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Chapter 7 – The Cell – Review Sheet
Name _____________________________
1. What was Robert Hooke’s contribution to science?
First to obverse and coin the term “cells” in a sample of cork
2. What type of microscope did Hooke use?
Compound microscope (2 lenses)
3. What was Anton van Leeuwenhoek’s contribution to science?
Observed cells in samples of blood, rainwater, and tooth scrapings. First to
observe what we would later recognize as bacteria
4. What type of microscope did Leeuwenhoek use?
Simple microscope (1 lens)
5. List the three types of Electron Microscopes and describe how they are different
from one another.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Scans the surface of cells to show their three-dimensional shape
Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM)
Sends electrons through a specimen to show the parts inside the cell
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Uses electrons to investigate atoms on the surface of a molecule
6. Label the parts of the microscope and their function.
7. If I am looking at a specimen through the microscope using the 15x objective lens,
what is the total magnification of the image that I see?
15 objective lens x 10 eye piece = 150x total magnification
8. What is the cell theory?
1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells
2. The cell is the basic unit of organization of organisms
3. All cells come from preexisting cells
9. The ability of a cell to divide is the basis for what processes?
- All reproduction (sexual and asexual)
- Growth and repair of all multicellular organisms
10. What the two broad types of cells?
11. What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
Do NOT have membrane-bound organelles
DO have membrane-bound organelles
12. What is an organelle?
Structure within a cell that is surrounded by a membrane and has a specific
function for cell survival
13. What is the function of the plasma membrane (or cell membrane)?
Boundary of the cell
Controls what goes in and out of the cell through the selectively permeable
Maintains cell’s homeostasis
14. What is the function of the cell wall?
Gives the cell added support and protection
15. What cells have a cell wall?
Plants, fungi, some protists and most bacteria (prokaryotes)
What cells do not?
Animal cells
16. What is the function of the cytoplasm?
A semi-fluid material that contains the molecules and organelles in the cell
17. What is the function of the nucleus?
Functions in the genetic control of the cell
18. What is found within the nucleus?
Chromosomes made of DNA
19. What type of cells contain a nucleus?
20. What is the function of the nuclear envelope?
Surrounds the nucleus
Regulates the materials that pass between the nucleus and the cytoplasm
21. What happens at the mitochondria?
cellular respiration, a process that provides the cell with energy
22. What would the presence of many mitochondria in a cell indicate?
That the cell requires a lot of energy
23. In what type of cells would you find mitochondria?
24. What is chlorophyll and what does it do?
Green pigment that absorbs energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide
and water into sugar during photosynthesis
25. What organelle contains chlorophyll?
In what type of cells could you find this organelle?
Plants and some algae
26. What happens at the site of the ribosomes?
Protein synthesis
27. Where in the cell can ribosomes be found?
Floating free or on the Rough ER
28. In what type of cells could you find ribosomes?
Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
29. What is ER? What is the function of ER?
ER is a complex, extensive network that transports materials throughout the
inside of the cell
30. What are the two types of ER? What is the difference between them?
Rough ER:
Has ribosomes attached
Smooth ER:
Has no ribosomes
31. In what type of cells would you find ER?
32. What is the function of the golgi apparatus?
Modifies, collects, packages, and distributes molecules within the cell or
outside the cell
33. In what type of cells would you find the golgi apparatus?
34. What is the function of the lysosomes?
Small organelles containing digestive enzymes to break down food particles,
worn out organelles, bacteria, and viruses into particles that can be used by
the rest of the cell
35. In what type of cells would you find the lysosomes?
36. What is the function of vacuoles?
store materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates
37. In what type of cells would you find vacuoles?
38. How do the vacuoles in plant cells and animal cells differ?
Plants have one large vacuole that also helps give support to flowers and
Animal cell vacuoles are much smaller than plant cell vacuoles
39. What is the function of cilia and flagella?
Helps to move the cell or its outer environment; some organisms use them to
capture food
40. In what type of cells might I find cilia?
Animal cells and protists
Animal cells, bacteria, and protists
41. For each of the statements below, choose which cell type it describes:
a. Prokayote
b. Eukaryote-Plant
c. Eukaryote-Animal
d. Any Eukaryote
e. Prokaryote or Eukaryote
i. A cell has a cell membrane and rough ER
Any Eukaryote
ii. A cell has a cell wall and chloroplasts
iii. A cell has DNA
Prokaryote or Eukaryote
iv. A cell has DNA bound in a nucleus
Any Eukaryote
v. A cell has a cell membrane and ribosomes
Prokaryote or Eukaryote
vi. A cell has a very large vacuole taking up most of the inside of the cell
vii. A cell has a nucleus and no cell wall
42. Label the part of the cells picture below.