Download Chapter 3 Cells Section 2 Parts of the Eukaryotic cell Cell

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Chapter 3
Section 2
Parts of the Eukaryotic cell
Cell membrane
 All cells must take in nutrients and other materials and dispose of waste
 They must pass through the cell membrane
 Selectively permeable only certain materials can leave and enter the cell
 All cell membranes are made primarily of lipids and proteins
Membrane lipids:
 One type of major cell membrane is phospholipid
 Each molecule has a polar head and two nonpolar tails
 The hydrophilic head will align as close to water as possible
 The hydrophobic tail will align as far away from water as possible
 Both the inside and outside of the cell contain water so the phospholipids line up
head toward water and tails toward each other
 This forms a lipid bilayer (two layers)
 Proteins are spread out in the cell membrane as passage ways to enter and exit the
The Organelles of the Cell:
1. Cytoplasm contains the organelles and gelatin like material called cytosol
 Dissolved in the cytosol are salts, minerals, and organic molecules
2. MitochondriaSite of chemical reaction that transfers organic compounds to ATP
 Powerhouse of the cell
 Found in large quantities in high energy areas ( muscles, liver, etc)
 Mitochondria have their own DNA
3. Ribosomes Play important role in protein synthesis
 Not surrounded by a membrane
 Found floating free inside the cytoplasm and as part of the endoplasmic
 Make Proteins
4. Endoplasmic Reticulum Systems of membranes tubes and sacs that act as the
intracellular highway for moving materials
 Cells contain two types of ER
 Rough ER contains ribosomes and is prominent in the production of proteins
 Smooth ER is involved in the synthesis of steroids in gland cells
5. Golgi Apparatus is the processing, packaging, and secreting organelle of the cell
 It is a system of membranes
 Works with the ER to modify proteins for export
6. Lysosomes small spherical organelles used for digestion
 Digestion organelle
 Breaks down carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, DNA and RNA
 They can also digest organelles
 Common in animals, fungi, protists
7. Cytoskeleton maintains shape and size of cell
 When a cell divides spindle fibers help the division of the cell
8. Cilia and Flagella hair-lilke organelles that extend from surface and aid in movement
 Cilia are short hair-like structures
 Flagella are long whip-like structures
9. Nucleus control center of the cell
 Most prominent part of the cell
 Surrounded by the nuclear membrane
 Contains hereditary information (DNA and RNA)
 Contains the nucleolus which produces ribosomes
Plant Cell Parts:
10. Cell Wall rigid lining of the cell membrane that supports and protects the cell
 Contain chains of cellulose which a carbohydrate
 Pores allow ions and molecules to enter and exit
11. Vacuoles fluid filled organelles that store enzymes and wastes
 Can take up to 90% of the plants space
 Can hold poisons and is andvantageous (acacia plant holds poisonous wastes
that are a defense mechanism
12. Chloroplasts stores starch, fats and pigments that absorb visible light
 Sunlight is converted to energy during photosynthesis
 Contains chlorophyll (a pigment)