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4.5 What Roles Do Membranes Play In Eukaryotic Cells?
 The endoplasmic reticulum forms channels within the
smooth ER
rough ER
smooth ER
rough ER
(a) Endoplasmic reticulum may be rough or smooth
(b) Smooth and rough ER
Fig. 4-7
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.5 What Roles Do Membranes Play In Eukaryotic Cells?
 The _______ ER is studded with
• the site where proteins are made.
 The _______ ER lacks ribosomes
• makes phospholipids and
 Together, the rough and smooth ER are
the sites of new membrane synthesis
for the cell.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.5 What Roles Do Membranes Play In Eukaryotic Cells?
 The Golgi apparatus sorts, chemically alters, and
packages important molecules.
• This organelle looks like a stack of flattened sacs.
• Its membranes are derived from the ER.
• Vesicles containing preformed molecules from the ER are
transferred to the Golgi for further processing.
• Once the molecular work of the Golgi has been done, new
vesicles bud off and travel elsewhere in the cytoplasm,
where they fuse with membranes of other organelles, such
as the plasma membrane.
• A major role of the Golgi is to add sugar molecules to
proteins formed in the ER and to pass them on to other
places in the cell.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.5 What Roles Do Membranes Play In
Eukaryotic Cells?
 The Golgi apparatus
vesicles from the
ER merge with the
Golgi apparatus
Vesicles carrying
modified proteins
leave the Golgi
Fig. 4-8
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4.5 What Roles Do Membranes Play In
Eukaryotic Cells?
 An antibody protein is synthesized on
ribosomes of the rough ER.
 Formed antibody is packaged into vesicles that
travel to the Golgi, where carbohydrates are
attached to protein to make an antibody.
 The vesicle containing antibody leaves the Golgi
and goes to the plasma membrane, where it
fuses with it.
 The antibody inside the vesicle is released to the
outside of the cell (to the blood), where it helps
defend the body against infection.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.5 What Roles Do Membranes Play In Eukaryotic
 Lysosomes are vesicles that serve
as the cell’s ______________
• They are formed as buds from the
• Lysosomes contain digestive
enzymes that they receive from
Golgi during their production.
• In the cytoplasm, they digest
defective organelles or pieces of
membrane into component parts
that can be recycled.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.6 What Other Structures Play Key Roles In
Eurkaryotic Cells?
 Vacuoles regulate _________ and
store substances.
• They are fluid-filled sacs surrounded by
a single membrane.
• Many plant cells have a large central
• Vacuoles hold water and help maintain
the proper water balance of the cell.
• Vacuoles can also serve as dump sites
for hazardous waste that can’t be
• They can also store sugars and amino
acids, which can be used for energy.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.6 What Other Structures Play Key Roles In
Eurkaryotic Cells?
 Mitochondria extract ________ from food
• Mitochondria provide the energy needed
for all cellular processes.
• Energy is obtained from ________
molecules in mitochondria and is stored in
_______ molecules.
• Once formed, ATP can be used anywhere
in the cell where energy is needed.
• Mitochondria have a complex set of outer
and inner membranes, used in the
process of energy production.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.6 What Other Structures Play Key Roles In
Eurkaryotic Cells?
 Chloroplasts capture _______ energy.
• Only _______ cells contain chloroplasts.
• Chloroplasts capture energy from
__________ and store it in ________
• They are the site of ________________,
the process upon which all life depends.
• Like mitochondria, chloroplasts contain
both outer and inner membranes.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.6 What Other Structures Play Key Roles In
Eurkaryotic Cells?
 The cytoskeleton provides shape, support, and
• All organelles in the cell do not float about the cytoplasm,
but instead, are attached to a network of protein fibers
called the cytoskeleton.
 Several type of protein fibers make up the cytoskeleton.
• Microfilaments: thin fibers
• Intermediate filaments: medium-sized fibers
• Microtubules: thick fibers
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.6 What Other Structures Play Key Roles In
Eurkaryotic Cells?
 The cytoskeleton
microtubules (red)
microfilaments (blue)
(a) Components of the cytoskeleton
(b) Cell with stained cytoskeleton
Fig. 4-9
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.6 What Other Structures Play Key Roles
In Eurkaryotic Cells?
 __________ move fluid past the cell
 __________ move the cell
• Cilia and flagella are slender, movable extensions of the
plasma membrane.
• They contain microtubules that extend along their length.
• They may be used to move small animals (flagellum) or
particle-containing fluids past a surface (cilia).
• Differences between cilia and flagella lie in their length,
number, and the direction of force generated.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.6 What Other Structures Play Key Roles In
Eurkaryotic Cells?
 Cilia provide force parallel to the plasma membrane,
which can be described as a
“rowing” motion.
propulsion of fluid
power stroke
plasma membrane
return stroke
cilia lining
the trachea
(a) Cilium
Fig. 4-10a
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.6 What Other Structures Play Key Roles In
Eurkaryotic Cells?
 Flagella provide a force perpendicular to plasma
membrane, like the engine on a motorboat.
direction of locomotion
propulsion of fluid
continuous propulsion
of human
(b) Flagellum
Fig. 4-10b
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.7 What Are The Features Of Prokaryotic Cells?
 Prokaryotic cells:
• are much smaller than eukaryotic cells, are more
abundant, and are very reproductively successful.
• have a simple internal structure.
• are surrounded by a stiff cell wall, which provides shape
and protection.
• some move with a whiplike flagellum.
• have a single, circular strand of DNA attached to the
plasma membrane, concentrated in an area called the
nucleoid, which lacks a membrane.
• no membrane-enclosed organelles.
• cytoplasm contains ribosomes used for protein synthesis.
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.
4.7 What Are The Features Of Prokaryotic
 A generalized prokaryotic cell
(nucleoid region)
food granule
cell wall
plasma membrane
Fig. 4-11
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Inc.