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Unit Three
Cell Structure, Function, and Membranes
Chapters 4 and 5
Cell Structure
Chapter 4
Cell Discovery
 Robert Hooke
 1665
 Called them “cellulae”,
meaning small rooms
Cell Discovery
 Anton van Leeuwenhoek
 Microscopist
 Called
which means little
Cell Discovery
Matthias Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
 1838
 1839
 Botanist
 Physiologist
 “all plants are made of
 “all animals are made of
Cell Theory
 All organisms are composed of one or more cells, and
the life processes of metabolism and heredity occur
within these cells
 Cells are the smallest living things, the basic unit of
organization of all organisms
 Cells arise only by the division of a previously existing
Limitations to cell size
 Cells remain small for
reasons to do with
 Rate of diffusion can be
 Surface area
 Temperature
 Concentration gradient
 Distance over which
diffusion must occur
What do all cells have in
 Nucleoid region or nucleus where genetic material is
 Cytoplasm
 Ribosomes for protein synthesis
 Plasma membrane
Cytoplasm and Plasma Membrane
Plasma Membrane
 Semifluid
 Phospholipid bilayer
about 5 to 10 nm thick
 Contains sugars, amino
acids, and proteins
 Proteins embedded
 May contain organelles
 Transport
 Cytosol
 Receptor
Prokaryotic Cells
Bacterial Cell
Composed of peptidoglycan and
short polypeptide cross-links
Drugs such as penicillin and
vancomycin interrupt bacterial
cell wall formation by halting
the short polypeptide crosslinks
Some secrete a jelly-like
capsule, which allows them to
stick to other surfaces
Eukaryotic Cells
 Much more complex
 Essentially they are compartmentalized
 Endomembrane system
 Organelles
 Largest and most easily seen
 From the Latin meaning “nut” or “kernel”
 Houses the genetic material
 Most also have a nucleolus
Nuclear Envelope
 Phospholipid bilayers
 Contains nuclear pores
 The pores allow ions and small molecules to diffuse
 Nuclear lamina provides structure and shape
Know the Function of the
Following Organelles
 Plasma membrane
 Lysosomes
 Nucleus
 Peroxisomes
 Nucleolus
 Microbodies
 Ribosomes
 Vacuoles
 Endoplasmic Reticulum
 Mitochondria
 Golgi apparatus
 Chloroplasts
 Flagella
 Cytoskeleton
 Cell wall
 Main function?
 Number of subunits?
 “Universal organelles?”
Endoplasmic Reticulum
 What type of system is the ER part of?
 What does the name actually mean?
 Main function of the rough ER?
 What are some functions of the smooth ER?
Golgi Apparatus
 What type of cells have
large numbers of Golgi?
 What are the two faces
of the Golgi? What is the
job of each?
 What cell wall structures
are made by the Golgi?
 How does a lysosome
 Phagolysosome?
 What is the function?
 What do they produce?
 How is the toxicity of
their product mitigated?
 Function?
 What is a tonoplast?
 What is the function of
 Do you remember the
four steps of cell
 Be sure to know specific
regions of mitochondria
and the function.
 What are the steps of
 Know the structures
within the chloroplast
 Actin filaments, microfilaments—cell movements;
pinching, contracting, crawling
 Microtubules—cytoplasm organization
 Intermediate filaments—structural components; ex.
 Barrel-shaped organelles
in animals and some
 Centrosome—area
surrounding the pair of
 Help organize the
Cytoskeleton and movement
 Actin filaments and microtubules aid in cellular division
 Chromosomes move to opposite poles because they are
attached to shortening microtubules
 Muscle cells utilize the actin filaments to generate
Molecular motors
 Eukaryotic cells must move materials
 ER sometimes does this
 Vesicles and microtubules also move materials
Molecular motors
 Four components are needed to move materials
 Vesicle or organelle to be transported
 A motor protein to provide energy
 A connector molecule to attach the vesicle to the motor
 Microtubules that the vesicle will ride along like a train
 Directionality of movement is based on charges of the
Crawling cells
 Actin filaments allow cells to crawl
 Inflammation, clotting, wound healing, and the spread of
cancer all depend on crawling
 Ex. White blood cells
 Actin filaments rapidly polymerize at the leading edge of
the cell, then myosin motors contract and pull the cell
contents forward
Flagella and Cilia
 Eukaryotic flagella have
9 + 2 structure
 Dyein motor protein
movement cause
 Basal body
 More numerous than
 Retain the same internal
Plant cell walls
 Composed of cellulose
 Structure and support
 Primary wall, middle
lamella, secondary walls
Animal Cell ECM
 Extracellular matrix
 Composed of
 Proteoglycans
 Fibronectin and Integrin
How do cells communicate?
