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Biology Exam #1 Study Guide
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. All living things are composed of many cells.
2. Membranes are selectively permeable if they allow only certain substances to diffuse across them.
3. The only difference between a plant cell and an animal cell is that plant cells have chloroplasts.
4. Diffusion is an active process that requires a cell to expend a great deal of energy.
5. A cell placed in a strong salt solution would probably burst because of an increase in osmotic
6. When the concentration of solutes outside the cell is equal to the concentration of solutes inside
the cell, the cell solution is isotonic relative to its environment.
7. Diffusion occurs only in living systems.
8. Exocytosis helps the cell rid itself of wastes.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
9. The smallest units of life in all living things are
a. cells.
c. cytoplasm.
b. mitochondria.
d. Golgi apparatus.
10. One difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that
a. nucleic acids are found only in prokaryotes.
b. mitochondria are found in larger quantities in eukaryotes.
c. Golgi vesicles are found only in prokaryotes.
d. prokaryotes have no nuclear membrane.
11. Which of the following is characteristic of prokaryotes?
a. They have a nucleus.
b. They were found on Earth before eukaryotes.
c. The organelles in their cytoplasm are surrounded by membranes.
d. None of the above
12. Which of the following is an example of a prokaryotic cell?
a. amoeba
c. bacterium
b. virus
d. liver cell
13. Only eukaryotic cells have
a. DNA.
c. ribosomes.
b. membrane-bound organelles.
d. cytoplasm.
14. Studying a picture of a cell taken with an electron microscope, you find that the cell has no
nucleus and no mitochondria, but it does have a cell membrane and a cell wall. You conclude that
the cell is probably from a(n)
a. animal.
c. prokaryote.
b. plant.
d. now extinct organism.
____ 15. Cell membranes
a. are only found on a small number of cells.
b. contain genes.
c. are made of DNA.
d. are thin coverings that surround cells.
____ 16. The structure that regulates what enters and leaves the cell is called
a. the nucleus.
c. the nuclear membrane.
b. the cell wall.
d. the cell membrane.
____ 17. Cell membranes
a. are only found on a small number of cells.
b. contain genes.
c. are made of DNA.
d. are thin coverings that surround cells.
____ 18. The cell membrane
a. encloses the contents of a cell.
b. allows material to enter and leave the cell.
c. is selectively permeable.
d. All of the above
____ 19. A structure within a cell that performs a specific function is called a(n)
a. organelle.
c. tissue.
b. organ tissue.
d. biocenter.
____ 20. A particularly active cell might contain large numbers of
a. chromosomes.
c. mitochondria.
b. vacuoles.
d. walls.
____ 21. Golgi apparatus are organelles that
a. receive proteins and lipids from the endoplasmic reticulum.
b. label the molecules made in the endoplasmic reticulum with tags that specify their
c. release molecules in vesicles.
d. All of the above
____ 22. In which of the following organelles is a cell’s ATP produced?
a. mitochondrion
c. Golgi apparatus
b. endoplasmic reticulum
d. lysosome
____ 23. Numerous threadlike organelles that protrude from the surface of a cell and are packed in tight
rows are called
a. flagella.
c. actin filaments.
b. microtubules.
d. cilia.
____ 24. Proteins are made in cells on the
a. mitochondria.
c. nucleus.
b. ribosomes.
d. cell membrane.
____ 25. The packaging and distribution center of the cell is the
a. nucleus.
c. central vacuole.
b. Golgi apparatus.
d. nuclear envelope.
____ 26. The double membrane surrounding the nucleus is called the
a. nucleolus.
c. nucleoplasm.
b. nuclear wall.
d. nuclear envelope.
____ 27. Refer to the illustration above. Which structure immediately identifies this cell as a eukaryote?
a. structure “1”
c. structure “3”
b. structure “2”
d. structure “4”
____ 28. Refer to the illustration above. The cell uses structure “3”
a. to transport material from one part of the cell to the other.
b. to package proteins so they can be stored by the cell.
c. as a receptor.
d. to produce energy.
____ 29. Refer to the illustration above. Structure “1” is
a. the endoplasmic reticulum.
c. a mitochondrion.
b. a Golgi apparatus.
d. the nucleus.
____ 30. Refer to the illustration above. In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are found in
a. structure “1.”
c. structure “3.”
b. structure “2.”
d. structure “5.”
____ 31. Refer to the illustration above. The cell shown is probably an animal cell because
a. it has mitochondria.
c. it has a cell membrane.
b. it does not have a cell wall.
d. it does not have a nucleus.
____ 32. All cells have
a. a covering called a membrane that surrounds the cell and controls what information and
materials enter and leave it.
b. an internal fluid that gives shape to the cell and supports the other things within it.
c. a central zone or nucleus that contains the cell's genes.
d. All of the above
____ 33. Which of the following is not one of the three plant tissue systems?
a. vascular
b. dermal
c. ground
d. epithelial
____ 34.
only through a lipid bilayer membrane.
from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.
only in liquids.
from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
____ 35. Which of the following associations between a type of animal tissue and its primary function is
a. Connective tissue – transport substances c. Muscle tissue – contraction
b. Epithelial tissue – protective covering
d. Nervous tissue – Receive and transmit
____ 36. Which of the following associations between a type of plant tissue and its primary function is
a. Vascular tissue – transport substances
c. Dermal tissue – protection
b. Ground tissue – absorb water
____ 37. Plant cells have large membrane-bound spaces in which water, waste products, and nutrients are
stored. These places are known as
a. mitochondria.
c. Golgi apparatus.
b. chloroplasts.
d. vacuoles.
____ 38. Which of the following pairs contains unrelated items?
a. eukaryote–amoeba
c. cell wall–animal cell
b. ribosomes–protein
d. mitochondria–energy
____ 39. Plant cells
a. do not contain mitochondria.
b. have a cell wall instead of a cell membrane.
c. have a large vacuole instead of a Golgi apparatus.
d. have chloroplasts and a cell wall.
____ 40. Which of the following is the correct order of organization of structures in living things, from
simplest to most complex?
a. organ systems, organs, tissues, cells
b. tissues, cells, organs, organ systems
c. cells, tissues, organ systems, organs
d. cells, tissues, organs, organ systems
____ 41. As a result of diffusion, the concentration of many types of substances
a. always remains greater inside a membrane.
b. eventually becomes balanced on both sides of a membrane.
c. always remains greater on the outside of a membrane.
d. becomes imbalanced on both sides of a membrane.
____ 42. Diffusion takes place
a. only through a lipid bilayer membrane.
b. from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.
c. only in liquids.
d. from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
Complete each statement.
43. The specialized cells that surround the stomata on a leaf are called ________________________.
44. The statement that “cells are produced only from existing cells” is part of the
45. A cell with a well-defined nucleus surrounded by a nuclear membrane is called a(n)
____________________ cell.
46. A cell membrane is said to be ____________________ permeable because it allows the passage
of some solutes and not others.
47. The spherical organelles that are the site of protein synthesis in a cell are the
48. The fluid portion of the cytoplasm is called the ____________________.
49. Photosynthesis takes place in the ____________________ of plant cells.
Short Answer
50. Explain how guard cells maintain homeostasis in plants.
51. Explain in detail the difference between a hypertonic solution and a hypotonic solution.
52. What would happen (both molecularly and visually) if you put a cell into a hypertonic solution?
54. What are the two vascular tissues in plants? What do each of them do?