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Topic 7: Nucleic Acids
Topic 9: The Structure Cells and Cell Membrane
1. The monomers that make up nucleic acids are
known as __________________.
2. A nucleotide consists of what three parts?
3. What are the functions of nucleic acids in living
4. List three kinds of RNA?
2. Which of the following best describes the general
structure of a cell membrane?
A) Proteins are sandwiched between two layers of
B) Phospholipids are sandwiched between two layers of
C) Proteins are embedded in two layers of phospholipid
D) Phospholipids are embedded in two layers of protein
E) There is no proteins at all on the cell membrane.
6. What is the function of mRNA?
7. What are the differences of DNA from RNA?
8. Which type of sugars is found in the structure of DNA
10. What is the function of tRNA?
4. What is the meaning of semi-permeability?
5. Write the functions of the plasma membrane.
6. Which kind of lipids is found in structure of cell
7. Draw the general structure of a cell membrane
and label its parts.
8. Explain the hydrophobic and hydrophilic terms.
Where are these used for?
11. What are the differences of DNA from RNA?
Topic 10: Cytoplasm and Organelles:
Topic 8: Exploring of Cells:
1. Who was the first person to identify and see
A) Anton van Leeuwenhoek
B) Robert Hooke
C) Matthias Schleiden
D) Rudolf Virchow
E) Alexander Oparin
2. What are three concepts which make up The
Theory of Cell?
1. Which of following cell structures stores food,
water or wastes for cell?
A) Lysosomes
B) Vacuole
C) Mitochondria
D) Golgi body
E) Nucleus
2. Which organelle breaks down engulfed food
particles into their smallest parts?
A) Golgi apparatus
C) Endoplasmic reticulum
B) Lysosome
D) Mitochondrion
E) Centrosome
3. Are human cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Why?
4. Which of the following cannot be found in a
prokaryotic cell?
C) Ribosome
D) Membrane
E) Mitochondria
5. According to their cellular structure, cells are
grouped as ______________ and _______________.
6. What is the major difference between prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells?
8. Which of the following is a common structure for
Prokaryote and Eukaryotic organisms?
A) Ribosome
B) Lysosome
C) Nucleus
D) Mitochondria E) Vacuole
9. Human beings can stand upright because we have
skeletal system which gives support to our body. How
plants stand up right, although they do not have
10. What is the meaning of membranous organelle?
11. What are the common structures of prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells?
Date: ____/_____________/ 2011
4. Which organelle produces proteins using coded
instructions that come from the nucleus?
A) Golgi apparatus
C) Vacuole
B) Mitochondrion
D) Ribosome
E) Chloroplast
5. What is the name of organelle which is
responsible for cellular respiration and known as
the “energy power center” of cell?
A) Ribosome
B) Endoplasmic reticulum
C) Mitochondrion
D) Cell membrane
E) Lysosome
6. What is the difference between rough ER and
smooth ER?
7. What we call the inner folds of the mitochondria?
A) Cristae
B) Matrix
C) Stroma
D) Grana
E) Tubules
9. Chloroplasts are found in which of the following?
A) Plant cells
D) Bacteria cell
B) Animal cells
E) Fungi Cell
C) Both A and B
10. Match the cell structure with the part of a
factory it is like.
Cell Structure
Factory Part
1. Cytoskeleton
a. oil-burning furnaces
2. Nucleus
b. Customization shop
Signature: _____________________
3. Ribosome
c. Solar pover plants
4. Golgi apparatus
d. Steel beams and columns
5. Chloroplasts
e. Factory machines
6. Mitochondria
f. Main office
11. Match the organelle with its function in the cell.
Topic 11: Passive Diffusion
1. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area
of ______ concentration to an area of ______
2. The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable
membrane is called _____________.
