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Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
Genes and Gene Testing
Dr Elizabeth Thompson
Clinical Geneticist
SA Clinical Genetics
SA Pathology
Women’s and Children’s Hospital
North Adelaide
What is hereditary spastic
paraplegia (HSP)?
 A group of conditions that affects the
legs with
 stiffness (spasticity)
 muscle weakness
 1-10 in 100,000 people worldwide have
 Can affect people of all ages
Pure (uncomplicated) HSP
 More common than complicated HSP
 Affects the legs only
 Bladder symptoms may occur eg
“urgency” (you’re desperate to go)
Complicated (complex) HSP
Spastic paraplegia with a variety of
other problems, for example:
 Other neurological problems eg ataxia
(poor balance)
 Intellectual disability/dementia
 Seizures
What causes HSP?
 An error in a gene
 We carry about 25,000 genes
 They are the “recipe” to make the
body and help it work
 We inherit a set of genes from our
mother and a set from our father
 So we have two copies of each gene
What is a gene error?
 Genes are like a novel
 Written in an alphabet of 4 letters,
C,A,G,T, in a specific order for each
 An error could be that a bit of the
gene is missing or doubled up
 Or the order of letters could be wrong
What does a gene error do?
 Genes make proteins that do special
jobs in the body
 If a gene has a bit missing or the
sequence of letters is wrong…
 The protein might not get made or
will be faulty and not do its job
Is the gene error always the same
in a particular gene?
 In some conditions, yes! The gene
has a “weak spot” that often goes
 In HSP genes, a wide variety of
different errors can occur
 Often the errors are unique to a
particular family
Inheritance of HSP
It’s complicated!
At least 18 different genes cause HSP
At least 17 more genes to be discovered
In a particular family, only ONE gene
causes HSP
 Huge variation in when HSP starts and
how severe it is, even for the same gene
Genes that cause HSP
 Commonest are:
 SPG4 (spastin) gene (25%)
 SPG3A (atlastin) gene (7%)
 SPG31 (REEP1) gene (few %)
 These are dominant genes
Dominant gene
 Genes come in pairs
 One gene is faulty and “calls the shots” (is
 We pass one gene of each pair to each
child, so parent with HSP passes to each
 The normal gene (child not affected with HSP)
 The faulty gene (child will be affected with HSP)
Dominant gene
 Call the gene with the
error A
 And the normal gene a
 Mum has HSP
 Chance of passing HSP
to each child is 1 in 2
(Passes A or a)
 Males and females can
be affected
Recessive gene
 Call the normal gene A
 And the one with the
error a
 Mum and Dad are
healthy carriers
 Child with HSP has two
copies of gene error
 Chance of each child
having HSP is 1 in 4
 Male and females can be
Recessive genes
 Recessive genes are a much less
common cause of HSP
 None tested for in Australia
Other type of inheritance
Faulty gene on the X chromosome
Males are affected
Females can be healthy carriers
Very rare cause of HSP
Making a diagnosis of HSP
Doctors make a “clinical” diagnosis based
History: what the person tells them eg toe
“catches” when walking, person is having
falls, less able to play sports
Family history: any relatives affected?
Examination: leg muscles feel stiff, reflexes
too brisk
Tests: MRI brain or spine scan to rule out
other causes
Diagnosis of HSP
 There are many causes of spastic
 In children, cerebral palsy is more
common than HSP
 In adults, other diagnoses have to be
considered eg multiple sclerosis
 Other tests may be needed to rule
out other causes
The family
 A positive family history make HSP
more likely
 A negative family history does not
rule it out!
 parent might carry the faulty gene but
has very mild or no symptoms
 all gene errors have to start in someone,
so the error could have started in the
person (both rare but do occur)
Next step…
 A gene test?
