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Body defence
Primary immune response and secondary immune response
Primary immune response 原發免疫反應:
It is the response that is evoked when an antigen entered into the body for the first time. A few days after
the invasion of the antigens (eg. bacteria), the number of T-cells greatly increases to combat the antigen.
The cell-mediated immune response is being triggered, but is short lived.
Secondary immune response 繼發免疫反應:
The memory cells produced in the primary immune response will remain in the circulation for a long
time. If the antigen invades again, the number of T-cells will increase rapidly. The response is longer
lasting, more rapid and effective, producing greater amounts of T cells. This is due to the presence of
memory cells which can remember the pathogen. This response is called the secondary response.
在原發免疫反應過後會有記憶細胞存於血中一段時期,當抗原再次入侵,可加快 T-細胞及
The importance of secondary immune response in diseases prevention :
Because of the production of memory cells, people can be immunized against certain disease such as
polio and measles.
The functions of immune system :
The functions of the immune system are to recognize, respond to and eliminate foreign substances
entering the body or arising in the body.
Types of immunity 免疫的種類
There are two basic types of immunity, passive immunity and active immunity.
1. Passive immunity is the passing of the antibodies into an individual in some way
rather than being produced by the individual himself, eg. antibodies can pass across the placenta
froma mother to her foetus, or are passed to the newborn body in the mother’s milk.
It may be acquired artificially by injection of antibodies from other individual.
eg. in the treatment of tetanus and diphtheria.
Passive immunity is temporary.
2. Active immunity occurs when an organism produces its own antibodies.
It is the result of an infection. Once the body has started to produce antibodies in response to a
disease causing agent, it may continue to do so for a long time (memory effect in secondary immune
response). It is why most people suffered from diseases such as mumps and measles once.
段長時間 (繼發反應的記憶效應),這是為什麼感染腮腺炎及麻疹後便不會再受感染的
It is possible to induce an individual to produce antibodies even without them suffering diseases.
To achieve this, the appropriate antigen must be injected in some way. This is the principal of
immunization (vaccination).
Practical application of immune mechanism (vaccination) :
1. Passive immunization 被動免疫注射 :
Antibody from infected patients or organisms are inoculated to the client to against the disease
agent. eg. tetanus and diphtheria. This will have a fast action.
2. Active immunization 主動免疫注射 :
Weakened (living, treated by heating) or killed microorganisms are inoculated to the client to
produce immune response. eg. Polio (living), cholera (dead).
3. Interferon 干擾素 :
It is produced by infected cells which can interfere with the viral replication. Interferon triggers a
series of events which lead to an inhibition of viral protein synthesis, viral RNA transcription,
assembly and release of virus particles. It can inhibit cell growth and is used as an anti-cancer agent
under certain circumstances.
毒蛋白合成、病毒 RNA 轉錄,基因與外殼組合等受到抑制,它可抑制細胞的生長,在某
The need of a booster dosage in immunization programs :
The first injection of vaccine brings about a primary immune response which provides low levels of
antibodies and memory B-cells only. However the antibody level is not sufficient to protect the person
from infection. The booster injection stimulates the proliferation of memory B cells and production of
antibodies which stay in the body for a longer period of time. Therefore, further infection is prevented by
the artificial acquired immunization.
首次的防疫注射引起原發免疫反應,只能產生小量抗體和記憶 B-細胞,抗體水平太低不
足以保護身體免受感染,加強劑的使用可刺激身體產生更多的記憶 B-細胞和抗體,而且
The use of drugs 藥物的使用 :
1. Antibiotics 抗生素 :
They are chemicals produced by various fungi and bacteria, which suppress the growth of other
microorganisms or even kill it. e.g. penicillin.
Penicillin inhibits the synthesis of bacterial cell wall. Because bacterial cells are prokaryotic, the
adverse effects of antibiotics will not happen on the eukaryotic cells of the host and so antibiotics
may be safely used throughout the body. Other antibiotics may interfere DNA, RNA, protein
synthesis and cellular metabolism of the microorganisms. They can be used as a drug inside our body
to inhibit the bacterial growth.
Antibiotics can be produced by artificial method, eg. technique of recombinant DNA, protein
engineering and cloning.
抗生素可人工的方法產生,如利用 DNA 重組技術、蛋白工程及生物複製技術等。
The consequences of indiscriminate use of antibiotics :
(1) Frequently used of antibiotics will lead to decrease in effectiveness of them. It is because
microbes will be immune to the antibiotics through repeated mutations.
It was noticed that certain bacterial cells developed resistance to antibiotics, ie. The antibiotics
failed to kill them in the normal way. Resistance is arose by mutation. This mutation allowed
the bacteria to survive in the presence of drugs like penicillin by producing an enzyme to break it
down. In the presence of penicillin, non-resistant forms are destroyed. There is a selection
pressure favouring the resistant types. The greater the dosage and frequency of its use, the
greater are the selection pressures. At last the anti-antibiotic super bacteria are born.
