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Question 1
Cell theory includes the principle that
A) cells are the smallest living things. Nothing smaller than a cell is considered alive.
B) all cells are surrounded by cell walls that protect them.
C) all organisms are made up of many cells arranged in specialized, functional groups.
D) all cells are made of smaller subunits called organelles. Nothing smaller than an organelle is
considered alive.
Question 2
The plasma membrane
A) is a carbohydrate layer that surrounds groups of cells, called tissues, to protect them.
B) is a double lipid layer with proteins inserted in it, which surrounds every cell individually.
C) is a thin sheet of structural proteins that lines the inside of some body cavities.
D) is composed of blood plasma that has solidified into a protective barrier.
Question 3
Organisms that have cells with a relatively uniform cytoplasm and no organelles are called ______________,
and organisms whose cells do have organelles and a nucleus are called ______________ .
A) cellulose, nuclear
B) flagellated, streptococcal
C) eukaryotes, prokaryotes
D) prokaryotes, eukaryotes
Question 4
Within the nucleus of a cell you can find
A) a nucleolus.
B) many ribosomes.
C) a cytoskeleton.
D) all of the above.
Question 5
The endomembrane system within a cell includes
A) the cytoskeleton and the ribosomes.
B) the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes.
C) the endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi bodies.
D) the mitochondria and the chloroplasts.
Question 6
Until fairly recently it was thought that only the nucleus of each cell contained DNA. We now know that
DNA is also carried in the
A) cytoskeleton and the ribosomes.
B) the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes.
C) the endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi bodies.
D) the mitochondria and the chloroplasts.
Question 7
Which of the following statements is correct?
A) All cells have a cell wall for protection and structure.
B) Eukaryotic plants and fungi, and all prokaryotes, have a cell wall.
C) All cells have a second membrane composed of structural carbohydrates.
D) Prokaryotes and all eukaryotic animal cells have a cell wall.
Question 8
If you put a drop of food coloring into a glass of water, the drop of color will
A) fall to the bottom of the glass and sit there unless you stir the water; this is because of hydrogen bonds.
B) float on the top of the water, like oil, unless you stir the water; this is because of surface tension.
C) instantly disperse throughout the water; this is because of osmosis.
D) slowly disperse throughout the water; this is because of diffusion.
Question 9
When large molecules such as food particles need to get into a cell, they cannot easily pass through the
surface membrane and so they move across the membrane through the processes of
A) diffusion and osmosis.
B) endocytosis and phagocytosis.
C) exocytosis and pinocytosis.
D) permeability and reception.
Question 10
Active transport of certain molecules involves
A) diffusion and osmosis.
B) endocytosis and phagocytosis.
C) energy and specialized pumps or channels.
D) permeability and reception.
Question 1
Robert Hooke first described cells by looking at thin slices of_____________________.
A) honeycomb.
B) skin.
C) cork.
D) bacteria.
Question 2
What limits cell size?
A) Surface-to-volume ratio.
B) Speed of movement of materials from the middle to the periphery of the cell.
C) The bigger the cell, the less access there is from the exterior of the cell to the inside of the cell.
D) All of the above limit cell size.
Question 3
Which of the following structures contain microtubules?
A) cilia
B) flagella
C) centrioles
D) all of the above
Question 4
A) are located in the nucleus.
B) contain DNA.
C) are only visible at certain times with a light microscope.
D) all of the above characterize chromosomes
Question 5
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum ________________.
A) synthesizes minerals.
B) synthesizes carbohydrates and lipids.
C) functions as structural support for the cell.
D) synthesizes ribosomes.
Question 6
The net movement of molecules down a concentration gradient is__________________.
A) osmosis.
B) osmotic pressure.
C) diffusion.
D) exocytosis.
Question 7
Which of the following can move freely across a plasma membrane?
A) sugar
B) protein
C) urea
D) water
Question 8
A red blood cell placed in pure water will burst Because______________.
A) osmotic pressure increases inside the cell.
B) the solution surrounding the cell is hypotonic.
C) the cell is hypertonic.
D) all of the above
Question 9
Which one of the following terms is not related to a substance entering a cell?
A) endocytosis
B) exocytosis
C) phagocytosis
D) pinocytosis
Question 10
Movement of molecules through channels in the plasma membrane in only one direction by the expenditure of
energy is____________.
A) osmosis.
B) diffusion.
C) active transport.
D) facilitated diffusion.
Question 11
Detoxification of potentially dangerous oxidizing moelcules occurs within the lysosome.
A) True
B) False
Question 12
The Golgi complex synthesizes proteins.
A) True
B) False
Question 13
Energy for the cell is generated by the mitochondrion.
A) True
B) False
Question 14
Chloroplasts are found only in plants.
A) True
B) False
Question 15
Cell vacuoles are comprised of empty space.
A) True
B) False
Question 16
Cell walls in plants are composed of cellulose.
A) True
B) False
Question 17
The chemical reactions of photosynthesis occur on the membranes of the mitochondrion.
A) True
B) False
Question 18
Some cell surface proteins respond to chemical signals called hormones.
A) True
B) False
Question 19
Prior to replication the DNA in the nucleus is in the form of a tangled mass called chromatin.
A) True
B) False
Question 20
Diffusion is the movement of water molecules across a semi-permeable membrane which continues until
equilibrium has been reached.
A) True
B) False