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Section 7.2 Notes
Cell Structure
Name: __________________
1. A cell is like a ___________________.
2. What is the role of the cell nucleus?
3. The 2 major parts of a eukaryotic cell:
4. True/False: Prokaryotes have cytoplasm. ______
5. What does “organelle” mean? _______________________
Comparing the Cell to a Factory
6. How is the cell like a factory?
The Nucleus
7. How is the nucleus like the office of a factory?
8. The ____________ contains nearly all the cell’s _______ and, with it, the coded instructions for making
________________ and other important molecules.
9. The nucleus is surrounded by a ______________ ______________ composed of two membranes.
10. Where are nuclear pores found and what do they do?
11. What moves through the nuclear pores to the rest of the cell?
12. Most of the time, _______________ are spread throughout the nucleus in the form of ______________—a
complex of DNA bound to proteins.
13. What happens to a cells chromosomes when the cell divides?
14. Most nuclei also contain a small, dense region known as the __________.
15. What is the job of the nucleolus?
16. Describe the structure of the nucleus. Include the words nuclear envelope, nuclear pore, chromatin,
chromosome and nucleolus.
17. What are the functions of the:
Vacuoles and Vesicles
18. Define vacuole:
19. What is the function of vacuoles in plants?
20. Vacuoles are also found in ______________ organisms such as the ________________ and
21. Where would you find a vesicle and what is it used for?
22. Look at Fig 7-8 on pg. 199. What happens to vacuoles that makes a plant wilt?
23. How does a paramecium regulate water?
24. What are two things that lysosomes do for a cell?
25. True or False: lysosomes are ONLY found in plant cells.
26. Have you ever been in a circus tent? Describe what it looks like:
27. _____________________ cells are given their shape and internal organization by a network of protein filaments
known as the __________________.
28. How is the cytoskeleton like a conveyer belt?
29. Name 2 types of filaments:
30. Describe microfilmants. (What they are made of, their job)
31. What do microtubules look like and what do they do for a cell?
32. In ______________ cells, structures known as _______________ are also formed from tubulins.
33. _____________ help organize cell division.
34. __________________________ help to build projections from the cell surface, which are known as
___________ and flagella, that enable cells to swim rapidly through liquids.
35. Write a summary that identifies the role of the cytoskeleton in the cell.
36. What orgnaelles help make and transport proteins?
37. NAME
Rough ER
Golgi apparatus
38. A big part of the cell is devoted to the production and distribution of ________________.
39. Proteins are synthesized on ______________, sometimes in association with the rough endoplasmic reticulum in
40. Ribosomes are small particles of ___________ and protein found throughout the cytoplasm in all cells.
41. Ribosomes produce proteins by following coded ______________ that come from _______.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
42. The _______________________ is where lipid components of the cell membrane are _________________,
along with proteins and other materials that are ____________ from the cell.
43. What part of the ER is involved in protein synthesis?
44. What is smooth ER and what is its job in a cell?
45. How does rough ER get its name?
47. What is smooth ER and what is its function?
Golgi Apparatus
48. ______________ produced in the rough ER move next into the ________ _______________, which appears as a
stack of flattened membranes.
49. How is the Golgi Apparatus like a customization shop?
50. Where does the protein go after it is down in the Golgi Apparatus?
51. In your notes: Make a flowchart to show how proteins are assembled in a cell.
Hint: Start where proteins are assembled.
52. What are the functions of chloroplasts and mitochondria?
A. ___________________capture the energy from sunlight and convert it into food that contains
___________________ energy in a process called photosynthesis.
53. ________________convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient.
54. ________________ and _________________ are both involved in energy conversion processes within the cell.
55. How are chloroplasts like solar panels?
56. Inside the organelle are large stacks of other ___________, which contain the green pigment _______________.
57. True or False: Nearly all prokaryotic cells, including plants, contain mitochondria._______
58. How are mitochondria like power plants?
59. In ____________, all or nearly all of our ___________________ come from the cytoplasm of the ____________,
or egg cell. You get your mitochondria from Mom!
60. What two organelles contain their own DNA molecules?
61. The endosymbiotic theory suggests that _______________ and _________________ may have descended from
independent microorganisms.
62. Which organelle captures energy from the sun and converts it to chemical energy?____________________
63. Which organelle converts or releases chemical energy from food in cells? ________________________
64. What is the function of a cell membrane?
65. What barrier are all cells supported by? ____________________
Cell Wall
66. Most ___________________, also produce a strong supporting layer around the membrane known as a
67. What is the main function of a cell wall?
68. Name 2 organisms that have a cell wall.
Cell Membrane
69. All cells contain a ___________________that regulates what enters and __________ the cell and also protects
and ________________ the cell.
70. Describe the composition of the cell membrane and what it does.
71. “water loving”:
72. “water hating”:
73. What happens to the fatty acids when a lipid bilayer is formed?
74. Why is it called a “fluid mosaic”?
75. Many of the ___________________ molecules act like chemical identification cards, allowing individual cells to
____________________ one another.
76. Most biological membranes are ______________________________ meaning that some substances can pass
across them and others cannot. Selectively permeable membranes are also called _____________________
77. Think of an analogy to explain The Fluid Mosaic Model….