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The Plasma
and Transport across it
Cell Membrane
Controls what enters and leaves the cell
 Like
water, nutrients and waste
The membrane is Selectively Permeable
Membrane selects which molecules can permeate
(pass through) into the cell.
 Like a window screen – allows what you want in
and keeps others out.
Structure of Plasma Membrane
Lipid Bilayer (2 layers of phospholipids)
Lipids with phosphate “heads” attached
 Head of phospholipid is polar
Hydrophilic (points outward, likes watery environment)
Fatty acids (tails) are nonpolar
 Hydrophobic (points inward, avoids water)
Other Membrane Molecules
Membrane Proteins - (transport)
Allow substances/waste to move in and out of the
 Creates a tunnel that can be closed or open.
Carbohydrates/ Other Proteins
Stick out of cell surface (id card for other cells to
Cell Membrane Structures
(ID Cards)
Membrane Proteins
Polar Heads
Fatty Acid Tails
How stuff gets into the cell
2 ways cell gets nutrients it needs and gets rid
of waste
 Passive
Requires no energy
 Active
Requires an input of energy
Occurs due to
concentration gradient
 Molecules
naturally move from areas
of higher concentration to lower
concentration (no energy required)
Diffusion – natural movement of
 Facilitated Diffusion – through protein
 Osmosis – diffusion of water molecules
These odor molecules are diffusing from
the bottle (area of high concentration) to
the surrounding air (lower
In nature, molecules
ALWAYS move from
areas of higher
concentration to areas of
lower concentration, as is
shown in this picture.
They move to reach
This also happens across
the cell membrane!
Facilitated Diffusion
Diffusion of molecules
through protein
channels in the cell
 Used
for substances
that the cell needs but
cannot pass through
the membrane
Large molecules
 Charged (ions)
The diffusion of water molecules is called
 Just
like diffusion
 Water molecules move from areas of higher
conc. to areas of lower water conc.
 They will move until there are equal
concentrations of water (and solute)
molecules everywhere
Called equilibrium
Molecules still diffuse, but at equal rates
Blue – water molecules, easily pass through
Red – large (or charged) molecules, can’t
pass through membrane
The movement of water
molecules across a
Water moves from areas
of high water conc. to
areas of lower water conc.
This is how cells maintain
a stable internal
 Homeostasis
– reacting to
Passive Transport Video
Isotonic Solutions 
Cells that are in equilibrium with the
surrounding solution do not experience
•These cells have the
same concentration
of solute (and water)
as the surrounding
Hypotonic Solutions – “hypo”
[solute] (solute concentration) is lower
outside the cell •More water outside, so water moves into
the cell, to try to reach equilibrium
•The cell swells with the extra water.
•Animal cells may swell so much,
they may burst (especially in pure
•Plant cells – cell swells and membrane
pushes against the cell wall
•Like celery in water – crisp/ rigid
from pressure on cell walls
Hypertonic Solutions - “hyper”
[solute] is higher outside of the cell.
•Less water outside the cell, more
inside. Water moves out of the cell.
•Animal cells shrivel because of
water loss.
•Plant cell membranes move
away from cell wall as water
moves out.
•Why plants wilt.
Other Forms of Transport
Active Transport – (needs energy)
 Large
Endocytosis – cell surrounds molecule(s), which
are then engulfed by cell
particle transport
doesn’t pass through membrane
Exocytosis - expulsion/secretion of materials.
Opposite of endocytosis
Active Transport (con’t)
Movement of molecules against (up) the
concentration gradient
 From
areas of lower concentration to areas of
higher concentration
For instance, if a cell needs a high concentration of
something (that would normally diffuse OUT of cell)