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Final Exam Study Guide (2010-2011)
Identify the order in which the scientific investigation is applied.
Be familiar with how a scientific theory is implicated (drawn in)/applied.
Identify the major idea that Darwin presented in his book “The Origin of Species.”
Identify what is an outcome of a species when natural resources are limited.
Identify how a new species is formed from an existing species.
Name the features that help to determine how closely related several species are to
each other.
7. Identify what can occur over a period time to the bacterium that causes Tuberculosis.
(i.e. Movies: Outbreak and Russian Prison)
8. What happened to the earliest hominids as they evolved?
9. Identify a vestigial structure.
10. Identify the effect of temperature on enzymes.
11. Distinguish the effects of different solutions on the size of the cell. (i.e. hyper-hypoiso-tonic)
12. Know the primary function of the cell membrane.
13. Identify the site of photosynthesis.
14. Identify the site of protein synthesis.
15. Define homeostasis.
16. Identify which cell organelle is most identifiable in newly discovered species.
17. State the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. (i.e. Prokaryotes do not
have a nucleus).
18. Know that genetically similar organisms that can produce fertile offspring are called
19. Identify the characteristics of all living things. Also, what is not a characteristic of
all living things?
20. Know that two animals of different species would be least likely to have similar body
21. Know which molecules are classified as carbohydrates.
22. State the element that is found in ALL organic compounds.
23. Know which molecules (i.e. carbohydrate, lipid, or protein) contain amino acids.
24. Be able to distinguish between a polar, non-polar, and bipolar molecule.
25. Name some examples of lipids.
26. Know what feature determines the size of a protein.
27. Differentiate the processes of osmosis and diffusion.
28. Differentiate endocytosis and exocytosis.
29. Differentiate active transport and passive transport.
30. What happens when cells break down food molecules?
31. What is the purpose of the energy we get from food?
32. What drives metabolism?
33. What happens when a phosphate group is removed from ATP?
34. Recognize the chemical equation of photosynthesis.
35. Recognize the chemical equation of cellular respiration.
36. Where does photosynthesis occur? (i.e.autotrophs, heterotrophs, or decomposers)
37. Where does cellular respiration occur? (i.e. autotrophs, heterotrophs, or
38. Identify what occurs in the Cell Cycle.
39. Recognize the process of mitosis and meiosis. (SEE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER)
40. Distinguish the difference autosome and sex chromosomes.
41. Identify the functions of male and female sex chromosomes.
42. State Mendel’s law of segregation and independent assortment.
43. Identify sex-linked (diseases) traits.
44. Read and interpret a pedigree.
45. Identify the characteristics of a DNA molecule. (i.e. backbone is made of?)
46. Build a complimentary strand of nucleotides from DNA to DNA; DNA to RNA; and
47. Know that DNA is composed of long chains of nucleotides.
48. Identify the major difference between DNA and RNA.
49. Identify and state the purpose of translation (t) RNA.
50. Identify which strand of RNA nucleotides anticodons are found
51. State how a mutation will occur and give an example.
52. Identify the steps of gene expression.
53. Identify the purpose of biotechnology?
1. How do bacteria become resistant? What is the evidence for their evolution?
2. Explain the role of photosynthesis and cellular that allows the functioning of
cells in living organisms.
 State the materials that are cycled through the process
 State the cell organelles where each process occurs
 State the flow of energy, beginning with the sun
3. In a VENN DIAGRAM describe the processes of PASSSIVE and ACTIVE
TRANSPORT systems.
4. A .Explain how genes control the production of proteins. (mRNA,
Transcription, tRNA, translation, and amino acids.
B. Explain the effect of a change in DNA.