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Section 1, Chapter 4
Chapter 4, Metabolism
Cellular Metabolism
metabolism is the sum of all reactions in the body
metabolic reactions are of two types
In anabolic reactions energy is used to synthesize large
molecules from smaller molecules.
Anabolic reactions create materials for growth and repair.
In catabolic reactions large molecules are decomposed into
smaller molecules
Catabolic reactions release energy for cellular use
Dehydration Synthesis
Dehydration synthesis is a type of anabolic reaction.
triglycerides, polysaccharides, and proteins are synthesized through dehydration
A molecule of water is released from dehydration synthesis.
Amino acids are joined by
dehydration synthesis
Dehydration Synthesis
polysaccharides from monosaccharides
proteins from amino acids
nucleic acids from nucleotides
fats by joining fatty acids to glycerol
hydrolysis is the reverse of dehydration synthesis
water is used to break apart molecules
hydrolysis releases energy from chemical bonds
Decomposes Polysaccharides into monosaccharides & disaccharides
Decomposes proteins into amino acids
Decomposes Fats into fatty acids & glycerol
Decomposes Nucleic Acids into nucleotides
The critical amount of energy required for a
reaction to occur is called the activation energy.
Enzymes are biological catalysts
They greatly reduce the activation
energy required to start a reaction.
Characteristics of enzymes
Most enzymes are Proteins
Enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction
Enzymes catalyze reactions
– they increase the rate of reactions, but are not consumed by the reaction
Enzymes are specific to one substrate.
A substrate is the target molecule of an enzyme
Enzyme Names
Enzymes are named for substrate they act upon and
their name usually ends with _____ase.
Examples of enzymes:
Lipase: decomposes lipids
Protease: decomposes proteins
Nuclease: decomposes nucleic acids
ATP Synthase: synthesizes ATP molecules
The Active site of an enzyme is the region that binds to the substrate
The enzyme temporarily binds to the substrate forming an Enzyme-Substrate Complex
The Enzyme releases the product and enzyme is reused for a new reaction.
Rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions
The rate of a reaction is limited by:
1. The concentration of substrate
2. The concentration of enzyme
3. The efficiency of enzymes
Some enzymes handle 2-3 molecules per second
Other enzymes handle thousands per second
Metabolic Pathways
A metabolic pathway is a complex series of reactions leading to a product
Metabolic Pathways are controlled by several enzymes
Example: The catabolic pathway
for the breakdown of glucose is
highly complex.
Metabolic Pathways
The product of each reaction becomes the substrate of next reaction.
Each step requires its own enzyme
The least efficient enzyme is the “Rate-Limiting Enzyme”
Rate-limiting enzyme is usually first in sequence
• Enzyme A = Rate-limiting Enzyme
Negative Feedback in Metabolic Pathway
Negative feedback prevents too much product from being produced.
The product of the metabolic pathway often inhibits the rate-limiting enzyme.
substance that increases the efficiency of an enzyme
Cofactors include ions (zinc, iron, copper) and coenzymes
Coenzymes are organic cofactors
Coenzymes include Vitamins (Vitamin A, B, D)
Reusable – required in small amounts
Vitamins are essential organic molecules that humans cannot synthesize, so they
must come from diet
Many vitamins are coenzymes
Vitamins can function repeatedly, so can be used in small amounts.
Example: Coenzyme A
Energy for Metabolic Reactions
Energy: is the capacity to change something, or ability to do work.
Common forms of energy:
Chemical energy
Mechanical energy
Electrical energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it may
be transferred from one form to another.
example of energy transfer: combustion engine
The combustion of fuel converts chemical energy in
the gasoline into kinetic energy, heat, sound. Water
and CO2 are produced as waste.
Fuel (chemical energy)
= Kinetic Energy + CO2 + H2O
Cellular Respiration
Cell Respiration is the transfer of energy from food molecules into a
form the cells can use
Energy from foods such as glucose is used to make ATP for the cell.
Reaction of Cell Respiration
Initial fuel or
energy source
End of Section 1, Chapter 4
ATP = Energy
currency for cells
Section 2, Chapter 4
Overview of Cell Respiration
Initial fuel or
energy source
ATP = energy
currency used by cells
Glucose is broken down to make ATP
Oxidation- transfer of electrons away from a molecule.
Glucose is oxidized in cell respiration. Energy from the
transfer of e- away from glucose is used to make ATP.
Cells break down ATP into ADP for cell activity.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
Adenosine Diphosphate (ATP)
Currency of Energy for cells
ATP is converted to ADP by
hydrolyzing one of the
phosphorus bonds
Energy is released by hydrolyzing 3 rd
phosphate group of ATP
Cells quickly use their ATP supplies for cell activity,
so the ATP must be replenished.
