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The plant structure that is responsible for support of the plant body and for carrying nutrients
between different parts of the plant is the
a. Root
c. leaf
b. Stem
d. flower
2. Which type of plant tissue would be found only in the circled areas of the plant shown below?
a. Meristematic tissue
c. dermal tissue
b. Vascular tissue
d. ground tissue
i. Picture is on the board
3. Phloem functions primarily in
a. Transport of water
b. Growth of the root
c. Transport of products of photosynthesis
d. Increasing stem diameter
4. Tracheids and vessel elements make up
a. Phloem
c. xylem
b. Trichromes
d. meristem
5. The waterproof strip that surrounds cells of the endodermis is the
a. Vascular cambium
c. Casparian strip
b. Vascular cylinder
d. cortex
6. Increases in the thickness of stems over time result from the production of vascular tissue by the
a. Vascular cambium
b. Cork cambium
c. Apical meristem
d. Ground tissue
7. Within a leaf, there are many air spaces between the cells of the
a. Palisade layer
c. meristem
b. Spongy mesophyll
d. cuticle
8. Stomata open and close in response to pressure within
a. Root cells
c. guard cells
b. Cell walls
d. xylem
9. The tissue that conducts the products of photosynthesis through a plant’s stem is
a. Xylem
c. mesophyll
b. Phloem
d. ground tissue
10. The rise of water in a tall plant depends on root pressure and
a. Osmosis
c. capillary action
b. Evaporation
d. transpiration pull
____ 11. Organisms, such as plants, that make their own food are called
a. autotrophs.
c. thylakoids.
b. heterotrophs.
d. pigments.
____ 12. Organisms that cannot make their own food and must obtain energy from the foods they eat are
a. autotrophs.
c. thylakoids.
b. heterotrophs.
d. plants.
____ 13. Which of the following is NOT a part of an ATP molecule?
a. adenine
c. chlorophyll
b. ribose
d. phosphate
____ 14. In the picture, between which parts of the molecule must the bonds be broken to form an ADP
a. A and B
b. B and C
c. C and D
d. all of the above
____ 15. Jan van Helmont concluded that plants gain most of their mass from
a. water.
b. the soil.
c. carbon dioxide in the air.
d. oxygen in the air.
____ 16. Ingenhousz showed that plants produce oxygen bubbles when exposed to
a. ATP.
c. light.
b. carbon dioxide.
d. a burning candle.
____ 17. Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into
a. oxygen.
c. ATP and oxygen.
b. high-energy sugars.
d. oxygen and high-energy sugars.
____ 18. Plants gather the sun’s energy with light-absorbing molecules called
a. pigments.
c. chloroplasts.
b. thylakoids.
d. glucose.
_____19. Plants take in the sun’s energy by absorbing
a. high-energy sugars.
c. chlorophyll b.
b. chlorophyll a.
d. sunlight.
_____20. The stroma is the space that surrounds
a. thylakoids.
c. plant cells.
b. chloroplasts.
d. all of the above
____21. As a cell becomes larger, its
a. volume increases faster than its surface area.
b. surface area increases faster than its volume.
c. volume increases, but its surface area stays the same.
d. surface area stays the same, but its volume increases.
____ 22. All of the following are problems that growth causes for cells EXCEPT
a. DNA overload.
c. obtaining enough food.
b. excess oxygen.
d. none of the above.
____ 23. Which of the following is NOT a way that cell division solves the problems of cell growth?
a. Cell division provides each daughter cell with its own copy of DNA.
b. Cell division increases the mass of the original cell.
c. Cell division increases the surface area of the original cell.
d. Cell division reduces the original cell’s volume.
____ 24. When during the cell cycle are chromosomes visible?
a. only during interphase
b. only when they are being replicated
c. only during cell division
d. only during the G1 phase
____ 25. Which pair is correct?
a. G1 phase, DNA replication
b. G2 phase, preparation for mitosis
c. S phase, cell division
d. M phase, cell growth
____ 26. When during the cell cycle is a cell’s DNA replicated?
a. G1 phase
c. S phase
b. G2 phase
d. M phase
____ 27. Which event occurs during interphase?
a. The cell grows.
c. Spindle fibers begin to form.
b. Centrioles appear.
d. Centromeres divide.
____ 28. During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up along the middle of the dividing cell?
a. prophase
c. metaphase
b. telophase
d. anaphase
____ 29. Which of the following represents the phases of mitosis in their proper sequence?
a. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
b. interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
c. interphase, prophase, metaphase, telophase
d. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis
____30. What is the role of the spindle during mitosis?
a. It helps separate the chromosomes.
b. It breaks down the nuclear membrane.
c. It duplicates the DNA.
d. It divides the cell in half.
31. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in cellular respiration?
32. Which of the following is released during cellular respiration?
a. oxygen
b. air
c. energy
d. lactic acid
33. Cellular respiration uses one molecule of glucose to produce
a. 2 ATP molecules.
b. 34 ATP molecules.
c. 36 ATP molecules.
d. 38 ATP molecules.
34. What is the correct equation for cellular respiration?
a. 6O2 + C6H12O6
2 + 6H2O + Energy
b. 6O2 + C6H12O6
2 + 6H2O
c. 6CO2 + 6H2
2 + C6H12O6 + Energy
d. 6CO2 + 6H2
2 + C6H12O6
35. Cellular respiration releases energy by breaking down
a. food molecules.
b. ATP.
c. carbon dioxide.
d. water.
36. What are the reactants in the equation for cellular respiration?
a. oxygen and lactic acid
b. carbon dioxide and water
c. glucose and oxygen
d. water and glucose
37. Which of these is a product of cellular respiration?
a. oxygen
b. water
c. glucose
d. all of the above
38. Which of these processes takes place in the cytoplasm of a cell?
a. glycolysis
b. electron transport
c. Krebs cycle
d. all of the above
39. Glycolysis provides a cell with a net gain of
a. 2 ATP molecules.
b. 4 ATP molecules.
c. 18 ATP molecules.
d. 36 ATP molecules.
40. The starting molecule for glycolysis is
a. ADP.
b. pyruvic acid.
c. citric acid.
d. glucose.
____ 41. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all plants?
a. are eukaryotic
c. produce seeds
b. have cell walls
d. are multicellular
____42. Without gas exchange, a plant would be unable to
a. make food.
c. make minerals.
b. absorb sunlight.
d. absorb water from the soil.
____ 43. Living on land required that plants
a. evolve photosynthetic pigments.
b. conserve water.
c. exchange gases.
d. have cell walls.
____ 44. Which of the following statements is true about bryophytes?
a. They have specialized tissues that conduct water.
b. They draw up water by osmosis.
c. They are not highly dependent on water.
d. They are a group of plants made up of algae and mosses.
____ 45. Which of the following structures has functions similar to that of roots?
a. gemma
c. capsule
b. rhizoid
d. stalk
____ 46. Which of the following is LEAST related to the others?
a. protonema
c. gametophyte
b. sporophyte
d. rhizoid
____ 47. Xylem and phloem are NOT
a. conducting tissues.
c. present in bryophytes.
b. vascular tissues.
d. present in ferns.
____ 48. Horsetails do NOT
a. have xylem tissue.
c. have roots.
b. produce seeds.
d. have phloem tissue.
____49. Which of the following structures in ferns is diploid?
a. gametophyte
c. egg
b. sporangium
d. spore
____50. Seed-bearing plants differ from all other plants in that
a. they have vascular tissue.
b. they do not have a gametophyte generation.
c. their gametes do not require water for fertilization to occur.
d. all of the above