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S3 Biology Revision
Cell Structure
Cell type
Cell wall
Supports and strengthens cell
Plant cell, fungal cell or
bacterial cell
Controls which substances can
enter and leave the cell
All cell types
Location of many chemical
All cell types
Location where aerobic respiration Animal cell, plant cell
or fungal cell
Site of photosynthesis.
Plant cell
Contains cell sap.
Plant cell
Site of protein synthesis
All cell types
Contains genes that help cell to
Bacterial cell
Controls activities of cell
Animal cell, plant cell
or fungal cell
Cell Transport
Membrane Structure
 Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high
concentration to an area of low concentration.
 It does not require energy.
 Molecules move down a concentration gradient.
 Osmosis is a special case of diffusion.
 It is the movement of water molecules from an area of high
concentration to an area of low concentration.
 It does not require energy and molecules move down a
concentration gradient.
Active Transport
Movement of molecules from an area of low concentration to an
area of high concentration, against a concentration gradient.
Requires energy.
Molecules travel through specific proteins in the membrane.
Mitosis is cell division.
It is used for the growth and repair of cells.
It is important that the chromosome number remains the same in
the daughter cells so that no genetic information is lost.
Stage 1 - The replicated chromosomes
'condense'. Their DNA becomes tightly
coiled up and the replicated chromosomes
become visible as separate units. The
chromosomes shorten and thicken and can
now be seen as pairs of chromatids.
Stage 2 – The nuclear membrane breaks
Stage 3 - Rope-like structures called
spindle fibres attach themselves to the
centromere region of the sister
chromatid pairs. The spindle fibres line
sister chromatid pairs up in the centre of
the cell. This location is known as the
Stage 4 - The spindle fibres contract
and separate the sister chromatids from
each other. The sister chromatids are
pulled to opposite ends of the cell - the
cell poles.
Stage 5 - The separated sister
chromatids are now known as
chromosomes. Their DNA becomes more
loosely coiled (decondensed), and new
nuclear membranes form around them.
Two new nuclei are formed. Each nucleus
now contains four chromosomes (two sets
of two chromosomes) exactly the same
complement as the original parent cell.
Stage 6 - The cytoplasm of the cell then
divides in two to produce two daughter
cells. The daughter cells are genetically
identical because they each contain the
same diploid chromosome complement as
the original parent cell.
DNA Structure
Double helix.
Base pairing rules: Adenine always pairs with Thymine. Guanine
always pairs with Cytosine.
Enzymes speed up chemical reactions.
They are reusable.
At high temperatures they become denatured.
Enzymes have an optimum (best) pH and temperature.
Enzymes are specific – they only work with one substrate.
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is the transfer of DNA from one organism to
another using biotechnology. The organism receiving the DNA is
said to be genetically modified (GM).
Bacterial cells can be genetically modified so that they have the
gene for producing human insulin. As these modified bacteria grow,
they produce human insulin. This protein can be purified and
supplied to diabetics.