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AP Biology Quiz
1. Observe the picture below which is a tunneling electron microscope image (TEM) of the internal
structure of a cell.
Structure Name
Found in
Eukaryotes or
Part of Endomembrane
System? Y/N
AP Biology Quiz
2. Fill in the chart below regarding microscope use.
Electron Microscope
In what situations
should this scope
be used?
Advantage to
Disadvantage to
3. Observe the picture to the right showing
stained cells under a microscope. If the
field of view is 2 mm in diameter, what is
the size of one cell in micrometers?
4. Are these animal cells or plant cells?
5. Support your answer from question 4.
Light Microscope
AP Biology Quiz
Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow in complete sentences.
Exercise as Housecleaning for the Body
The New York Times
February 1, 2012
By Gretchen Reynolds
It’s long been known that cells accumulate flotsam from the wear and tear of everyday living.
Broken or misshapen proteins, shreds of cellular membranes, invasive viruses or bacteria, and
worn-out, broken-down cellular components, like aged mitochondria, the tiny organelles within
cells that produce energy, form a kind of trash heap inside the cell.
In most instances, cells diligently sweep away this debris. They even recycle it for fuel. Through a
process with the expressive name of autophagy… cells create specialized membranes that engulf
junk in the cell’s cytoplasm and carry it to a part of the cell known as the lysosome, where the
trash is broken apart and then burned by the cell for energy.
Without this efficient system, cells could become choked with trash and malfunction or die. In
recent years, some scientists have begun to suspect that faulty autophagy mechanisms contribute
to the development of a range of diseases, including diabetes, muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer’s
and cancer. The slowing of autophagy as we reach middle age is also believed to play a role in
6. What is “autophagy?”
7. By what method do lysosomes patrol the cell and fuse with worn organelles?
8. Certain cells in your body are more metabolically active than others. Name 2 cell types in
the human body that would be most affected by “the wear and tear of everyday living.”
9. Describe a method where a research scientist might test how cancer can arise from faulty
autophagy. What organelles and cellular systems might the researcher study and why?
AP Biology Quiz
1. The tendency of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment is called (a)
homeostasis (b) cell theory (c) reproduction (d) synthesis
2. The energy available for use by the cell is obtained from the life function of (a)
reproduction (b) respiration (c) transport (d) synthesis
3. The chemical process by which complex molecules of protein are made from simple
molecules is called (a) regulation (b) respiration (c) synthesis (d) hydrolysis
4. Which life function includes the absorption and circulation of essential substances
throughout a cell? (a) transport (b) excretion (c) ingestion (d) nutrition
5. Which term includes all of the chemical activities carried on by an organism? (a)
anabolism (b) metabolism (c) digestion (d) respiration
6. Which life activity is not required for the survival of an individual organism? (a)
nutrition (b) respiration (c) reproduction (d) synthesis
7. In an ameba, materials are taken from its environment and then moved throughout its
cytoplasm. These processes are regulated by (a) amylase and dynein (b) ATP and
phosphate (c) microtubulin and ADP (d) ATP and dynein
8. In an organism, the coordination of the activities that maintain homeostasis in a
constantly changing environment is a process known as (a) digestion (b) regulation
(c) synthesis (d) respiration
9. Which life function provides substances that may be used by an organism for its
growth and for the repair of its tissues? (a)excretion (b)reproduction (c)nutrition (d)
10. A modem classification system should reflect (a)the types of habitats in which
organisms live (b) evolutionary relationships between cells (c) color and size
relationships (d) the eating habits of organisms
11. Among many species, those most closely related to each other would probably (a)
live in the same geographic area (b) contain similar enzymes and hormones (c) have
similar food requirements (d) live during the same time period
12. The scientific classification of animals is based primarily on similarities in (a) where
the organisms live (b) size (c) the food the organisms eat (d)structure
13. The term "semipermeable" is used in reference to the (a) nucleolus (b) cell wall (c)
cytoplasm (d) cell membrane
14. The canals that connect the cell membrane with the nuclear membrane are the (a)
ribosomes (b) lysosomes (c) endoplasmic reticulum (d) nuclei
AP Biology Quiz
15. The part of a cell that is in most direct contact with the environment is the (a)
nucleus (b) cell membrane (c) mitochondrion (d) centrioles
16. Plant cell organelles that contain photosynthetic pigments are (a) chloroplasts (b)
centrioles (c) chromosomes (d) cell walls
17. A student can tell the difference between onion skin cells & cheek cells because the
onion cells have a (a) cell membrane (b) nucleus (c) centriole (d) cell wall
18. The sites of protein anabolism in the cytoplasm are the (a) ribosomes (b) lysosomes
(c) nuclei (d) centrioles
19. The internal environment in which most metabolism of a cell take
place is the (a) cell membrane (b) chloroplast (c) cytoplasm (d)
20. Intracellular transport of materials is most closely associated with
which cell organelle? (a) cell membrane (b) cell wall (c) ribosome
(d) endoplasmic reticulum
21. Centrioles are normally present in the (a) cytoplasm of onion cells
(b) cytoplasm of cheek cells (c) nuclei of liver cells (d) nuclei of
bean cells
Answers go here:
22. Which organelle contains hereditary material and controls most
cell activities? (a) nucleus (b) cell membrane (c) vacuole (d)
endoplasmic reticulum
23. Centrioles are cell structures involved primarily in (a) cell division
(b) storage of fats (c) enzyme production (d) cellular respiration
24. The cell organelles that are the sites of aerobic cellular respiration
in both plant and animal cells are (a) mitochondria (b) centrioles
(c) chloroplasts (d) nuclei
25. An increase in the concentration of ATP in a muscle cell is a direct
result of which life function? (a) respiration (b) reproduction (c)
digestion (d) excretion
26. Organelles responsible for ribosome synthesis are (a) centrioles (b)
nucleoli (c) nuclei (d)mitochondrion
27. An organelle that is present in the cells of a mouse but not present
in the cells of a bean plant is a (a) cell wall (b) chloroplast (c) cell
membrane (d) centriole
28. A nonliving cell structure is a (a) cell membrane (b) nucleus (c)
cell wall (d) Golgi complex