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Biology 105: Biology Science for Life with Physiology, 3rd Ed., Belk & Borden Maier.
Chapter 8, Genetically Modified Organisms, pp 198-219.
1 activators; 2 anticodon; 3 bacteriophage;4 base-pairing rules; 5 base sequence; 6 cloning; 7 chromosome condensation;
8 complementary base pair; 9 codon;10 degenerative diseases; 11 deoxyribose; 12 DNA polymerase; 13 DNA
replication; 14 frameshift mutation;15 galls;16 germ-line gene therapy; 17 gene gun; 18 gene therapy; 19 generally
recognized as safe (GRAS); 20 genetically modified organism (GMO); 21 genetic code; 22 genome;23 helicase;
24 in vitro; 25 messenger RNA (mRNA); 26 model organisms; 27 mutations; 28 nitrogenous base; 29 nucleases;
30 nucleotide; 31neutral mutation; #s in bold are from Holt’s Modern Biology text.
1 eukaryotic proteins that enhance gene expression by assisting RNA polymerase binding to its promoter region
2 a 3-nucleotide sequence on tRNA that is complementary to & selectively binds mRNA’s codons
3 viruses that infect bacteria
4 cytosine on one strand of DNA pairs with guanine on the other strand, and adenine pairs with thymine
5 the order of nitrogenous bases on a chain of DNA or RNA
6 making multiple copies of a DNA sequence, a gene, or an entire organism
7 method of gene regulation in which access to RNA polymerase is denied upon intense packaging of chromosomes
8 pairs of bases, such as thymine & adenine, or cytosine & guanine
9 a 3-nucleotide sequence on mRNA that encodes for a particular amino acid
10 condition which begins with the slow breakdown of tissues/ organs that ultimately leads to organ failure/ death
11 the 5-C sugar found in DNA
12 enzyme that adds complementary nucleotides to the newly formed DNA strands
13 the process by which DNA is copied in a cell before cell division by meiosis, mitosis, or binary fission
14 result of an insertion or deletion of nucleotides, thereby disrupting the original sequence of codons
15 plant tumors
16 replacement of defective embryonic genes with functional genes
17 a machine that shoots metal-coated pellets covered with foreign DNA into plant cells
18 the replacement of defective genes with functional genes
19 with respect to GMO & GMO-derived products, those items that are indistinguishable from their natural counterparts
20 organism resulting from incorporation of foreign organism’s DNA
21the key that matches mRNA codons to the amino acids for which they code
22 the entire suite of genes present in an organism; Human Genome Project mapped out our 20-25, 000 genes
23 enzymes that unwind & separate the 2 DNA strands by breaking the H-bonds between bases
24 Latin for “in glass”; biological processes that occur and are manipulated under laboratory conditions
25 the complementary RNA copy of the DNA gene sequence
26 non-human organisms that are easily manipulated in genetic studies to understand better human gene functions
27 changes to DNA sequences
28 an organic base containing N, such as a purine or pyrimidine; a subunit of a DNA or RNA nucleotide
29 enzymes that specifically degrade nucleic acids’ inter-nucleotide bonds, thus limiting the life span of mRNAs
30 subunits of nucleic acids, consisting of a 5-C sugar, a phosphate group, & a nitrogenous base
31a mutation that has little to no impact on the protein produced; a “silent mutation”.
32 promoter; 33 protein synthesis; 34 purine; 35 pyrimidine; 36 reading frame; 37 recombinant bovine growth hormone
(rBGH); 38 regulating gene expression; 39 replication fork; 40 repressors; 41 restriction enzymes; 42 ribose;
43 ribonucleic acid (RNA); 44 ribosomal RNA (rRNA);45 ribosomes; 46 ribonucleic acid(RNA);47 RNA polymerase;
48 semi-conservative replication;49 severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID); 50 somatic cell gene therapy;
51 stop codon; 52 termination signal; 53 therapeutic cloning; 54 Ti plasmid; 55 totipotent;56 transcription;
57 transfer RNA (tRNA); 58 transformation; 59 transgenic organism; 60 translation; 61undifferentiated; 62 virulent;
** nuclear transfer
32 nucleotide sequence near the beginning of a gene to which the RNA polymerase will bind
33using the genetic instructions to build a particular protein
34 nitrogenous bases with double rings of carbon and nitrogen atoms, e.g. adenine & guanine
35 nitrogenous bases with a single ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms, e.g. thymine & cytosine
36 the triplet groupings of mRNA nucleotides
37 cow’s growth factor protein genetically engineered to be produced by bacteria
38 turning a gene on, off, or modulating its expression
39 the Y-shaped region of DNA resulting from its strands separating
40 prokaryotic proteins which physically block RNA polymerase from binding to its promoter region
41 enzymes that are highly specific molecular “scissors” that cut DNA at precise sequences, usually within a palindrome
42 a 5-C ringed sugar with hydroxyl groups on each carbon
43 nucleic acid composed of a ribose sugar-phosphate backbone bound to nitrogenous bases adenine, guanine, cytosine, &
44 type of RNA composing ribosomes
45 a 2-subunit, subcellular, globular structure composed of rRNA and proteins on which proteins are translated
46 nucleic acid composed of ribose, phosphate groups, and nucleotide bases
47 enzyme which makes the RNA copy of DNA
48 type of replication in which each new DNA molecule has 1 of the 2 original DNA strands
49 genetic disorder eliminating an enzyme of the immune system
50 method whereby an individual’s defective genes is corrected in vitro & then those cells are returned to that person
51 a 3-nucleotide mRNA sequence that signals translation to cease
52 a specific sequence of nucleotides that signal the end of a gene
53 the use of stem cells to produce healthy tissues as replacements for damaged tissues
54 plasmids which induce tumors
55 property of stem cells that enable them to become any other cell type
56 production of a copy of the gene as messenger RNA
57 type of RNA to which individualized amino acids are attached
58 transfer of DNA fragment from one cell/ organism to another cell/ organism
59 the product of the incorporation of different organisms’ DNAs into one organism
60 decoding/ interpreting the copied mRNA strand and producing the protein for which it codes
61 cells that do not yet have a particular function, such as stem cells
62 disease-causing
**** Nuclear transfer – fusion of an adult cell with a de-nucleated ovum