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Suggested Due Date: Monday, March 12th
Study Guide for DNA Exam on Wednesday November 17th
I encourage you to work in groups, however, please write the answers down yourself. Once you have the study
guide completed, I suggest that you make flashcards, or find another way to review the material on your own.
Please also make a plan to study in a group. I will give you 2 points extra credit on your exam, if you can
show proof that you created or joined a study group.
1. What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
Prokaryotic Cell
Eukaryotic Cell
What is the general equation for photosynthesis?
Define the following processes: DNA replication, transcription, and translation. What are the products?
When do they occur? Where do they occur in prokaryotes? Where do these processes occur in
In prokaryotesDNA
In eukaryotes-
In prokaryotes-
In eukaryotes-
In prokaryotes-
In eukaryotes-
*Do all the somatic cells (What is a somatic cell?______________________________) in your body
have the same DNA? ______________.
Different cells have different structures and functions because__________________________________
Give an example of a codon:
Does each amino acid have only one codon? Why?
What is the monomer of DNA and RNA? _____________________________________________
How is mRNA different from DNA (HINT: there are three differences)?
If one ribose monomer was bonded to one cytosine molecule, and one phosphate molecule, we would
have a ___________________? (Hint: Draw it)
What is the result of the DNA replication of one double strand of DNA?
10. What is mRNA and tRNA, What is their structure? What is their function (job in the cell)?
Types of RNA
11. Draw a picture of a double stranded DNA molecule. Make sure your drawing illustrates the three
dimensional structure of DNA. Label the three components of a nucleotide, and correctly pair each of
the four bases. Draw your picture so that you can tell that the DNA strands are anti-parallel. Then label
the orientation of each DNA strand (5’ or 3’). On one sugar, number each of the carbons, to help show
orientation. HINT: Use the pictures in your DNA reading packet
12. Draw a picture of DNA synthesis. Label the DNA orientation (5’ or 3’). Label the template strand,
the new strands, the leading strand, the lagging strand, the Okazaki fragments, the replication bubble,
DNA polymerase, helicase, primer, ligase, direction of synthesis, and the origin of replication. HINT:
Use the picture in DNA Reading Packet
Write a short caption to explain what is happening in your diagram.
13. Draw an overview of transcription and translation in a eukaryotic cell. Label the cell and the
nucleus. HINT: Use the pictures in your DNA reading packet on page 331 of your From DNA to Traits
For transcription, include both DNA strands and mRNA. Correctly base pair the nucleotides in your
drawing. Label RNA polymerase, free nucleotides, the DNA template strand, the direction of
transcription, and the orientation of the DNA and RNA strands (5’ or 3’).
For translation, include an mRNA strand, a ribosome with all three peptide sites, a tRNA with an
anticodon that is correctly paired with the mRNA and an amino acid that would correspond to the codon
shown. Label ribosome, mRNA, tRNA, polypeptide chain, codon and anticodon. Use your codon sheet
for this.
Finally describe in words or pictures how the ribosome and each tRNA move through the mRNA in
order to build a polypeptide chain
14. What is the complimentary group of three nucleotide bases on the tRNA called that binds to a codon?
15. Protein Synthesis
Other names for protein synthesis are:
Protein synthesis is important because:
16. *Gene Regulation
In one sentence, explain how genes are regulated in prokaryotes. __________________________
Use the lac operon as an example. Draw a picture and include the lac genes, the lac proteins, the
represser gene, the repressor, the promoter, the operater, lactose, and RNA polymerase. Explain what
happens when lactose is present and what happens when it isn’t.
17. *Why is gene regulation important in prokaryotes?
18. *How is gene regulation different in eukaryotes? Why is gene regulation important in eukaryotes (hint:
how do we get different cells)?
19. Use the sequence of DNA nucleotides below to answer the following questions:
a. What would the series of nucleotides in mRNA transcribed from this strand be?
b. List the codons from the mRNA coded for by this series of DNA?
c. What would the complementary anticodon for each of the codons in your answer above be?
d. If the sequence of DNA nucleotides above is a complete gene that codes for a protein, write the
amino acid sequence for this protein.
e. If a thymine nucleotide were substituted for the first guanine nucleotide in the DNA sequence, how
many amino acids would be affected? What is this type of mutation called?
f. If the first cytosine nucleotide was deleted from the sequence of DNA above, how would the amino
acid sequence be affected? What would be the new sequence of amino acids? What is this type of
mutation called?
g. Explain the significance of a mutation like the one described above (f.) occurring in a gamete.
h. If the amino acids of the protein were different, could the proteins structure and function change?
20. You are a geneticist working in a DNA lab testing Alu elements on the XYZ locus of Chromosome
2. You need to test a person’s DNA to see if they are homozygous Alu+, homozygous Alu-, or
a. What are the three steps you will need to take to test the persons DNA? In what order will you
need to complete them?
b. PCR stands for ___________________________________________________
PCR is:
We use PCR to:
c. What are the ingredients in PCR? Define each ingredient and it’s function (the template strand,
the primers, DNA polymerase, the nucleotides, MgCl, buffers)
d. What are the temperature changes in PCR? What happens at each temperature change? Draw
e. What is gel electrophoresis?
f. In gel electrophoresis molecules get separated based on their __________________ &
g. DNA is ________________________charged and gets pulled to the
__________________________end of the gel box.
h. Draw an example gel and explain what the results would mean.
21. *You are a scientist and you want to make a lot of the insulin protein.
The steps of transformation are:
a. If you successfully transformed your bacteria, how would the phenotype (phenotype
is________________________)of the bacteria be different? Why?
b. How could you be sure that your transformation worked (hint: antibiotic resistance)?
c. Why would you want to genetically engineer bacteria to make the insulin and not another
organism like a sheep?
d. Then you would need to purify the protein. Explain why we would want pure insulin?
e. Describe the main steps in protein purification.
22. Proteins
a. A protein is made of monomers called
b. Explain the 4 levels of protein structure and draw a picture of each level
Levels of Protein Structure Description
Secondary (2◦)
Tertiary (3◦)
Quaternary (4◦)
c. The structure of a protein is determined by: _______________________________________
d. The structure of the protein is important because:
e. Proteins are important because:
f. Proteins that catalyze reactions (which means ________________________) are called:
Extra Credit Opportunities:
1. Finish the study guide by the suggested due date of Monday March 12th. (3pts)
2. Study with Mackenzie or Quanina during lunch, before school, or after school (2pts)