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More Evolution! 1. What are the mechanisms for evolution? Give a brief description of each Genetic drift: change in gene pool in a small population (chance) gene flow: immigration or emigration of genes mutation: random change of the genes natural selection: a random act upon populationī evolve 2. What is the bottleneck effect? Which of the 4 mechanisms is it an example of? Decrease in the population due to some environment disaster, genetic drift 3. What is the founder effect? This is an example of which mechanism? Individuals that have been isolated, they evolve based on the environment 4. True or false: Genetic drift can cause allele frequencies to change randomly: True Genetic drift can lead to loss of genetic variation: True Genetic drift can cause harmful alleles to become fixed: True 5. What is gene flow? Migration is a subset of gene flow. Give an example and explain it. Moving in or out with genes. Alleles moving in or out, elsewhere. Humans moving to different parts of the world. 6. What can mutations affect? Change in amino acidsī change in the DNA sequence. Start to a new adaptation 7. Does natural selection act upon individuals or populations? Big picture: populations 8. Describe the idea and important factors of Darwinian fitness. Better adapted to the environment, therefore survive better (are more fit at a chance for survival)