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Exam Two Review Guide
Chapter Five
Anabolism vs. Catabolism
Dehydration synthesis vs. hydrolysis
Endergonic vs. exergonic
Phosphorylation vs. dephosphorylation
Know definitions for the first and second laws of thermodynamics
ATP cycle
What is an enzyme, a substrate and what is substrate specificity?
Is the active site on the enzyme or substrate?
Enzymes reduce the amount of activation energy required for cellular
respiration… Be able to represent this in a graph.
10. Recall the example of catalase enzyme and its substrate hydrogen peroxide.
11. What are the three environmental factors affecting enzyme activity?
12. Three characteristics of a plasma membrane.
13. Passive transport vs. active transport.
14. Diffusion and osmosis.
15. Three proteins involved in facilitated diffusion.
16. Are these proteins integral or peripheral proteins?
17. Two types of bulk transportation.
18. Three types of endocytosis.
19. Transfer of messages inter and intracellularly  Signal transduction.
Chapter Six (and bit of seven)
1. What is a redox reaction?
2. Why is it coupled?
3. In the cellular respiration equation, which molecules are oxidized and which
are reduced?
4. What are the three types of electron carrier molecules?
5. Which two are used in cellular respiration?
6. How many ATPs are generated from an NADH molecule? An FADH2
7. Three types of phosphorylation.
8. Definition of chemiosomosis.
9. What are the four steps of cellular respiration?
10. Which step is oxygen dependent?
11. For each step of cellular respiration, be able to account for all ATP, CO2, H2O
NADH+H+ and FADH2 generated.
12. Explain the difference between substrate phosphorylation and oxidative
13. Which steps of cellular respiration utilize substrate level phosphorylation
and which utilize oxidative phosphorylation?
14. The acetyl group needs to combine with coenzyme A to be transported into
the mitochondria. When the acetyl group enters the mitochondria, it
combines with which molecule to form citrate in the citric acid cycle?
15. What are the other two names for the citric acid cycle?
16. Account for all the ATP, CO2, H2O NADH+H+ and FADH2 generated by one
glucose molecule, then again for one G3P molecule.
17. G3P separates the energy investment phase from the energy payoff stage of
glycolysis. Why are these phases named as such?
18. We generate between 36-38 ATP in cellular respiration, where are those 2
specific ATPs lost? Muscle cells contain creatine kinase and therefore do not
lose those two ATPs in this process.
19. Identify all four metabolic toxins that we discussed in class and describe
where they stop cellular respiration.
20. We are able to inhibit cellular respiration at certain steps, like
Phosphofructokinase at fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. What molecules inhibit
cellular respiration and which activate cellular respiration.
21. What is the purpose of fermentation.
22. Lactic acid fermentation vs. alcohol fermentation.
23. Amphibolic definition.
24. Memorize figure 7.5.
25. Importance of rubisco.