a great distance (requiring a lot of
energy), and it has to break open the egg so it can enter.
Organelles it would have? (