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Name ________________________________________________________
Science 7
Biology Test 1 Review Sheet
I. Cell Theory
 List the three main ideas of the Cell Theory
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
What invention was critical for the development of the cell theory? ________________________________
Compare the two major types of cells:
Prokaryotic Cells
Eukaryotic Cells
Different types of cells are structured differently (specialized) because they have different functions
o Example: sperm cells have flagella so they are able to move towards an egg cell
Organelle: _____________________________________________________________________________
Multicellular Organization
___________________ (simplest)  Cells  ___________________  _______________________ 
___________________________  ___________________________
II. Parts of the Cell
Cell or Plasma Membrane: composed of a bilayer (double layer) oh phospholipid molecules (fat
molecules) embedded with proteins
o Function: ____________________________________________________________________________
o Cell membrane is Selectively Permeable: __________________________________________________
Nucleus- contains DNA (Chromatin → Chromosomes) that controls for the production of all cell proteins,
controlling all aspects of cell’s activity
Endoplasmic Reticulum- channel passageways for materials moving through the cell
o What is the difference between the Smooth ER and the Rough ER: ______________________________
Golgi Body (apparatus)- packages materials that will be released by the cell
Vacuole- vesicles for storage of materials
o What type of eukaryotic cell has a large central vacuole? ______________________________________
o What is a contractile vacuole? ___________________________________________________________
Lysosomes- break down old, worn out cell parts
Centrioles- animals only- rod shaped that aid in cell division
Mitochondria- powerhouse of the cell, releases useable energy (ATP) from food (glucose)
o Site of what process? _________________________________________
Chloroplasts- plants only- uses sunlight to produce food (glucose)
o Site of what process? _________________________________________
Cell wall- plants only- give cell strength and rigidity. Contain cellulose (a fiber that you don’t digest but
that helps you digest other foods)
Cytoplasm- jelly-like environment on the inside of cell
Cytoskeleton- give the cell support
o What is the difference between cilia and flagella? ___________________________________________
How do plant cells differ from animal cells?
Plant Cells
Animal Cells
III. Transport
Passive Transport requires no cellular energy
o High  Low
o Examples: diffusion, osmosis (diffusion
of water)
Active Transport requires ATP (cellular
o Low  High
o Example: endocytosis, exocytosis
Cells in Solution
o Hypotonic solution:
1. Example: distilled water
2. More solute inside cell, more
water outside cell
a. Animal cell- swell and
b. Plant cell- Doesn’t burst
because of cell wall
o Isotonic Solution:
3. Same inside and out
a. Cells maintain dynamic
equilibrium- no change
o Hypertonic Solution:
4. Example: salt water
5. More solute outside cell, more water inside cell
a. Animal cell - cell will shrivel
b. Plant cell – cell membrane will shrink away from cell wall
A. Identify and label the following cells/structures.