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Characteristics of Life
Carbon based
Energy source
Organization of multi-celled living things
Cells  tissues organs  system  organism
Single celled organisms
Can live alone or in colonies
6 Kingdoms
 Animal
 Plant
 Fungi
 Bacteria – prokaryotes (simple celled)
 Moneran – eukaryotes (complex celled)
 Archea – extremophiles
Microscope 101
Robert Hooke – 1665
 3 lens in gold leather case
 poor quality (compared to a cheap microscope today)
 looked at cork, saw plant cells
Anton van Leewenhoek – 1700
 Improved accuracy and quality of lens
 Ground lenses himself
 First to name bacteria (animacuoles)
 Saw red blood cells
Compound Microscope
 Use either natural light or lamp
 Magnify power determined by multiplying of eye pieced and objective lens
 Eye piece (10) * Objective lens (30) = 300 magnifying power over
Scanning Electron Microscope – 1970’s
 Beam electrons over the surface
 3D picture of surface
 Bt only get the surface
 60,000 magnification
Scanning Tunneling Microscope – 1980’s
 Beam electrons
 See atoms at objects surface
 Get a 3D image, still just a surface image
 100 million magnification
Transmission Election Microscope – 1990’s
 Beam electrons through specimen, denser portions allow fewer electrons
through, give a darker image to the denser sections
 Get a 2D image (a cellular x-ray)
 100,000’s times
New electron microscopes give greater detail, but do destroy the sample
Cell Theory / Cell History
William of Ockham - 1347
English Franciscan monk and philosopher
Ockham’s Razor
should not be assumed without necessity
In otherwords, keep it simple
Robert Hooke – 1665
 Used very simple microscope, poor quality, little detail
 Only saw cell walls
 Saw simple box structures, called them cells
o (pg 176. in text for picture of what Hooke saw)
Francesco Redi – 1668
 Before Redi people believed in spontaneous generation
o Living things could come from dead/non-living things
 Ex. maggots born from rotten meat
 Redi proved that living things can only come from other living
 Put out three jars with meat in them
o One open top, one with a cork, one with cheese cloth (allowed air
to get to meat, but not the flies)
o Noticed flies hanging around
o Meat went rotten in all jars
o Only maggots formed on the open jars
At time most educated people still did not understand disease or
that microbes came from other living microbes
* Many people still believed in spontaneous generation for microbes
* Something in the broth would make it go bad, they didn't think
that microbes did it
Anton van Leeuwenhoek - 1700
 Improved lens for microscopes
 Expanded knowledge of microbes
 Looked at pond water (saw microbes), blood (saw red blood cells), cheek
Lazzarro Spallanzani - 1768
Showed that microbes are in the air and they could be killed by boiling
Boiled two flasks, sealed one and left the other opened
Sealed = clear
Opened = cloudy
Matthias Schleiden (1830’s)
 Observed plants
 All plants made up of cells
Theodore Schwann (1830’s)
 Observed animals
 All animals made up of cells
Louis Pasteur (1850’s)
 Proved all living things come from living things
 Also helped to prove that microbes caused disease & ruined food
 Found out that if heated liquids like (milk, apple cider, and wine) that the
flavor didn’t change, but that the microbes that ruined the food were dead
 Used flasks with curved ends to show that microbes ruined food, microbes
were every where, and that only came from other microbes
o Curved flasks were open to the air
o Boiled to kill microbes
o Microbes trapped in curve
o Took some flasks and ran both into curve
o Later those tipped flasks had microbes
o There are still open flasks that are free of microbes 150+ years
Robert Koch - 1880’s
Very methodical
Improved culturing techniques
Proved how disease was transmitted
Cell Theory
1. All organisms are composed from cells (One or more)
2. Cells are the basic unit of organization of organisms
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells
Types of Cells
Prokaryotes – Simple Cells
 Bacteria (Monerans)
 Lack internal membrane bound structures (organelles)
 Has no nuclear membrane
Eukaryotes – Complex cells
 Found in multicellular organisms (plants, animals, fungi)
 Protists (algae, yeast, paramecium, etc)
 Contain membrane bound structures (organelles)
 Has a nuclear membrane
Archea – Extremophiles
 Extreme loving single celled organisms
 Sort of a mix between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
 So different from both that are put into own category (own kingdom!)