 Formation of tissues, organs, and organ systems means
cells need to communicate
 Cells need connections, cellular identifiers, and
 Membrane proteins are highly involved in this
Cell surface proteins
 Cell surface proteins allow cells to “read” each other and
react accordingly
 Glycolipids
 Bloodtypes A, B, and O
 MHC proteins
 Major histocompatibility complex
 Recognizes “self” and “non-self” proteins
 Immune system
Cell-to-cell connections
 Adhesive junctions
 Septate or tight junctions
 Communicating junctions
 Gap junctions
 Plasmodesmata
Adhesive junctions
 Appear to be the first to
have evolved, found in
 Found in muscle and
skin, areas of mechanical
 Based on the protein
cadherin which is Ca+2
 Desmosomes
 Hemidesmosomes
Septate or tight junctions
 Found in vertebrates and invertebrates
 Seal off sheets of cells
 Tight junctions are unique to vertebrates and use
proteins called claudins, because they can occlude
 Cells of the digestive tract use tight junctions
Communicating junctions
 Multicellular organisms
 Allow communication by diffusion through small
 Ions and other small molecules may pass
 Animals have gap junctions
 Plants have plasmodesmata
Chapter 5
Fluid Mosaic Model
 Phospholipid bilayer
 Glycerol phospholipids
 Sphingolipids
 Singer and Nicholson developed new model in 1972
stating the proteins are in and on the membrane
 Fluid mosaic model
 Proteins float on and in the lipids
Fatty acid tails
Phosphate head
Similar structure
Sphingomyelin found in animals
Four Components
 Phospholipid bilayer
 Transmembrane proteins
 Interior protein network
 Scaffolding
 Can control movements and anchoring
 Cell-surface markers
 Glycoproteins
 glycolipids
Membrane Fluidity
 Why does the membrane
spontaneously form a
 Can the fluidity of the
membrane change?
protein function
Cell-surface receptors
Cell-surface identity markers
Cell-to-cell adhesion
Cytoskeleton attachment
How do proteins
anchor in the
Non-polar regions embed in the
Chemical bonding domain
regions in extracellular region
If the protein moves, it gets
shoved back into the membrane
by water
Blue areas are transmembrane
Pore Proteins and β barrels
Cellular Transport
Passive Transport
Active Transport
 Materials move from high
to low concentration
 Materials move from low
to high concentration
 Down the concentration
 Up the concentration
 No energy required
 Energy required
 Specialized channels for water
 Experimental demonstration
 Amphibian egg placed in hypotonic spring water
 Egg does not swell
 Aquaporin mRNA is injected into the egg and the proteins
are expressed
 Egg swells
Osmotic pressure
 Do you remember the following terms?
 Hypertonic
 Hypotonic
 Isotonic
 Sketch a cell in a hypertonic environment and show
what would happen. Be sure to label salt and water
concentrations inside and outside the cell.
 Single-celled eukaryotes
 Contractile vacuole
 Pump out excess water
Isosmotic regulation
 Marine organisms will adjust internal levels of solute to
match external levels
 No net water movement
 Terrestrial animals bathe cells with an isotonic solution
 Example: blood contains high levels of albumin to match
cell internal concentrations
Turgor pressure
 Plants
 Most plant cells are
hypertonic relative to
their environment
 Water flows in and
pushes the membrane
against the cell wall
Active Transport
 Energy is used to run pumps or change cell shapes
 Protein carriers can be any of the following
 Uniporter—carry a single type of molecule
 Symporter—carry two molecules in the same direction
 Antiporter—carry two molecules in opposite directions
 What is the energy used to complete these movements?
Sodium-Potassium pump
 Directly uses ATP
 3 Na+ leave
 2 K+ enter
 Protein conformation changes rapidly, 300 Na+
transported per second
Coupled Transport
 Indirect use of ATP
 The concentration gradient of the Na+ drives the action
of the glucose transport