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Organelle QQ/Notes
Question 1
What are the
three properties
of all cells?
I. Prokaryotic Cells
single-celled organisms
earliest & most primitive
forms of life on earth
include bacteria and archaeans
no nuclei
(pro means before, thus before nucleus)
no membrane organelles
some have a cell wall
II. Eukaryotic Cells
Multi-celled organisms
true nuclei (eu means true)
Has membrane organelles
cell membrane in animals
cell wall in plants
Question 2
Compare and
Contrast Pro and
Eukaryotic cells
III. Cell Organelles
Organelletiny organ that performs
an individual tasks
A. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Thin membranes not visible in light
Divide interior of cell into
Abbreviated ER – smooth and rough
i. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Manufactures proteins
Location for Translation of RNA into
Question 3
What are the building
blocks of proteins?
Why is the rough ER
crucial to cell
ii. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Creates lipids and steroid messengers
Lacks ribosomes
B. Nucleus
Information center of cell
Spherical shape
Largest organelle, readily visible
Centrally located
Positioned by filaments
Quick Question 4
Why is the nucleus
the information
C. Nuclear Envelope
Double layer membrane pinched together at
nuclear pores
• outer membrane
• continuous with the rough ER
Inner membrane
• Embedded with proteins
• Pores that serve as molecular
channels that restricts passage
of molecules except RNA and
some proteins.
Question 5
Why do you
think proteins
are so
D. Ribosome
“Worker Bees”
• Where RNA is made
into proteins
• Proteins are
necessary for
carrying out
the functions of life
You will learn all about this in IS ¾!
E. Golgi Complex
Golgi Bodies
• Individual, flattened stacks of membranes
Collectively called the Golgi complex
Function in Molecule Collection,
Packaging, Distribution
In charge of Delivery, the “FedEx” of the
F. Lysosome
The Garbage men!
Membrane bound organelles
containing digestive enzymes
Break down worn-out cell parts
Recycles material into new structures
Digest pathogens engulfed by white blood cells
F. Centrioles
Microtubular Assembly Plants
• Present in animal and protist cells
• Occur in pairs near nuclear envelope
• Help move DNA during Mitosis
H. Mitochondria
Cell's Chemical Power Plant
• Present in all organisms
• Bounded by double membrane
a. Outer membrane
is smooth
b. Inner membrane
is folded into
contiguous layers
called cristae
• Possesses own DNA
• Capable of replication
I. Chloroplasts
Where photosynthesis occurs
• Found in plants and algae
• Bounded by double membrane
• Internal membranes form disk-shaped thylakoids
(look like pancakes)
• Photosynthetic pigments
on thylakoid surface
• Possess own DNA
• Can reproduce
J. Cytoskeleton
Interior framework of cell
Provides structure
K. Flagella and Cilia
Two types of
Flagella: whip
like action
Ex: tail of
Cilia: wave like
Ex: hairs in
your ear
Question 6
Let’s see what you
Name as many
organelles and their
functions as you can