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2 Which one of the following is most likely to be true: To see plant cells with a microscope
you usually need a magnification of about
(a) x5, (b) xl0, (c) xl00, (d) xl000?
3 Which one of the following best describes the function of a cell membrane?
(a) It keeps the cell in shape.
(b) It controls the substances entering and leaving the cell.
(c) It controls the substances entering the cell.
(d) It supports the cell structures.
4 Which of the following structures are (a) in plant and animal cells, (b) in plant cells but not in
animal cells?
cell wall, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria, nucleus, central vacuole,
chromosomes, cell sap
5 The drawings below show stages in cell division but in the wrong order. What is the most
likely sequence of events?
6 Select the most appropriate words from the list below to complete the following
If a cell develops in such a way that it does one particular job very efficiently, it is said to
be …….. . Such a cell is also said to be …… to its function. A nerve cell is ….. for conducting
impulses. It can do this efficiently because of its ……and the chemical reactions in its …..
shape, vacuole, adapted, cytoplasm, size, specialised, mature, mitochondria
Try these hyperlinked multiple choice quizzes about mitosis and meiosis:
1. Quiz 1
2. Quiz 2
3. Quiz 3
4. Questions 7 – 10 refer to the following structure:
7. What is the ‘entire structure’ called (1 mark)?
8. What is indicated by Number 2 (1 mark)?
9. During which phase of mitosis would this structure first appear (1 mark)?
10. What is the function of the centrioles in an animal cell ( 1 mark)?
11. ………………..
15. Explain briefly why cancer is considered to be a disease of the cell cycle
Include the following terms in your answer:
 Specific cell cycle regulators
 Checkpoints
( 3 marks).
16. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis (5 marks)
When does DNA
replication occur?
Number of divisions of
genetic material
Number of daughter cells
Genetic composition of
daughter cells
Role in the animal body
17. Which process occurs in meiosis but not mitosis?
A. Chromosome condensation
B. Chromatid separation
C. Crossing over
D. Chromosome movement to opposite poles
18. During which phase of meiosis does crossing over occur?
A. Prophase I
B. Prophase II
C. Metaphase I
D. Metaphase II
19. A cell with a diploid number of 24 goes through meiosis. How many chromosomes are
present in each daughter cell?
A. 24
B. 12
C. 48
D. 6
20. Homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles during which phase of meiosis?
A. Anaphase 1
B. Anaphase II
C. Telophase I
D. Telophase II