Gene testing for HSP in Australia
Perth: Royal Perth Hospital (Prof Nigel Laing):
SPG3 and SPG4
Currently working up SPG31 (REEP1)
Cost: $1650 each for sequencing of each
$440 to detect a deletion or duplication
Sydney: Concord Hospital (Prof Garth Nicholson):
Cost: $1800 for the 3 genes or SPG4 only $800
Research: Royal North Shore Hospital (Prof Carolyn Sue)
Cost of genetic testing
 Genetic testing is expensive
 Availability of genetic test depends on
local funding issues
 Patient can pay if has the funds
Testing of the 3 common genes
 If a fault (“mutation”) is found, it
confirms the diagnosis
 If a fault is not found, it does not rule
out HSP (many other genes can cause
 Specific features might suggest
another specific type of HSP
 Gene test overseas might be possible
The future of genetic testing
 Improving technology = able to test
more genes for less cost
 “Next Generation Sequencing”
 Hope is for a “chip” that will allow
testing of many genes cheaply
 Next 5-10 years will see
improvements in availability of
genetic testing
Genetic testing
 Diagnostic
 Person is affected with symptoms
 Wants to know the cause
 Predictive
 Person not affected with symptoms
 Has a relative eg parent with HSP
Why have a diagnostic genetic
 Confirm the diagnosis
 Information about that type of HSP
 Prognosis
 Anticipate complications
 Provides a means of testing relatives
(if they want it)
 must first identify the particular gene
error in an affected person to then be
able to offer a test to relatives
Why have a diagnostic genetic
 Genetic counselling about chance that
siblings or children could have HSP
 Prenatal diagnosis/preimplantation
genetic diagnosis
 Involvement in clinical trials
Predictive genetic test
 Relative (usually son/daughter) wants
to know if has inherited HSP gene but
does not have symptoms
 Best conducted through a genetic
 Big step to take, condition currently
 Need to consider pros and cons
Pros of a predictive genetic test
 “I just want to know if I have
inherited it”
 Plan for the future
 Plan re work
 Planning a family
 “I want to know for the kids’ sake”
Cons of a predictive genetic test
 Find it difficult to cope with result if
have inherited it
 Plans for the future altered
 Family planning more complicated
 Life insurance difficult to obtain
and/or more expensive
 “Survivor guilt” if person has not
inherited it but sibling has
Process of having a predictive
genetic test
 Referral to clinical genetics service
 See non-medical genetic counsellor and
clinical geneticist (doctor) over a couple of
sessions to discuss:
 Coping strategies
 How has person dealt with “bad news” in the
 Family issues eg how will I feel if I have it and
my sibling does not or vice versa
 Life insurance issues
 Testing in pregnancy
Process of a predictive genetic test
Sign a consent form
Have blood collected
Advised when result will be ready
Arrange to meet face to face with
genetic counsellors to receive result
 Receive result with support person
 Follow up
Genetic testing for children under
18 years
 Predictive genetic testing is not
 Leave until child can make own decision
as an adult
 Many adults choose not to have a
predictive genetic test
 Discrimination eg life insurance and
Genetic testing in children
 Acceptable if child has symptoms
 Is then a diagnostic test (not
 We already know child has a problem
and want to diagnose the cause
I have HSP: can I avoid having a
child with HSP?
 Prenatal diagnosis
 Test pregnancy at 10½ weeks by
chorion villus sample (CVS)
Or by amniocentesis at 16 weeks
 Only possible if we know the gene
error in the person with HSP
 Arrange though local clinical genetic
Testing the pregnancy by CVS
Sample taken at 10½ weeks
Take sample of placenta
(chorion villi)
Chorion villus sample test
Result usually available in
about 2 weeks
Risk of miscarriage around 1
in 150
 Sample taken at
around 16 weeks
 Risk of miscarriage
around 1 in 200
 Many couples prefer
the earlier test
 Most couples only
have these tests if
plan not to continue
affected pregnancy
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
 In vitro fertilisation
 At a reproductive
medicine clinic
 Take woman’s eggs,
man’s sperm
 Embryos form “in
the dish”
 Test a cell from a
very early embryo
 Known gene error in
parent with HSP
Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis
 Transfer to woman’s
womb embryo(s) not
carrying the HSP gene
 Risks of IVF
 Cost
 CVS to check is
Genetic counselling
 A good idea!
 Genetic clinics in all Australian
And many smaller centres eg in SA,
we go to Mt Gambier, Whyalla, Pt
Augusta twice a year
 Meet non-medical counsellors, clinical
geneticists (doctors)
Genetic counselling
More information about HSP
Genetic aspects of HSP in your family
Genetic testing
We offer “non-directive” counselling
Give information, help you make best
decisions for you and your family
 Help arrange predictive genetic
testing, prenatal testing, PGD
SA Clinical Genetics Service
 Based at Women’s and Children’s
 Outreach clinics eg Flinders Med
Centre, Llyell McEwin Hosp, Pt
Augusta, Whyalla, Mt Gambier
 Requires a medical referral
 Under SA Pathology
 Tel 81617375