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J. McLean Sloughter
What I Did On My Summer
Vacation: Undergraduate
Research Internships, Neural
Networks, & Airport Security
“Soon after the electrical current became known many attempts were made by
the older physiologists to explain nervous impulses in terms of electricity. The
analogy between the nerves of the body and a system of telephone or telegraph
wires was too striking to be overlooked.”
(from Studies in Advanced Physiology, Louis J. Rettger, A.M., 1898, p. 443)
How the Brain Works
An Extremely Over-Simplified
 The brain is made up of interconnected
 Neurons are binary – either fire or don’t fire
 As a neuron receives signals from other
neurons, it will start firing if the total signal
reaches some threshhold
How the Brain Works
How the Brain Works
Just like that, except way more
 Actually a lot more neurons involved
 Frequency of firing is also important
 But let’s ignore those details for now…
Putting a philosophy degree to work
History – 1940s
 Warren McCulloch, a psychologist and
philosopher, postulated that thought is
 Suggested a “psychon” – the smallest unit of
 Thought that an individual neuron firing or not
firing might be a psychon
 Recommended developing a “calculus of
ideas” to describe neural activity
Philosophy + Math = Fame
History – 1940s
 McCulloch teamed up with Walter Pitts, a
math prodigy
 Together they published “A Logical Calculus
of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity”
 This paper introduced the idea of a “nervous
network,” the first artificial neural model of
Enter von Neumann
History – 1940s
 Von Neumann became an early proponent of
their work
 However, he criticized it as being overly
 Based on some of von Neumann’s
suggestions, McCulloch & Pitts proposed a
system using a large number of neurons
 This allows for robustness – an ability, for
example, to recognize a slightly deformed
square as still being essentially a square
Best Mathematician Name Ever
History – 1940s
 Norbert Weiner (“The Father of Cybernetics”)
proposed a more involved system
 Weighted inputs – one neuron can be more
influential than another
 Memory = learning weights
 Did not propose how this learning takes
place, dismissed that as a problem for
engineers to deal with
In which not a whole lot happened
History – 1950s
 Marvin Minsky introduced a
system based on behavioural
Neurons had probabilities of
sending signals
When they produced the correct
output, probabilities were
When the produced the wrong
output, probabilities were
And nobody really seemed to care
(they were all busy becoming
computer programmers)
History – 1960s
 In 1960, Rosenblatt published a proof of the
capabilities of what he named the
 The perceptron acted much like the nervous
network, but with weighted signals
 The major advance was a learning algorithm
 Rosenblatt was able to prove that, using his
learning algorithm, any possible configuration
of the perceptron could be learned, given the
proper training data
Perceptron function
History – 1960s
 Consider a simple case where nodes A and B
are each sending signals to node B
 Node B has some threshold, T, which it needs
to receive to be activated
 A, B, and C are all binary – 0 or 1
 W1 and W2 are the weights between A and C
and B and C
 Then, if A*W1 + B*W2 > T, C = 1
 Otherwise, C = 0
Perceptron learning
History – 1960s
 Initialize weights randomly
 Set threshold to some arbitrary value (why does it not
matter what value the threshold is set to?)
Randomly select one set of inputs
Find the result based on current weights
Subtract result from desired result = error term
Look at each initial node individually
Multiply input value by error term by “learning
coefficient” (between 0 and 1, controls amount of
change you’ll allow at each iteration)
Add result to weight previously associated with that
node to get a new weight
 Pick a new set of inputs, repeat until convergence
History – 1960s
 Widrow and Hoff created a system called Adaline –
“Adaptive linear element”
 Very similar to perceptrons (though with a slightly
different learning algorithm)
 Major changes were the use of -1 instead of 0 for no
signal, and a “bias” term – a node that always fires
 These were significant because they had no basis in
neurophysiology, and were added purely because
they could improve performance
The Wrath of Minksy
History – 1960s
 In 1969, Minsky again entered the world of
neural networks, this time co-authoring the
book “Perceptrons” with Seymour Papert
History – 1960s
 Minsky and Papert showed, among other critiques of
perceptrons, that they weren’t capable of learning an
exclusive OR (can you see why?)
 An exclusive OR could be made by combining
multiple other networks – have A and B feed into both
an OR and a NAND, and then AND the results
 But learning rules only worked with a single layer
network – Minskey and Papert suggested
researching whether learning rules could be
developed for multi-layered networks
The Problem
History – 1960s
 Minsky & Papert put their critique of
perceptrons at the front of the book
 They put their suggestions for research into
multi-layered perceptrons at the back of the
book, after a few hundred pages of rather
dense math
 People didn’t seem to read that far
 Research on perceptrons died
History – 1970s
Nothing important happened
The Multi-Layer Perceptron
History – 1980s
 Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams created a
learning algorithm for multi-layer perceptrons
 Requires differentiation of functions, and thus
the hard threshold had to be replaced by a
sigmoid function
MLP function
 Net input to a node:
History – 1980s
I   wijxj
j 1
 Output from a node:
f (I ) 
1 e
MLP learning
 Change weight as follows:
History – 1980s
wij  bEf ( I )
 Where b is the learning coefficient, and E is
the error term:
E output  y desired  y actual
df ( I i ) n
dI j 1
df ( I )
 f ( I )(1  f ( I ))
The Problem
Airport Security
 Metal detectors only detect things that are,
well, metal (and even then only sometimes)
 Lots of bad things aren’t metal – plastic
explosives, ceramic guns, plastic flare guns
 An x-ray could potentially see these objects,
but submitting people to x-rays every time
they fly isn’t an especially good idea
The Solution
Airport Security
 Scientists at Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory developed a millimeter wave
 Millimeter waves are not harmful like x-rays
 They can penetrate clothing, but are reflected
by skin
 Plastics and ceramics show up with a
distinctive speckled pattern, as they only
partially reflect the waves
The New Problem Caused by the
Airport Security
 Scientists at a
government lab just
made a camera that
can take pictures of
you through your
 Implementing this in
airports would have
every passenger go
through a virtual
The Solution to the Problem Caused
by the Solution to the Other Problem
Airport Security
 Rather than have a human operator look at the
pictures, we can have a computer look at them for us
 The computer can identify suspicious areas and
provide a non-naughty picture to the security officer
In Practice
Airport Security
 This technology is now in
use by SafeView, a
company spun off from
this project
 It is being used in
airports, government
buildings, border
crossings, and other
locations around the
Student Research Opportunities
Research Internship
 I was involved in this project while a student intern at Pacific
Northwest National Lab
 Information about PNNL’s student internship programs can be
found online at
 One of my summers on this project, I applied through the
Department of Energy’s internship program, which includes
opportunities at a number of other national labs
 Information on DOE internship programs is available at