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The discovery of cells occurred only
after the development of the
In the 1600s, Anton Van
Leeuwenhoek developed the single
lens microscope and discovered:
 Living organisms in water
 Red Blood Cells
 Bacteria
Robert Hooke developed a
more modern microscope and
used it to examine cork
 He observed tiny individual
units within the cork that he
called “cells” because it
reminded him of monks’ cells
After years of research, scientists summarized their
findings into three statements. Together, they
make up the cell theory:
1. All living things are made up of cells
2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function of all
living things
3. All cells come from preexisting cells
The cell is composed of smaller functional parts
known as organelles, or “little organs”
 Each organelle has a special job to do for the cell
to survive
Surrounds the cell and controls the movement of
materials both into and out of the cell
 It is considered “semi-permeable”- some materials
can pass through and some cannot
The fluid-like material that
fills the space between the
nucleus and the cell
It contains all the organelles
and many chemical
activities occur here
It moves around inside the
cell and this process is called
“Brain of the Cell”
Controls all the life
functions of the cell
Surrounded by a nuclear
Inside are chromosomes,
which are made of long
thin threads call chromatin
Chromatin contains DNA,
the cell’s hereditary
Found inside the nucleus
Involved in the synthesis of ribosomes
A network of channels
or canals that
transports substances
made in the cell
Two Types:
 Rough ER
 Smooth ER
 Rough ER: Typically
found surrounding the
nucleus and covered in
organelles called
ribosomes. It usually
transports proteins.
 Smooth ER: Not
covered in ribosomes
and is involved in the
production of fats
Carry out protein synthesis
They can be free floating in the cytoplasm or
attached to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum
Called the powerhouse of the
cell because the process of cell
respiration occurs here
Cell respiration produces all of
the cells energy in the form of
a molecule called ATP
All typical cells contain 300 to
800 mitochondria depending
upon their activity
AKA the “Mighty
“Stacks of Sacs”
Serve as storage
centers for the cell
They store, sort, and
package proteins.
These packages then
move to the cell
membrane where the
proteins are released
to outside the cell
Storage sacs in the cell
Stores water, food, and some wastes
Much larger in plant cells than in animal cells
A full vacuole puts pressure on the sides of the cell wall
and keeps the plant cell rigid and strong, and the plant
standing upright
When a plant loses water, the vacuoles shrink, and the
plant cells shrivel, making the plant appear wilted
Stores waste materials and helps digest food in onecelled organisms
Break down damaged or old cell parts in multicellular
Pair of cylinder-shaped structures found just
outside the nucleus that aid in cell division
 Only found in animal cells
A non-living structure
which surrounds,
supports, and protects
the plant cell
Made of a starch called
Found only in plant
What gives the plant
cell a rectangular shape
Found only in plant cells
Contain the green pigment chlorophyll
Carry out the process of photosynthesis, which is
how green plants make their own food
No Centrioles
Big Vacuoles
Cell Wall Present
Chloroplasts Present
Centrioles Present
Small Vacuoles
No Cell Wall
No Chloroplasts
If all cells come from pre-existing cells,
where did the first cell come from? It must
have come from non-living material
Viruses are not made
up of cells, but
contain genetic
material. The only
cellular activities
that they carry on
are synthesis and
reproduction inside a
living cell
Certain cell organelles, such as mitochondria
and chloroplasts, contain their own genetic
material and can reproduce independently in
the cell