Cell respiration regenerates ATP supplies by adding
a phosphate to ADP
ATP provides energy for cell activity
Cell Respiration regenerates ATP
Figure 4.8
Cell Respiration
anaerobic respiration (glycolysis)
occurs in the cytoplasm
does not require oxygen
yields 2 ATP per glucose
aerobic respiration
occurs in mitochondria
requires oxygen
yields up to 38 ATP per glucose
Cell Respiration involves 3 reactions
1. Glycolysis
Glycolysis is a series of anaerobic reactions that occur in the cytoplasm.
Glucose is broken down into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid
Only 2 molecules of ATP are produced per glucose molecule.
2. Citric Acid Cycle (Kreb’s Cycle)
If oxygen is present respiration continues into the Citric Acid
Cycle within the matix of the mitochondrion.
3. Electron Transport Chain
Aerobic respiration is complete in the electron transport chain.
ETC occurs on the inner membrane of the mitochondrion.
Overview of Cell Respiration
If O2 available
1. glycolysis
Without O2
Lactic acid
2. citric acid cycle
3. ETC
Up to
36 ATP
Overview of Cell Respiration
1. Glycolysis
(anaerobic )
pyruvic acid
O2 available
pyruvic acid
O2 not available
Lactic acid
2. CAC
3. ETC
Electron Carriers: NADH & FADH2
During respiration electrons are removed from glucose and transported
to the ETC by electron carriers.
Energy from the electrons is used to synthesize ATP in the ETC.
NADH carries 2e- from glucose into
the ETC, where its worth 2-3 ATP
FADH2 carries 2e- into the ETC,
where its worth 2 ATP
Summary of Glycolysis
Phase 1: phosphorylation of glucose
2 phosphates are added to glucose.
2 ATP are hydrolyzed into 2 ADP
molecules in this step.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 2: lysing of glucose
Glucose is split into 2 3-carbon molecules
Phase 3: oxidation of glucose
glucose is oxidized into 2
molecules of pyruvic acid
Phase 3 produces
4 ATP,
2 molecules of pyruvic acid.
Phase 3
pyruvic acid
pyruvic acid
+4 ATP are produced in the third phase
- 2ATP are used in the first phase
Glycolysis produces a net gain of 2 ATP
The overall products of glycolysis includes:
2 Pyruvic Acids
2 NADH (these carry e- to the ETC)
pyruvic acid
If O2 is not available
pyruvic acid completes
anaerobic respiration in
the cytoplasm.
If O2 is available pyruvic
acid enters mitochondria
for aerobic respiration.
Anaerobic Respiration
The electron carriers (NADH) from glycolysis cannot
enter into the ETC if oxygen is not available.
Without oxygen NADH donates its electrons to pyruvic
acid, forming Lactic acid.
pyruvic acid
lactic acid
This replenishes NAD+ supplies, so they can be used to
remove electrons from additional glucose molecules.
Anaerobic Respiration
Without O2, Lactic acid builds up
as glucose is burned
During exercise when there isn’t sufficient O2 for
aerobic respiration, lactic acid (Lactate) accumulates
in the cells.
Anaerobic Respiration
Once oxygen is available (eg after exercise), then Lactic
Acid is converted back to glucose by the liver
Oxygen debt is the amount of O2 required to convert the
lactic acid back to glucose after exercise.
Anaerobic respiration yields only 2 ATP per glucose, but it
provides cells with a quick source of energy; for exercise
End of section 2, chapter 4
Glycolysis breaks down glucose into 2 Pyruvic Acid molecules
Occurs in Cytoplasm of Cell
Anaerobic Reaction (no oxygen required)
Glycolysis Yields
2 ATP (net gain) per glucose
2 NADH molecule (worth 2-3 ATP in the ETC)
2 Pyruvic Acid molecules
If oxygen is available, pyruvic acid can continue through aerobic
respiration inside the mitochondria
Pyruvic Acid
(3 Carbon)
Aerobic Pathways Includes
1. Citric Acid Cycle
2. Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of cell.
Most ATP are synthesized within mitochondria
Mitochondria consists of two layers
Outer Membrane
Inner Membrane – the inner membrane is highly
folded into cristae. Cristae greatly
increase the surface area for the ETC
Priming Pyruvic Acid for the Citric Acid Cycle
Before pyruvic acid can enter the CAC it
must first be converted into acetyl CoA
For each pyruvic acid, this reaction produces
1 CO2 molecule
1 NADH molecule
1 Acetyl CoA
pyruvic acid
1 molecule of
CO2 is released
Acetyl CoA is the substrate
for the citric acid cycle.
