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4.1 The nucleus A trait- particular feature The nucleus • Responsible for heredity and for controlling the functions of the cell. • heredity = the process through which patterns of traits are pased on from an individual to it offspring • Information in the nucleus determines your traits • This information also determines: – The type of cell – Its function – Its growth – When it will divide( reproduce) – When it will die DNA • Deoxyribonucleic acid Made of 4 nitrogen bases Adenine(A) Thymine (T) and Cytosine (C) Guanine (G) • Everything that occurs within a cell is the result of how the bases on the DNA molecule are arranged. • A joins with T • G joins with C • But the order and number of these bases can vary greatly within the DNA molecule • When a cell is ready to divide, each strand of loosely coiled DNA folds up further into a very compact, xshaped structure called a chromosome. • Each organism has a specific number of chromosomes. • Humans have 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs. 20 60 78 80 44 Genes are small segments of DNA located at specific places on the chromosome. The difference between a gene and a chromosome? • Genes can be composed of hundreds or thousands nitrogen bases. • Produces a particular trait. • Each chromosome is made up of thousands of genes. • Therefore, can produce thousands of traits.