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• 21. Sensory receptors
illustrated are specialized to
respond to changes in their
environment called:
A. stimuli
B. motor activity
C. perception activity
D. integration
• 22.The free nerve endings
illustrated for cold are
classified as:
A. Nociceptors
B. Photoreceptors
C. Thermoreceptors
D. Chemoreceptors
23.Within a nerve, each axon is
surrounded by endoneurium, a
delicate layer of loose connective
tissue that also encloses the
fiber’s associated myelin or
neurilemma sheath. Groups of
fibers are bound into bundles
A. fascicle
B. perineurium
C. epineurium
D. sheath
24. Mature neurons do not divide.
If damage to a neuron occurs to
the axon and the cell body
remains intact, cut or compressed
axons can:
– A. regenerate.
– B. never regenerate.
25.The diagram illustrates
successful axon regeneration in a
peripheral nerve but if the cell
body was damaged the
regeneration would be:
A. just as successful
B. more rapid
C. less successful
D. preceded by meiotic division
26.If this damaged was in the
CNS it would have been viewed
as irreversible because:
– A. less macrophage invasion of
the damaged tissue
– B. secondary demyelination
– C. CNS is soaked with growthinhibiting proteins
– D. all are correct
27.Dentists desensitize upper and
lower jaws by injecting local
anesthetic (Novocain) into alveolar
branches of maxillary and
mandibular divisions of the cranial
A. Trigeminal
B. Facial
C. Glossopharyngeal
D. Hypoglossal
28.Piercing anywhere in the
anterior 2/3 of the tongue could
effect the following Cranial Nerve
involved in taste:
A. Trigeminal
B. Facial
C. Glossopharyngeal
D. Hypoglossal
29.Thirty-one pairs of spinal
nerves, each containing
thousands of nerve fibers, arise
from the spinal cord and supply all
parts of the body except the:
– A. hand and feet
– B. arms and legs
– C. head and some areas of the
– D. chest and abdomen
30. Thirty-one pairs of mixed
spinal nerves arise from the spinal
cord and are named according to
their point of issue:
A. from the brain
B. to the brain
C. to the spinal cord
D. from the spinal cord
• 31.Striking the “funny
bone”-- the spot where a
nerve rests against the
medial epicondyle of the
elbow region—causes
tingling of the fingers. The
nerve that has been
compressed is the:
A. ulnar
B. radial
C. median
D. musculocutaneous
• 32.The largest branch of
the Sacral Plexus that
supplies nearly the entire
lower limb except the
anteromedial thigh is the:
• A. tibial nerve
• B. fibular nerve
• C. pudendal nerve
• D. sciatic nerve
• 33.Damage to the
Pudendal nerve could
have the following
effect on:
• A. penis erection
• B. defecation
• C. voluntary urination
• D. clitoris erection
• E. all are possible
• 34.All Spinal nerves
participate in
dermatomes (area of
skin innervated by the
cutaneous branches
of spinal nerves)
A. C1
B. T1
C. L1
D. S1
• 35.What muscle must
contract in order for
the leg to jerk up in
diagram (b)?
– A. Quadriceps
– B. Hamstring
• 36.The somatic
nervous system
stimulates skeletal
muscles, while the
autonomic nervous
system (ANS)
A. cardiac muscle
B. smooth muscles
C. glands
D. all are correct
• 37.According to the chart,
the somatic nervous
system only is involved
with skeletal muscle (T-F)
• 38. Axons of somatic
motor neurons extend
from the CNS to their
effectors (skeletal muscle
cells). These axons are
A. lightly myelinated
B. heavily myelinated
C. unmyelinated
D. all are possible
• 39.In the Autonomic
Nervous System
preganglionic axons are
lightly myelinated and the
postganglionic axons are:
A. lightly myelinated
B. heavily myelinated
C. unmyelinated
D. all are possible
• 40.All parasympathetic
postganglionic fibers of
the Autonomic Nervous
system release
acetylcholine. (T-F)
• 41.Which Division of the
Autonomic Nervous System is
represented by “A”:
– A. Parasympathetic
– B. Sympathetic
• 42.Which Division of the
Autonomic Nervous System is
represented by “B”:
– A. Parasympathetic
– B. Sympathetic
• 43.All the ganglia of which
system tends to lie close to the
spinal cord?
– A. Parasympathetic
– B. Sympathetic
• 44.The vagus nerve of
the Parasympathetic
– A. increases heart rate
– B. decreases heart rate
• 45.Vagus branches to the
abdominal organs
stimulate the small
intestine to:
– A. increase mobility
– B. decrease mobility
• 46Since the Sympathetic
System is involved with
the adrenal gland it may
be referred to as the
“Fight-or-flight” system.
• 47.The Sympathetic
System is involved in
stimulating our salivary
glands making our mouth:
– A. wet and moist
– B. parched and dry
• 48.The diagram illustrates
referred pain in which pain
stimuli arising in the viscera is
perceived as somatic in origin.
For example, pain in the
superior thoracic wall and
along the medial aspect of
what arm could indicate a
heart attack?
– A. right
– B. left
• 49.Pain in the right hip area
could be an appendicitis. (T-F)
• 50. The region of the
brain that stands at the
top of the control
hierarchy as the
integrator of Autonomic
Nervous System (ANS)
activity is the:
• A. brain stem
• B. hypothalamus
• C. spinal cord
• D. cerebral cortex