1. Ribosome
a. Uses energy from sunlight
to make energy- rich food
2. Endoplasmic
3. Golgi body
4. Lysosome
5. Vacuole
6. Chloroplast
7. Mitochondria
b. Stack of membranes in which
enzymes attach carbohydrates and
lipids to proteins.
c. Produce energy
d. An internal membrane system
in which components of cell
membrane and some proteins are
e. Sac-like structures that store
f. Small particles made up of rRNA
and protein molecules which
produce proteins
g. Filled with enzymes used to
break down food into particles
that can be used
12. Match the structures of cell with their functions.
a. Cell wall | b. Nucleus | c. Cytoskeleton | d. Endoplasmic
reticulum | e. Golgi body | f. chloroplast | g. mitochondria
3. Which of the following statements is true about
A) It is very rapid over long distances.
B) It requires expenditure of energy by the cell.
C) It is a passive process.
D) It occurs when molecules move from a region of
lower concentration to a region of higher concentration.
E) It requires integral proteins of the cell membrane.
4. Explain the following terms:
Hypertonic solution:
Isotonic Solution:
Hypotonic Solution:
5. The internal solute concentration of a plant cell is
about 0.8 M. To demonstrate plasmolysis it would
be necessary to suspend the cell in what solution?
A) distilled water B) 0.4 M
C) 0.8 M
D) 1.0 M
E) any of the above
6. Sea water is dangerous to drink because____.
A) one cup of sea water contains enough sodium to
poison you
B) sea water is hypertonic to your body tissues and
drinking it will cause you to lose water by osmosis
C) sea water is isotonic to your body fluids and you will
absorb too much water, causing your cells to burst
D) the salt causes hypertension and you will promptly
die of a stroke
E) it contains toxic levels of iodine
7. Match the situation to the description
___ 1.
Controls most cell processes and contains DNA
___ 2.
Uses energy from food to make high-energy
1. Two solutions
are isotonic
___ 3.
Provides support and protective for the cell
___ 4.
Maintains cell shape with a network of protein
2. A solution is
b. The solutions are
the same strenght.
___ 5.
Uses energy from sunlight to make
3. A solution is
c. the solution is below
strength in solute.
___ 6.
___ 7.
Assembles components of the cell membrane
and modifies some proteins food molecules
Attaches carbohydrates and lipids to proteins
using enzymes
13. What is the function of the nucleus?
15. If you remove the nucleus form any cell, what
happens to cell?
16. Which structures found in the nucleus stores
genetic information?
17. Draw a nucleus and label its parts.
a. The solution is above
strength in solute.
8. What are the effects of carrier proteins in diffusion?
9. If we put a plant cell into distilled water, it will
A) burst
B) shrink
C) swell
D) sink
E) swim
Some erythrocyte cells are placed into a liquid that has
a density of 1.1 like figure given above. Density of cells
is 0.9.
a) What will happen to red blood cells?
Date: ____/_____________/ 2011
Signature: _____________________
b) If we place red blood cells into fresh water that has
density of 0.7, what would be the result of experiment?
11. Sucrose cannot pass through the cell membrane,
but water and urea can. Osmosis would cause red
blood cells to shrink the most when immersed in
which of the following solutions?
A) a hypertonic sucrose solution
B) a hypotonic sucrose solution
C) a hypertonic urea solution
D) a hypotonic urea solution
E) pure water
12. What can be observed when we add a cell into the
salty water (hypertonic solution)?
13. A hypertonic salt solution has a higher
concentration of solutes than a blood cell. Explain
what happens when a blood cell is placed in a
hypertonic salt solution.
14. Which of the following factors increases rate of
passive transport through the membrane, if the level
of this factor increases?
A) Molecular size
B) Molecular weight
C) Pore number
D) Molecular charge
E) Molecular type
15. How does alcohol diffuse through the plasma
16. What is the Dialysis? For what reason is it used?
17. List 4 factors that affect the rate of passive transport
a) …………………………………………………….
b) ………………………………………………………
c) ………………………………………………………
d) ………………………………………………………
Date: ____/_____________/ 2011
Signature: _____________________