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Chapter 1 CELLS
Date ____________________
1. Who built an early microscope in 1665 that was able to magnify small objects 30 times and
notices small boxlike sections he called cells?
a. Gregor Mendel
b. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
c. Robert Hooke
d. Louis Pasteur
2. What did Anton van Leeuwenhoek discover when he used a microscope to look at pond
a. one-celled organisms
b. viruses
c. organ systems
d. DNA
3. According to cell theory:
a. Cells are located in the mitochondria.
b. Cells are primarily made up of protein.
c. All cells have chloroplasts.
d. Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things.
4. According to cell theory:
a. All life functions take place in the cells.
b. All viruses contain cells.
c. All one-celled organisms contain chloroplasts.
d. All cell functions begin in the vacuole.
5. Cell theory states that “New cells are formed from:
a. old cells
b. existing cells
c. the cytoplasm
d. photosynthesis
6. The chloroplast is the organelle that is responsible for
a. storing water, wastes, and nutrients
b. synthesizing food and oxygen
c. making food
d. respiration
7. The function of a vacuole is to
a. release energy for respiration
b. synthesize food and oxygen
c. make food
d. store water, wastes, and nutrients
8. The cell wall is only found
a. in the cell membrane
b. in the nucleus
c. in an animal cell
d. in a plant cell
9. The nucleus is
a. the middle of the cell
b. the control center of the cell
c. bean shaped organelle that contains the cell’s energy
d. organelle responsible for food production
10. The chromosomes are the structures that
a. give a plant cell support and structure.
b. contain the control center of the cell.
c. provide oxygen to all the organelles.
d. carry an organism’s genetic information.
11. Animal cells to not have
a. cell walls or cytoplasm
b. chloroplasts or vacuoles
c. DNA or vacuoles
d. cell walls or chloroplasts
12. Mitosis in human beings begins with a cell that has
a. 23 chromosomes
b. 26 chromosomes
c. 46chromosomes
d. 50chromosomes
13. Mitosis is the cell division process that makes cells
a. for growth and repair
b. involved in reproduction
c. that have chromosomes
d. that release energy for respiration
14. Meiosis is the cell division process that makes cells
a. for growth and repair
b. involved in reproduction
c. that have chromosomes
d. that release energy for respiration
15. Meiosis in human beings begins with one cell that has
a. 23 chromosomes
b. 26 chromosomes
c. 46 chromosomes
d. 50 chromosomes
16. Meiosis in human beings form cells that have
a. 23 chromosomes
b. 26 chromosomes
c. 46 chromosomes
d. 50 chromosomes
17. When an egg and a sperm cell unite to form a single cell, this is called
a. asexual reproduction
b. fertilization
c. respiration
d. mitosis
18. Which is an NOT an example of sexual reproduction
a. A flower blooms, dies and leaves a seed pod full of seeds.
b. A paramecium makes an exact copy of itself.
c. A cat has kittens.
d. A chick hatches from an egg.
19. Which is an NOT an example of asexual reproduction
a. A flower blooms, dies and leaves a seed pod full of seeds.
b. A paramecium makes an exact copy of itself.
c. A spider plant products lots of runners, each with a baby spider plant on the end.
d. Ava breaks off a vine from one of her plants. She sticks it in water and it grows roots.
She plants the rooted vine, and it becomes a new healthy plant.
20. A recessive gene (trait) is the one that
a. is considered the stronger gene.
b. always needs two factors to be expressed or seen
c. is always expressed, or seen when it is present
d. always expressed or seen when only one factor is present.