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Bell Work
1. If a membrane allows movement of only
certain materials, it is called ___.
a. Somewhat permeable
b. Selectively permeable
c. Somewhat impermeable
d. Selectively permeable
Notes: Cell Membrane
• Cell membranes are also called plasma
• Facts:
– Selectively permeable
• Allows certain materials to move in and out of the cell when
needed, but keeps other material from crossing the
– Made of phospholipid bilayer
• Water soluble phosphate head (hydrophilic)
• Water insoluble fatty acid tail (hydrophobic)
– Has various carbohydrates, proteins and cholesterol
mixed into the bilayer
1. Which of these is NOT a type of cellular
a. endocytosis
b. exocytosis
c. diffusion
d. nucleocytosis
The cell membrane is made primarily of ___.
Nucleic acids
When active transport is used, the cell ______.
Does not use any of its own energy
Uses some of its own energy
Uses energy from other cells
Uses the energy stored mainly in the nucleus
During passive transport, a cell ________.
Does not use any of its own energy
Uses some of its own energy
Uses energy from other cells
Uses the energy stored mainly in the nucleus
Notes: Cellular Transport
• Diffusion
– Movement of molecules from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower concentration.
• Passive Transport
– It does not require energy
» Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide use diffusion
» Not all molecules can enter and leave by
» Once equilibrium is reached they stop
Notes: Cellular Transport
Concentration Gradient
– The name of the difference that exist when there
is a difference in concentration in two areas
– When the concentration on both sides of the cell
membrane are equal
Draw Concentration Gradient
Notes: Facilitated Diffusion
• Transport Proteins
– Allow some of the ions, sugars, and amino acids to
pass through from an area of high concentration
to an area of low concentration
– Many different types
– Each selective for a specific molecule
Why is diffusion a type of passive transport?
• A. It moves materials across a cell membrane
• B. It does not require any of the cell’s energy
• C. It does not need activation by an enzyme
• D. It continues until equilibrium is reached
During diffusion, molecules move _____.
• A. from an area of higher concentration to an
area of lower concentration
• B. from an area of lower concentration to an
area of higher concentration
• C. across a cell membrane with the use of
cellular energy
• D. against a concentration gradient
Notes: Osmosis
• Osmosis
– Passive transport
– Moves molecules down a concentration gradient
• 2 Facts
– Always a movement of water molecules
– Moves water molecules across a selectively
permeable membrane through which the solute
(dissolved particles) cannot cross
Notes: Osmosis
• Osmosis
– Solute particles are too large to pass through the
selectively permeable membrane
• Like oil and water’s inability to mix, particles that are
water soluble cannot pass through the middle of the
– To bring about equilibrium, either facilitated diffusion or
osmosis must take place
Notes: Isotonic Solution
• Isotonic
– The solution on the outside of the membrane has
the same concentration as the solution on the
inside of the membrane
– No net movement of water molecules across the
Notes: Hypertonic Solution
• Hypertonic
– The solution outside the membrane contains less
water and more solute than the solution inside
the membrane
• water rushes out of the cell
• Cell shrivels up
• Example: salt on a slug
Notes: Hypotonic Solution
• Hypotonic
– Solution on the outside of the cell membrane has
a greater concentration of molecules than the
solution inside the cell
• More water on the outside
• Ex. Wilted vegetable (celery)
• Water rushes in an the cells swell
Notes: Active Transport
• Active Transport
– Used to move molecules against a concentration
– Requires Energy
• 3 Types of Transport Proteins help move
substances in and out of the cell
channel proteins
carrier proteins
gate proteins
Notes: Transport Proteins
• Often the protein has a certain shape that allows it
to stick to a molecule with a matching shape
• Uses chemical energy to move against the gradient
Notes: Endocytosis
• Endocytosis
– A way of allowing particles that are too big to
cross the cell member to enter
– Particle is enclosed with material from the cell,
then pulled into the cell
– In = En
• Into the cell = ENDOcytosis
Notes: Exocytosis
• Exocytosis
– Used to get rid of large particles
• Undigested food, waste products or hormones
– Material is enclosed in a vesicle
• Vesicle meets the cell membrane, breaks open, then
fuses with the membrane
• Particles are released to the outside of the cell
Exit the cell = EXocytosis