Download Cell Organelles Animal Cells

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Cell Organelles
Animal Cells
The following slide
are organelles
typically found in
the animal cells
Cell Membrane
 Cell Membrane- forms
outer barrier to the
 Function- provides
protection and support
for the cell and
regulates movement of
material into and out
of cell
 Cytoplasm- clear thick
jelly like substance
between the Cell
 Function- allows
materials to move
within the cell
 Mitochondria-oval shaped
with a wavy inner membrane
 Function- (powerhouse)
combines food substances
like sugar and oxygen and
produces energy and CO2
and H2O.
 Vacuoles- not always
found in an animal cellsubstance filled sac in
the cytoplasm
 Function- vacuoles act
as storage for both
food and water as well
as waste products.
 Lysosomes- not always found in
plant cell- small round
structures involved with the
digestive activities of the cell.
 Function- contain enzymes
that break down large food
molecules into smaller ones.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
 Endoplasmic Reticulum
(ER)-clear tubular
connected to the
nuclear membrane
 Functiontransportation system
of the cell, moves
proteins to where they
are needed.
 Ribosomes- very small
bodies attached to the
inner lining of the ER
made primarily of the
nucleic acid RNA.
 Function- produce the
proteins needed by
the cell
 Nucleus- large oval
shaped organelle in the
 Function- regulates or
controls all the
activities of the cell
Parts of the Nucleus
 Nuclear Membrane-very
similar to the cell membrane
regulates what moves into
and out of the nucleus
 Chromosomes-rodlike
objects that contain all of a
cells genetic material
 Nucleolus-center within the
nucleus believed to be where
ribosomes are produced
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Organelles Unique to Plants
Cell Wall
 Cell Wall- strong and
stiff outer layer of the
plant cell. The cell wall
is nonliving and is made
of cellulose.
 Function- protects and
supports the cell, it
enables trees to grow
Large Central Vacuole
 Large Central Vacuolelarge water filled sac in
plant cells
 Function- in plants its main
function is to store water,
when the vacuole is low on
water the cell becomes
limp. When many cells
become limp the plant will
 Vacuole also store
nutrients and waste
 Chloroplast- large
green structures that
float in the cytoplasm
 Function- Chloroplasts
contain a green
pigment called
chlorophyll, which
captures energy from
sunlight. That energy
is then used to
produce food. This is
called photosynthesis.