Coenzyme A
acetyl CoA
Citric Acid Cycle
The citric acid cycle occurs in the
matrix of the mitochondrion.
pyruvic acid
Citric Acid Cycle
Conenzyme A released
Acetyl CoA combines with
oxaloacetic acid to form citric acid.
acetyl coA
Citric acid is converted back to
oxaloacetic acid
oxaloacetic acid
acetic acid
citric acid
Citric Acid Cycle
3 NAD+
Products of the citric acid cycle include:
3 NADH = transports electrons to ETC
1 FADH2 = transports electrons to ETC
2 CO2
electron transport chain (ETC)
The ETC is located on the inner membrane of mitochondria
An enzyme called ATP synthase forms ATP by attaching a phosphate to ADP
ATP synthase is powered by the transfer of e- along a chain protein complexes that
form the ETC.
The ETC produces 32-34 ATP per glucose
Oxygen removes electrons from the final complex protein, so it is the final e- acceptor
Electron Transport Chain
1. NADH (and FADH2) transfer
their electrons to the first
complex protein.
2. e- are transported along the
protein complexes of the ETC.
Products of Electron Transport Chain
include 32-34 ATP and Water.
5. The H+ gradient established by the
ETC is used to power ATP Synthase.
3. Energy from the etransfer is used to pump
H+ into the inner
membrane space.
4. Oxygen removes efrom the last complex
protein. Water is formed
in this reaction.
6. ATP Synthase generates new ATP by
adding a phosphate to ADP.
catabolism of proteins, fats, & carbohydrates
Lipids & Proteins can also be broken
down and used for ATP synthesis
Most organic molecules are converted
into acetyl CoA and enter the citric acid
cycle as acetyl coA
End of Section 3, Chapter 4
Section 4, Chapter 4
DNA Replication & Protein Synthesis
Pathway of Protein Synthesis
DNA Replication (DNA Synthesis)
Copy of original
Gene = portion of DNA that encodes one protein
Genetic code = 3 letter DNA sequence that encodes for 1 amino acid
Genome = complete set of genetic instructions for an organism
Human genome = 46 chromosomes in diploid pairs
DNA encodes the genetic instructions for protein synthesis
It is a double-stranded helix
Strand 1
The two strands run in opposite directions
and therefore are anti-parallel.
Strand 2
The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonds
Properties of DNA
DNA contains 4 nitrogenous bases
Adenine (A)
Thymine (T)
Cytosine (C)
Guanine (G)
Adenine & Guanine are purines
2 organic rings
Thymine & Cytosine are pyrimidines
1 organic ring
Purine pairs with Pyrimidine
Complimentary Base Pairs
A pairs with T
G pairs with C
Example of complimentary base pairs.
H-bonds stabilize
base pairs
DNA is twisted into a
double helix
Overview of DNA Replication
DNA replication occurs during S-phase (within interphase)
The original DNA strand is used as a template to synthesize a new
complimentary DNA strand.
DNA replication is catalyzed by the enzyme DNA Polymerase
DNA replication is Semi-Conservative – One strand of the replicated
DNA is new, the other is the original molecule.
DNA Replication
The two DNA molecules separate during mitosis
End of Section 4, Chapter 4
Section 5, Chapter 4
Transcription & Translation
There are several kinds of RNA
Messenger RNA (mRNA):
Conveys genetic information from DNA to the ribosomes
Transfer RNA (tRNA):
Transfers amino acids to the ribosomes during translation.
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA):
Provides structure and enzyme activity for ribosomes
Messenger RNA (mRNA):
Delivers genetic information from the DNA inside the nucleus to
the cytoplasm
mRNA is formed beside a strand of DNA
RNA nucleotides are complementary to DNA nucleotides with
one exception – no thymine in RNA; replaced with uracil)
Direction of “reading” code
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mRNA undergoes further processing & leaves the nucleus
A Codon is the 3 letter nucleotide sequence of
mRNA that encodes for 1 amino acid.
AUG is the first codon in protein synthesis, so it’s
it’s called the start codon
Protein Synthesis
The codon sequence of mRNA
determines the amino acid
sequence of a protein.
Figure 4.23
The start codon marks the site at which translation
into protein sequence begins, and the stop
codon marks the site at which translation ends.
amino acid
Clover-leaf shape RNA with 2 important regions
Amino acid
binding site
Small particle of protein & ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
Ribosomes have 2 subunits
Large subunit holds tRNA & amino acids
Small subunit binds to mRNA
Small subunit has 2 binding sites for adjacent mRNA codons
Ribosomes link amino acids by peptide bonds
Peptide bond forming
large subunit
small subunit
Binding sites with codons
1. mRNA binds to the small subunit of a Ribosome.
2. The ribosome ‘reads’ the mRNA sequence
3. tRNA brings amino acids to the ribosomes,
aligning their anticodons with mRNA codons
4. The Ribosome links the amino acids together
5. Polypeptide chain lengthens
Anchors polypeptide.
tRNA released
Figure 4.23 overview of protein synthesis
Once translation is complete chaperone proteins
fold the protein into its configuration
post-translational modification
enzymes may further modify proteins after translation
phosphorylation – adding a phosphate to the protein
glycosylation – adding a sugar to the protein
End of Chapter 4