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Download topic 5 -part 3 guided notes -plant vs animal cells - student
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TOPIC 5: CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION PART 3: PLANT VS. ANIMAL CELLS Plants and animals differ in their cell makeup. Structures Common to Both Plant and Animal Cells 1. cell membrane 2. nucleus 3. nuclear envelope 4. DNA 5. nucleolus 6. ribosomes 7. endoplasmic reticulum 8. golgi bodies 9. vacuole (much bigger in plant cells!) 10. lysosomes 11. mitochondria 12. cytoplasm Structures Found in Animal Cells Only 1. CENTRIOLES: Structure: -Small, barrel shaped. -Located near the nucleus. -There is one pair per cell. Function: To assist the cell during ____________________________________________. Structures Found in Plant Cells Only 1. CELL WALL: Structure: -Rigid and strong; composed of cellulose. -The _______________________________ boundary surrounding the plant cell. -It is permeable. Function: -The cell wall gives the plant cell: 1. _____________________ 2. ______________________ 3. _____________________ 2. CHLOROPLASTS: Structure: -Bean-shaped (like mitochondria) -Contain a light-capturing, green pigment called: ____________________________ Function: -Site of ________________________________________ -The process by which sunlight energy is converted to food energy.