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Learning Targets and Reading
• 7.12D Differentiate between structure and function in plant and animal
cell organelles, including cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, cytoplasm,
mitochondrion, chloroplast, and vacuoles
• 7.12E Compare the functions of a cell to the functions of organisms
such as waste removal
• 7.12F Recognize that according to cell theory all organisms are
composed of cells and cells carry on similar functions such as
extracting energy from food to sustain life
Vocabulary / Cell Structures
• Cell membrane
• Cell wall
• Chloroplast
• Cytoplasm
• Mitochondrion
• Nucleus
• Organelle
• Vacuole
Robert Hooke
• Discovered the first cell in 1665 (17th century)
• Microscopes and magnification technology
• Began the scientific study of cells, known as “Cell biology”
• Described cells in “Micrographia”
• 60 observations of objects
under a microscope
• Cella in Latin means “Small
• Didn’t know structure or
function of cells
• Unable to see other
components of the cell
• Cell theory (1838)
1. All living organisms are
composed of one or more
2. The cell is the basic unit of
structure and organization in
3. Cells arise from pre-existing
cells (by division)
The life of a cell
• The eggshell is a barrier between the inside of the
egg and the environment. This structure functions
to protect the rest of the egg from the environment.
• Cells have a structure that surrounds the cell and
protects it from the external environment
• Skin cells provide protection for the body
The Cell
• There are two types of cells:
• Prokaryotic
• Eukaryotic
• Cells are made of different structures that
perform various functions
• Different types of cells perform different
functions. The size and shape of a cell
relates to its function
Eukaryotic cell
Prokaryotic cell
• Found in plants and animals, fungi
and protists (like algae)
• Found in unicellular organisms like
• Greek eu- (true), -karyon (nucleus)
• Pro- (Before), -karyon (Nucleus)
• Structures: Organelles (Nucleus,
Ribosomes, and Mitochondria), Cell
membrane, Cytoplasm,
Chromosomes, Endoplasmic
reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus,
Lysosomes, Cell Wall
• No nucleus / Genetic material
floats freely
• Larger than prokaryotic cells, more
Cell Structures
• Cell membrane (in Animal and Plant cells)
• Flexible
• Function: Regulates what goes in and out of
the cell
• Mostly made of proteins and phospholipid
• Cell wall (only in Plant cells)
• Stiff
• Function: Structure and support
• Mostly made of carbohydrates
• Go to page 413
• Identify Function and if the structure is found in Animal
or Plant cells or both
• Reading: pages 406 – 413 and videos
Plant cells vs Animal cells
• Both eukaryotic, both have a nucleus
• The nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell/plasma membrane
• Organelles
• What’s in the nucleus?
• What structures are part of the nucleus?
• What structures help remove waste from the cell?
• What structures provide energy for the cell?