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Cell Ultrastructure
Parts of a cell
• Standard grade level required
only 3 parts of an animal cell.
• Now we have to learn around
What are the parts of a cell?
• Nucleus – now includes:
• Nuclear membrane
• Nuclear pores
• Nucleolus
• The nucleolus is the dark patch
inside the nucleus, ribosomes are
made here
New parts of a cell
• The cytoplasm was basically
anything which didn’t include
the nucleus or cell membrane
• It contains:
• Mitochondria
• Endoplasmic reticulum
• Vesicles
• Golgi apparatus
• Nucleolus makes
ribosomes and RNA
• Nucleus contains
chromatin (DNA)
• Nuclear membrane
encloses the
• Nuclear pore
allows movement
into and out of the
Cell membrane
• Controls what enters and exits
the cell
Golgi apparatus
• Process and package
substances before release from
the cell
Rough endoplasmic
• Transports proteins made by the
ribosomes attached to the surface
• These are found free in the
cytoplasm or attached to the
rough ER.
• They are where protein
synthesis takes place
Smooth endoplasmic
• Produces
steroids and
• Site of ATP production. ATP is
the energy currency of the cell
• They pull the chromosomes apart
during cell division