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Download Understand: All living things are made of cell that complete jobs
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Understand: All living things are made of cell that complete jobs which make life possible. SPI L/S 7.1.1 Identify and describe the function of the major plant and animal cell organelles. DO: Draw and label each cell part. KNOW: Tell the function/ job of each part. Make sure to include all of the following: Nucleus Ribosomes Nucleolus Mitochondria Cell Membrane Golgi Apparatus Cell Wall Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Centrioles Lysosomes Ex. Chloroplast Converts energy in plants (makes food for plants) Large Central Vacuoles Vacuoles, Cytoplasm Chloroplast Understand: All _____ things are made of ______ that complete ______ which make _____ possible. SPI L/S 7.1.2 Interpret a chart to explain the integrated relationships that exist among cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms. Know: The order of levels of organization Do: Draw a picture to represent each level of organization of life. Label each level. SPI L/S 7.1.4 Sequence a series of diagrams that depict chromosome movement during plant cell division. Know: Define Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Teleophase, Cytokinesis Do: Draw the 6 phases, label the phases, and label the parts in each phase (spindle fibers, centrioles, chromatids or chromosomes). Understand: All living things are made of cell that complete jobs which make life possible. SPI L/S 7.1.5 Explain how materials move through simple diffusion. Know: Define: diffusion osmosis Do: Draw a pictures to illustrate both diffusion and osmosis (the movement of particles). Understand: All _____ things are made of ______ that complete ______ which make _____ possible. SPI L/S 7.1.3 Explain the basic functions of a major organ system Know: the 11 organ systems and their functions Do: Cut out the organ system, label it, and then match it with its function.