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Life’s Structure
Chapter 8, Pages 212-235
Section 1: Living Things
• ___________-any __________ thing
• Organisms can vary in size form ____________ __________ to __________
______ __________.
1. Living things are __________.
• ________-are the smallest unit of an ___________ that carry on the
_____________ of life.
• Each ______ has an orderly structure and contains the ________ for cellular
organization and ___________ in its ____________ material
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Do you think all cells are all the same or are cells different depending on their
function? Explain
2. Living things _______ and __________
• Growth of many-celled organisms is mostly due to an increase in the
__________ of cells
• Growth of one-celled organisms is due to an increase in the _____ of
the cell
• _______________-all of the _________ that take place during the
______ of the organism
3. Living things _________
• Living things must ___________ with their ________________
• ___________-anything that causes some _________ in an
• The reaction to a __________ is a ___________
4. Living things __________ ___________
• _______________-the regulation of an organism’s __________, lifemaintaining conditions despite changes in its ______________
5. Living things _____ _______
• The energy used by most organisms comes either _________ or
indirectly from the ______
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• What organisms can get energy directly from the sun?
• How do other organisms get energy?
6. Living things ___________
• Reproduction enables living things toe make _______ of their own
• If all the individuals for a specific organism never reproduced that
organism would die out
• Example:
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• Of these 6 characteristics of life which are important to the survival of a
species and which are important to the organisms itself?
• What do all living things need?
1. A ________ to ______
• This place must be ________ to the organism’s _________needs
• This place must also provide enough ________ for the organism
2. ________
 All organisms must take in water from their surroundings
 Water performs many functions such as ___________ _________
within a cell and ___________ cells
3. ______ ________
 Living things are made up of substances such as ___________,
_______, and __________
 Some organisms _______ these substances, other must ______ in
these substances in the form of food
 When organisms die these substances are released into the
_____________and used again by other ________ ____________
Section 2: How are Living Things Classified
• __________ developed a new system of __________ organisms and a
________ _________ system
• Based on looking for organisms with ___________ _________
• __________ ______________- two-word __________ system that
Linnaeus used to name various ___________
• This name is an organism’s ___________
• Organisms of the same species can _______ and produce _________
• _______- a group of similar species
• First word of the two-word name
• Second word usually __________ a feature and is _________ for each
• _______ is the language used for scientific names
• Why use scientific names?
1. Help avoid __________ by distinguishing organism with ________ names
2. Organisms with similar _____________ histories are __________ together
3. Scientific names give ____________ information about the ________
4. Scientific names allow _____________ about organisms to be ___________
easily and ___________
 ____________- the ____________ history of an organism, how the
organism has ___________ over time
 Order for classification of organisms:
___________ → _________ → ________ → ________ → ________ →
________ → _________
• Scientists use _______ _______ and _____________ ______ to identify
• Most ______ _______ have _____________ and illustrations of organisms
and information about where each organism _______
• A ____________ _______ is a detailed list of identifying ______________
that includes scientific names
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Section 3: Cell Structure
______ _______ consists of three parts
All ____________ are made up of one or more _______
The cell is the ________ unit of _____________ in organisms
All cells come from _______
____________- cells without ___________________ structures
____________- cells _____ membrane-bound structures
All cells must constantly take in ___________, store, produce, and
_____________ substances, and take in and use _________
 _____ ______- are tough, _______ outer coverings that ________ cells and
give them _______
o Found on the cells of ________, algae, fungi, and most _________
o Mostly made up of a _______________ called ___________
 _____ ___________- the protective _______ surrounding every cell
o ____________ interactions between the cell and its ______________
o ___________- ____________ substance cells are filled with
o Most of a cell’s _____ __________ occur here
o ___________ _________ is found here in _____________ cells
 _____________- a framework found throughout the ___________ which
helps the cell __________ or change its ________ and enables some cells to
 One substance that takes part in nearly every cell activity is _________
 ___________- small structures where ______ make their own proteins
o Receive directions from hereditary material on how, when, and in
what order to make specific proteins
 ___________- structures within the cytoplasm of __________ cells
 _________- directs all cellular activities and contain ______
 Materials enter and leave the nucleus through openings in its membrane
 ___________- structure found in the _________ where most ____________
are made in ___________cells
 ______________- green organelles found within the cytoplasm of _______
cells where _______ is made
 ____________- green pigment which gives many _______ and ________
their color
 ______________-are organelles where ________ is released when food is
broken down into _________ _______ and water
 Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain ___________ and __________
 ____________ __________ (E.R.)- a series of folded ____________ in
which ___________ can be processed and moved around ________ of the
o Can be _________ or __________
o Rough E.R. have ____________ attached
 _______ ______- stacked and ___________ membranes that sort
_________ and other cellular substances and package them into membranebound structures called _________
 __________- deliver cellular substances to areas inside the cell, and carry
_________ substances to the cell membrane where they are released to the
_________ of the cell
 __________- place for the ____________ storage of materials, like water,
waste products, ______, and other cellular materials
 ____________- contain digestive __________ that help break down food
molecules, ______ ______, worn-out cell parts, and _______ and bacteria
that enter the cell
 _________- a group of similar ______ that work together to do one _____
 _________- structure made up of two or more _________ types of tissues
that work _________
 _______ _______- a group of organs working _________ to perform a
certain _________
Section 4: Viruses
• _______- is a strand of ___________ material surrounded by a _________
• ____ _____- living cell in which a ______ can actively multiply or in which
a virus can hide until __________ by environmental _________
• Viruses don’t have a _________, other organelles, or a cell membrane
• Most viruses can infect only ________ kinds of cells
• ____________ do not work against viral diseases
• ______________ can be developed to create ___________ against a virus
Unit 2 Vocab
Cell Walls
Golgi bodies
Host cell