Animal Cell Notes
Important chemicals needed for the Cell to Survive
Lipids = fats
Carbohydrates = starch/stored energy
Glucose = sugar
Proteins = energy source, enzyme (starts reactions)
Organelles (“cellular organs”)
1. Membrane
2. Solid (mostly)
3. Microtubular (structure)
Extra stuff in the cell
o Storage substances (ex. lipid droplets)
o Waste materials
o Products of the cell
o Pigment granules
o Foreign materials (ex. viruses)
Major Organelles
Cytoplasm – Goo stuff floats around in
 Fluid to jelly-like material that fills the cell
 Within the cell membrane
 EXCLUDING the nucleus
 Dissolved in the cytoplasm are simple sugars (ex. glucose), amino acids,
O2, CO2, ions, and large carbohydrates
 Suspended in cytoplasm: inclusions & organelles
Nucleus – Brain of the Cell
 Usually found in central part of cell
 Contains Chromatin
o DNA (genetic material) and proteins
o Genes (hereditary units) of the cell
Nuclear Membrane – Protects Nucleus
 Double membrane around nucleus
 Has pores in it, allows materials to pass in and out of nucleus
Nucleolus – Ribosome Maker
Found within Nucleus
Makes ribosomes
 Present ONLY during cell division
 Microtubules that act
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) – Structure/Surface Provider
 Consists of highly folded sheets of membrane suspended
 Folded to form loose sheets or tubes
 Provides some physical support for cell
 Folds create inner compartments (cisternae) which are used to store some
of the produces synthesized by the cell
 Two types:
Rough ER
Has ribosomes on outer surface (hence “rough” ER)
Provides stable place where ribosomes can attach and make
Smooth ER
Outer surface provides a tremendous amount of surface
area for synthesis (creating) of lipids and carbohydrates
Ribosome – Protein Producer
 Solid spherical particles of RNA (single strand of genetic info) and protein
 Frequently found on outer surface of ER
 Some are free floating
 Provides location for protein synthesis, ESSENTIAL for this purpose
 Ribosomes stabilize some of the molecules requires for protein synthesis
 Contain some of the enzymes needed for cellular respiration and electron
Lysosomes - Garbage Men of Cell
 Sacs made of a single membrane (balloon-like)
 Contain hydrolytic enzymes that can break down large molecules into
smaller ones
 Enzymes destroy foreign material picked up by cell
 Also destroys worn out or injured cells (helps the cell “self destruct”)
Vacuoles – Storage Containers
 Sacs made up of a single membrane
 Store things in the cell
o Food and enzymes (for later use)
o Waste products made by cell
Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Complex) – Cells Mailman
 Stacks of discs (like pancakes)
 Always found close to ER and cell membrane
 Provide temporary storage to newly synthesized materials
 Vesicles – small sacs at the end of the Golgi stacks
o Contain a single membrane
o Can modify proteins into packages ready to be sent where they are
 Modifies and sends proteins where they need to be
o Synthesis begins in ER  moves to golgi apparatus moves to
buds sent out of cell
Mitochondria – Energy Releaser
 Hollow structures, oval or rod shaped, double layer of membrane
 Inner membrane has intricate folds that project into a hollow cavity
o Provides more surface area
 Site of cellular respiration & electron transport
 Release large amounts of energy
o Can be released for immediate use or stored as ATP (high energy
 ATP = adenosine triphosphate
Cellular Respiration (How the cell breathes & eats)
 Break down nutrients to CO2 and water
 Allows cell to take in different gases and release waste gases
 Major energy activity (How cells get some of their energy)
 C6H12O6 +6O2  6H20 + energy
Electron Transport Chain
 Uses part of the energy released in cellular respiration to form ATP (high energy
 Use a bit of energy to make “super battery cells” used in almost all cellular functions
 Network that provides structure and strength to cell
 Give it rigidity and provide for cell movement
o Microfilaments – solid rods/fibers that provide structure
o Microtubules – hollow tubes that provide structure, allow stuff to
flow through tube
Cilia and Flagella
 How single-celled organisms move
 Thread-like projections out of cell (microtubules filled with cytoplasm)
 Basically the same thing, only difference is the amount
o Cilia - Lots of little threads, wave-like motion
Flagella - One single large thread, whip-like motion
Plant Cell Notes
Contain all of the same organelles as animals cells with a few
Cell Wall
 Has pores
 Provides structure and rigidity to plant cells
 Made up of cellulose
 Often contain other pigments the cell uses for energy production
 Used to store energy (like a vacuole)
 Some contain starch or lipids
 These other plastids are what we see when the leaves change color
 Capture light and produce food
 Where photosynthesis takes place
 Chlorophyll
o Actual pigment that captures light energy
o Green color