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Structure of DNA
DNA Functions
Mendelian Genetics
Quantitative Traits
Structure of DNA
DNA molecule organized into chain of
nucleotides composed of three parts:
 Nitrogenous Base
 5-Carbon Sugar (Deoxyribose)
 Phosphate Group
Nucleotides bonded to each other forming a
 Hydrogen bonds hold each base on one
side of the helix to another base on the
other side.
Structure of DNA
Four types of DNA nucleotides:
 Purines
- Adenine (A) and Guanine (G)
 Pyrimidines
- Cytosine (C) and Thymine (T)
Fig. 13.3
DNA Functions
Storage of Genetic Information
 Gene - Segment of DNA that directs
protein synthesis.
- Protein may act as an enzyme
influencing cell activities.
 Genome - Sum total of DNA in an
organism’s chromosomes.
- Codon - Groups of three nucleotides.
DNA Functions
Replication of Information
 Occurs during S phase of cell cycle.
- Strands of double helix unzip allowing
DNA polymerase to pair individual
nucleotides with the template strands.
 Semi-Conservative Replication
 Occurs simultaneously in both
directions, and begins at several
points simultaneously.
DNA Replication
DNA Functions
Expression of Information
 Different subset of the genetic information
is read in each cell type.
 Expression requires two processes.
- Transcription - Copy of gene message
using RNA.
- Translation
 Messenger RNA (mRNA) translated to
produce proteins.
Three different types of RNA produced:
 Messenger RNA (mRNA)
 Transfer RNA (tRNA)
 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
RNA Synthesis
 Nucleotides added to single stranded DNA
molecule by RNA polymerase.
- Only portions of the genome replicated.
 Remainder is noncoding DNA.
Promoter Region signals transcription
enzymes to attach to the DNA.
 Single-stranded RNA transcript produced.
Chromosomes contain genes for building
 Each form of tRNA has a specific
anticodon loop.
- Base pairs with codon.
Genes for rRNA also transcribed in the
nucleus - Used to construct ribosomes.
mRNA transcripts are decoded into proteins.
 Genetic code based on codons.
- 64 possible combinations
 Code for 20 amino acids.
tRNA acts as a translator.
 Anticodon binds to mRNA codon.
Start of translation signaled by a ribosome in
the cytoplasm binding to the mRNA.
Fig. 13.5
Fig. 13.6
Fig. 13.6a
Fig. 13.6b-1
Fig. 13.6b-2
Fig. 13.6b-3
Fig. 13.6b-4
Fig. 13.6c
Central Dogma of Molecular Dogma
Mutations - Changes in DNA sequence.
 Mutagens - Agents that alter DNA.
- Ultraviolet light
- Ionizing radiation
 Somatic Mutation - Occurs in body cell.
 Germ-Line Mutation - Occurs in tissues that
will produce sex cells.
- Passed on to future generations.
All genetic variability due to mutations.
Cytogenetics is the study of chromosome
behavior and structure, from a genetic point
of view.
Changes in Chromosome Structure
 Inversion - Chromosomal piece is broken
and reinserted in the opposite orientation.
 Translocation - Chromosomal piece breaks
off and attaches to another chromosome.
- Important in speciation.
Changes in Chromosome Number
 Mistakes during chromosome pairing and
separation can result in gametes carrying
extra or missing chromosomes.
- Aneuploid - Carries, or is missing, an
extra chromosome(s).
- Polyploid - Has at least one complete
extra set of chromosomes.
Mendelian Genetics
Mendel crossed self-pollinated pea plants
and recorded his observations.
 Crossed a tall plant with a short plant.
 Parental Generation (P)
- All offspring were tall.
- First Filial Generation (F1)
 Cross offspring yielded a ratio of three
tall individuals to one short individual.
 Second Filial Generation (F2)
Mendelian Genetics
Law of Unit Characters
 Factors (Alleles), which always occur in
pairs, control the inheritance of various
- Genes are always at the same position
(locus) on homologous chromosomes.
Law of Dominance
 For any given pair of alleles, one
(dominant) may mask the expression of
the other (recessive).
Mendelian Genetics
Phenotype refers to an organism’s physical
Genotype refers to the genetic information
responsible for contributing to the phenotype.
 Homozygous - Both alleles identical.
 Heterozygous - Alleles are contrasting.
Monohybrid Cross
A cross is made between two true-breeding
parents differing for a single trait, producing
an F1 generation.
 These plants are intercrossed to produce
an F2 generation.
Fig. 13.10
Fig. 13.11
Dihybrid Cross
Cross made for parents differing in two traits.
 Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment
- Factors (genes) controlling two or more
traits segregate independently of each
 Linked genes do not segregate
- Punnett Square used to determine
genotypes of the zygotes.
Fig. 13.12
Mendelian Genetics
 A cross between a hybrid and one of its
- Can be used to test inheritance theory.
Incomplete Dominance
 Some genes exhibit traits in which a
heterozygote is intermediate in phenotype
to the two homozygotes.
Fig. 13.13
Quantitative Traits
Quantitative traits exhibit a range of
phenotypes rather than discrete phenotypes
studied by Mendel.
 Molecular geneticists are able to identify
chromosomal fragments, quantitative trait
loci, associated with quantitative traits.
Extranuclear DNA
Entranuclear DNA is found in both
mitochondria and chloroplasts.
 Endosymbiont Hypothesis theorized
mitochondria and chloroplasts were freeliving, and at some point became
incorporated into cells of organisms that
evolved into plants and established a
symbiotic relationship.
Linkage and Mapping
Genes that are together on a chromosome
are said to be linked.
 Each gene has a specific location (locus)
on a chromosome.
- Crossing-over should be more likely
between two genes located far apart on
a chromosome that between two genes
located closer together.
 Crossing over frequency can be used
to construct a genetic map.
 1 map unit = 1% crossing over.
Hardy-Weinberg Law
Hardy-Weinberg states the proportions of
dominant alleles to recessive alleles in a
normally interbreeding population will remain
the same from generation to generation in
the absence of external forces.
Structure of DNA
DNA Functions
Mendelian Genetics
Quantitative Traits
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