Download Cell Project Choice Board - Oxford Preparatory Academy

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Cell Project Choice Board
Choose one of the following projects from the choices below to
demonstrate your understanding of cell organelles and structures and
their functions.
**Each project must include the following organelles or structures:
Animal Cell:
Plant Cell:
-Cell Membrane -Nucleus
- Cell Membrane -Cell Wall
-Cytoplasm -Mitochondria
-Nucleus -Cytoplasm -Vacuole
-Chloroplast -Mitochondria
All Projects are due Tuesday, January 24th.
1. Cell City
2. Build or Bake a Cell
 In Cell City, you will design a colorful
 For this project, you will build or
city that represents a cell. You will
bake a model using whatever
compare the parts of the city to the
materials you want to represent all
organelles of a plant cell.
the organelles in a plant cell.
 Decide what part of the city each
 You must have an object or food
organelle represents.
item in your model that represents
every organelle in your cell. Pay
 On a piece of poster paper, draw the
attention to where they go in your
layout of your city in color with labels.
model, what they look like, their
Come up with a creative city name.
size, etc.. They should be
 Attach a piece of paper to your poster
representative of the real organelles
that explains why each part of the city
in a cell.
represents a certain organelle. Here is
 Attach a piece of paper to your
an example of an explanation sentence:
model explaining how each item
“The city hall represents the nucleus
represents each organelle. Here is
because it is the control center of the
an example of an explanation
city. This is similar to a nucleus’ job,
sentence: “The large cookie in the
which is to control a cell.”
middle of my dish represents the
 Keep in mind the part of the city’s job
nucleus because it is a large
should be similar to the job that the
organelle in the middle of the cell.
organelle does for the cell. An
The nucleus is the control center of
explanation of this should be included
the cell and also stores DNA (which
in your sentences.
are the sprinkles on my cookie).”
 To demonstrate your knowledge of
what the organelles do, please
include their function in your
3. Write a Cell Rap, Poem, or Song
4. Write a Children’s Book
 Write a poem, rap, or song about a cell
 Create a children’s book about an
and all of its organelles.
animal or plant cell.
 Your poem, rap, or song should
 Your book must show creativity,
include information about all the cell
pictures, and a developed story line
organelles and structures and what
with characters.
they do in a cell.
 The story must tell about a cell’s
 Your poem, rap, or song should rhyme.
organelles and structures and their
 Your song, poem, or rap must be
recorded and able to be presented
using a chromebook.
5. Compare Cells to People
6. Cell Video
 Write a summary of the different
 You have been hired by an
organelles that are found in a cell and
educational network to produce a
their functions.
video series.
 Next, choose FIVE of the organelles
 The topic of your first video is plant
that are found in your cell. In the next
and animal cells.
paragraph, compare the five organelles
 Create a video of your first episode.
to different people.
 Make sure to include both plant and
 In the paragraph, you should explain
animal cells, their organelles and
why a certain person would be a
structures, and their functions.
certain organelle (each comparison
should have 2-3 sentences to explain
your comparison).
 You may use people you know OR
famous people.
 Example: “My friend Andrea would be
the nucleus because she is bossy, and
the nucleus is always in control of
everything.” OR “President Obama
would be the nucleus because he
controls our country and he lives in the
White House, where lots of important
information is stored.”
7. Museum Tour
 You are the head of the Cell Museum.
 You need to put together a tour guide
map and pamphlet for your cell
 You may pick either a plant or animal
cell for your museum.
 Create a pamphlet with the following
- Title Page:
Pictures, Price, Hours Open
- Exhibits (Cell Parts):
Descriptions of Exhibits
- Map:
Must include numbered Exhibits
and a You Are Here sign
8. Cell Board Game
 Design a board game in which
players travel through either a plant
or animal cell traveling from
organelle to organelle.
 Your board game must include
descriptions about the function of
each organelle or structure.