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Section 14-3:
Studying the Human Genome
Manipulating DNA
 The SMALLEST human chromosome contains 50
million bases
 DNA is a HUGE molecule that is difficult to
 In the 1970s, scientists discovered they could use
natural enzymes to analyze DNA
 Today, scientists read DNA base sequences by using
enzymes to cut, separate, and replicate DNA base by
Cutting DNA
 Easy to extract/separate DNA from other
 In order to analyze, DNA molecules must be cut into
smaller pieces
 Restriction enzymes are produced by bacteria – they
cut DNA molecule at specific sequences of nucleotides
into precise pieces called restriction fragments
 Hundreds of Res, each cuts at different sequence
Cutting DNA
 Ex: EcoRI recognizes GAATTC
 Cuts between G and A bases, leaving “sticky ends”
 Can bond to complementary bases
Separating DNA
 Gel electrophoresis is used to separate DNA fragments
that have been cut with restriction enzymes
 Can then analyze DNA in pieces
 Steps:
 Mixture of DNA fragments placed at the end of a pourous gel
 Electric voltage applied to gel, causing DNA molecules to
move toward positive end (DNA has a neg charge)
Smaller DNA fragments move faster/farther
Creates a banding pattern
Stains used to make bands visible
Remove fragments and study
Reading DNA
 Read = sequence
 Single-stranded DNA put in test tube with DNA
polymerase and four bases (ATGC)
DNA polymerase uses unknown strand as template to make
new strands
Some of the added bases have dyes attached,
Each time a labeled base is added, replication stops
End up with a series of fragments that are color coded
Separate fragments with electrophoresis, colored bands on
the gel tell exact sequence of bases on DNA
The Human Genome Project
 Began in 1990 – US and several other countries
 Goals:
 Sequence all 3 billion base pairs of human DNA
 Identify all human genes
 Sequence genomes of model organisms to interpret
human genome
 Develop new technology to support research
 Explore gene functions
 Study human variation
 Train future scientists
The Human Genome Project
 How they did it:
 Break genome into pieces
 Sequence pieces, identify markers
 Used computer for analysis
 Current research explores data gained from HGP –
looking for genes, identifying their function
Comparing Sequences
 Most of every person’s DNA is the same
 On average, one base in every 1200 with not match
 These are called SNPs (single nucleotide
 Collections of SNPs are called halpotypes – haploid
 Project called HapMap began in 2002 to indentify all
the haplotypes
Sharing Data
 Copies of human/other genomes available on the
 New field borne – bioinformatics
 Combines molecular biology with information science
 Also new field called genomics – the study of whole
genomes, including genes and their functions
What have we learned?
 Complete working copy of human genome in 2000
 Full reference sequence in 2003
 Contains 3 billion nucleotide bases
 Only 2% encodes for proteins
 Found genes/sequences associated with
 Identified 3 million locations of SNPs
 New technologies, medical applications