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NAME: ____________________
PER. _____
Organic Molecules contain ___________________________covalently bonded to other atoms,
determine structure and function Inorganic Molecules do not contain carbon but do have
______________________ (water, salts, and many acids and bases)
Carbon is special because it has ____ valence electrons. It forms strong, stable
___________________ bonds with up to 4 other atoms (usually H, O, N, S, P, or another C).
Carbon can form long chains, branched structures, or rings. Adjacent carbon atoms can also form
Double and Triple bonds. There are four basic classes of organic molecules: carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins and nucleic acids. Most organic molecules are large polymers made up of many similar
subunits, called monomers.
Fatty Acids, Glycerol
_____________, Lipids,
Amino Acids
Nucleic Acids
Contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, generally the hydrogen to carbon ratio is 2:1 (same as
Classified by the number of sugars:
Monosaccharide – “_____ sugar”
Disaccharide – “_____sugars”
Polysaccharide – “ _____________ sugars”
Four types of polysaccharides are important for us to know about:
____________________ - straight chain polymer of glucose molecules. Energy
storage for plant cells.
_____________________ - highly branched polymer of glucose. Energy storage
for animal cells.
_____________________ - helical chain of glucose molecules, structural
carbohydrate, primary constituent of plant cell walls.
______________________ - polymer of glucose with amino acids attached, primary
constituent of exoskeletons of insects & crustaceans (and in fungal cell walls)
NAME: ____________________
PER. _____
Lipids are insoluble in ____________________ but are soluble in other lipids and in
organic solvents (alcohol, ether) or detergents
Most of the structure of lipids is non-polar
Formed almost exclusively of _________________ and _________________ atoms.
Contain C, H, and O, but the proportion of oxygen in lipids is _______________ than in
Four Types of Lipids
Neutral Fats or Triglycerides: made of ____ fatty acids and glycerol. Fats and oils.
Phospholipids: made of 2 fatty acids, 1 phosphate. Important component of
_________ Membranes
Steroids (cholesterol and hormones)
Other Lipoid substances – eicosanoids, lipoproteins
Important for
Long- term ________________________________ storage - highest caloric
values per weight
Chemical messengers – steroid _______________________________
(testosterone & estrogen)
Cell ____________________________ – phospholipids, cholesterol
Protein is the basic structural material of the body – __________________% of cell mass
Many other vital functions – enzymes, hemoglobin, contractile proteins, collagen, even
proteins that help and protect other proteins
Most are __________________________________________, large (100 to 10,000
a.a.), complex molecules
All are made of amino acids – there are ________ types of building blocks for protein
molecules Each amino acid contains an amine group, a carboxyl group (COOH), and a
functional (R) group Differences in the R group make each amino acid chemically unique
Proteins are polymers – ____________________________ – of amino acids held together
by Peptide bonds with the amine end of one amino acid linked to the carboxyl end of the
next. The order or _____________________________ of the amino acids determine
the function of the protein
NAME: ____________________
PER. _____
PROTEINS (continued from previous page)
Proteins have four sequence levels
____________________ – linear sequence of amino acids composing the
polypeptide chain (strand of amino acid “beads”)
____________________ – alpha helix or beta pleated sheets
____________________ – superimposed folding of secondary structures
producing a ball-like or globular molecule
______________________ – polypeptide chains linked together in a specific manner
The activity of a protein depends on its ___________________-dimensional structure. A
protein is ___________________________________ when it unfolds and loses its
three-dimensional shape (conformation)
Special Proteins: Enzymes
Most are globular proteins that act as biological catalysts by lowering activation
Enzymes are chemically specific
Frequently named for the type of reaction they catalyze
Enzyme names usually end in -______________
Special Proteins: Structural Proteins
Keratin – ______________________
Fibroin –______________________
Collagen – _____________________
Lignan – makes___________________ rigid
Composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and phosphorus
Nucleotides are composed of _______-containing base, a pentose sugar, and a phosphate
Five nitrogen bases – adenine (___), guanine (___), cytosine (___), thymine (___), and uracil (___)
Adenine and Guanine are Purines – 2-ring structure
Cytosine, Thymine, Uracil are Pyrimidines – 1-ring structure
Nucleotides are linked by hydrogen bonds between their complementary bases
A always binds to _____
G always binds to _____
NAME: ____________________
PER. _____
NUCLEIC ACIDS (continued from previous page)
Two major classes – DNA and RNA
____________________-stranded helical molecule found in the
____________________ of the eukaryotic cell (also found in prokaryotic
cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts)
Replicates itself before the cell divides, ensuring genetic continuity - it is
the genetic material inherited form parents – it is the
Provides instructions for protein synthesis
____________________________-stranded molecule found in both the
nucleus and the cytoplasm of a cell
Sugar is ____________________ instead of Deoxyribose
Uses the nitrogenous base Uracil instead of _____________________
Three varieties of RNA: messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA
CENTRAL DOGMA: DNA → RNA → Protein Synthesis → Proteins and Enzymes →
Structure and Metabolism
Special case: Adenosine Triphosphate (______)
Adenine-containing RNA nucleoside with three phosphate groups
Source of _______________________________________________ energy
for the cell