When taking antibiotics, it is important to follow the doctor’s instruction to complete the
treatment cycle by finishing the pills all even though there is an apparent recover from the
disease. Otherwise, a little bacteria still survive and are selected to become the resistant strain.
(2) Some may affect the synthesis of DNA, RNA, protein synthesis and cellular metabolism of the
有些抗生素或會干擾病人的 DNA、RNA、蛋白合成及代謝作用,即是有副作用。
2. Sulphonamides 磺醯胺
Sulphonamide can stop bacteria from reproduction and growth. It is an effective drug. This is
because its structure is similar to some metabolite in the bacteria. Hence, it competes with the
metabolite for the active site of bacterial enzymes.
1. Explain the meaning of the term antibody.
2. Explain the meaning of the term antigen.
3. Explain the meaning of the term lymphocytes.
4. Explain the meaning of the term memory cell.
5. Explain humoral immune response.
6. Explain the action of antibodies produced by plasma cells.
7. Explain cell-mediated immune response.
8. Explain the role of memory cells in the immune response.
9. What are the differences between specific and non-specific immune responses.
10. Explain inflammatory response.
11. Explain the meaning of the term passive immunity.
12. Explain the meaning of the term active immunity.
13. Explain the meaning of the term passive immunization.
14. Explain the meaning of the term active immunization.
1. Explain the meaning of the term antibody.
A molecule synthesized by an animal in response to antigen (foreign substances).
Antibodies combine with their appropriate antigens and neutralize their action,
preventing them from causing them.
2. Explain the meaning of the term antigen.
Any substance, produced by a microorganism, which will stimulate the production of
3. Explain the meaning of the term lymphocytes.
A type of white blood cell, produced by bone marrow which are important in
immunity of the body.
4. Explain the meaning of the term memory cell.
These are lymphocytes produced during the formation of plasma cells. They greatly
amplify the process of plasma cell formation and antibody secretion when the antigen is
introduced the second time.
5. Explain humoral immune response.
In response to antigens, the B-cells (produced by lymphoid tissue) will differentiate and
proliferate to form a plasma cell clone. The plasma cells can produce antibodies. The
antibodies then attack the antigen. Some memory cells are also produced.
6. Explain the action of antibodies produced by plasma cells.
They are highly specific for the antigens. They speed up phagocytosis, combine with
microorganisms, antigens and clump them together. They also neutralize toxins produced
by microorganisms.
7. Explain cell-mediated immune response.
T-cells produced by thymus gland possessing membrane receptors which recognized
antigen are
stimulated to proliferate and produce two clone of T-cells. One (killer T
cells) can kill antigen
directly. The other (helper T cells) can liberate lymphokines to
activate macrophages to kill the
antigens. In addition, memory cells are also produced.
8. Explain the role of memory cells in the immune response.
The memory cells can speed up the formation of plasma cell and secretion of antibody
when an antigen invades the body the second time.
9. What are the differences between specific and non-specific immune responses.
Specific immune responses differ from non-specific immune responses in
1. Specificity- Non-specific defence mechanism give protection against many types of
pathogens. They include mechanical barriers, enzymes, interferon and phagocytosis.
Specific defence mechanisms confer immunity against the effect of particular pathogens
(eg. The disease caused by a particular virus).
2. Recognition - discrimination between self of non-self molecules
3. Memory - formation of specific memory cells in the immune response so that the second
invasion of the same antigen will result in a more rapid, stronger and long-lasting
response (secondary response).
Memory is absent in non-specific immune response.
10. Explain inflammatory response.
Phagocytosis causes inflammation at the site of infection. The hot and swollen area
contains many dead bacteria and phagocytes which are known as pus. Inflammation
results when histamine is released as a result of injury or infection. This causes dilation
of blood capillaries from which plasma, containing antibodies, escape into tissues.
Lymphocytes also pass through the capillary walls to the infected area.
11. Explain the meaning of the term passive immunity.
Passive immunity is the result of antibodies being passed into an individual in some way
rather than being produced by the individual itself. eg. antibodies pass across the
placenta from a mother to her foetus. It may be acquired artificially by injection of
antibodies from another individual. eg. in the treatment of tetanus. Passive immunity is
only temporary.
12. Explain the meaning of the term active immunity.
Active immunity occurs when an organism manufactures its own antibodies. It is the
result of an infection. Once the body has started to manufacture antibodies in response to a
disease causing agent, it may continue to do so for a long time. It is for this reason that
most people suffer diseases such as mumps and measles only once. It is possible to induce
an individual to produce antibodies even without them suffering diseases. To achieve this,
the appropriate antigen must be injected in some way. This is the basis of immunization
13. Explain the meaning of the term passive immunization.
Antibody from infected patients or organisms are inoculated to the patient against the
disease agent. eg. Tetanus and diphtheria.
14. Explain the meaning of the term active immunization.
Weakened (living, treated by heating) or killed microorganisms are inoculated to the
patient to produce immune response. eg. Polio (living) ; cholera (dead)