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Study Questions for the
Second Exam in Bio 0200
What is crossing-over? How is it related to genetic recombination? How is it related to
gene linkage?
In an organism with a haploid number of 10 (n=10), how many chromatids would be
present in a cell at the first meiotic metaphase?
What is the distinction between a gene and an allele?
Given an organism that displays the dominant phenotype for 3 traits, how would you go
about determining its exact genotype for the same 3 traits?
What is a sex-linked gene?
How does one recognize sex-linked inheritance? How could one distinguish a sex-linked
dominant allele from a sex-linked recessive allele?
What is the significance of a recombination frequency of 50%? Is it possible to have a
recombination rate significantly greater than 50% (such as 80 or 90%)?
Why are recombination frequencies not additive?
Is it possible for a cross of two green parakeets to produce a white parakeet? How would
this work?
What’s the principal difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
What is the cytoskeleton? Name a major cytoskeletal protein.
What is the endoplasmic reticulum? What is Golgi apparatus? What are their functions?
Name the 4 major classes of biological macromolecules. Name the monomers that make
up each of these polymers.
Draw the basic structure of an amino acid.
When an amino acid is dissolved in water, what generally happens to its amino
(—NH2)group? To its carboxyl (—COOH) group?
Pick out any 2 amino acids. Draw a peptide bond between them. (Note: This will
definitely be a question on the exam!)
What is the primary structure of a polypeptide. Secondary structure? Tertiary?
What kinds of chemical bonds stabilize secondary structure?
What kinds of chemical bonds stabilize tertiary and quaternary structure?
What is a prosthetic group?
What's the distinction between a protein and a polypeptide?
Which amino acid has an R— group that can form covalent bonds? And what's the
significance of its ability to do this?
Are most R— groups basic? Acidic? Large? Small?
What do enzymes do to the net energy change in a chemical reactions?
What is an active site? An allosteric site? What is meant by a "conformational change?"
What are some of the principal mechanisms of enzyme catalysis?
Why is feedback inhibition relevant to enzyme-catalyzed pathways? Is feedback
inhibition likely to work by means of a competitive inhibitor or a non-competitive
What is glycolysis? Where does it take place in a eukaryotic cell? In a prokaryotic cell?
What is the Krebs cycle? Where does it take place in a eukaryotic cell? In prokaryotes?
What is electron transport? Where does it take place in a eukaryotic cell? In prokaryotes?
How is electron transport (in mitochondria and chloroplasts) coupled to ATP synthesis?
(in other words, how does electron transport make ATP synthesis possible?)
Explain the Pasteur effect (it's in your lab manual in the pathways game section)
What is a photosystem? Where are photosystems located?
What are photosystem I and II? How do their functions differ?
In what ways is the Calvin Cycle similar to the Krebs Cycle? In what ways is it different?
What is C4 photosynthesis? Is it more or less efficient than C3 photosynthesis?
What is a nucleotide? What's a nitrogenous base?
What is ribose? What is deoxyribose?
What are the 3' and the 5' ends of a polynucleotide?
How was DNA identified as the genetic material?
What is bacterial transformation?
What is the chemical distinction between DNA and RNA?
Which bases are common to both DNA & RNA? Which are different?
What is Chargaff's rule?
What clues to the structure of DNA are found in Franklin's X-ray pattern of the "B-form"
of DNA?
What are the forces that hold the two strands of the double helix together?
Can you completely describe how the Meselson-Stahl experiment supported a
semiconservative model for replication of DNA? How would the experimental
results have differed for conservative replication? For dispersive replication?
In which directions do DNA and RNA polymerase synthesize new strands of nucleic acid?
What are Okazaki fragments? Why is DNA ligase required for DNA replication?
What is a promoter? What is RNA polymerase, and what does it have to do with
What are the three major classes of RNA? What are the principal functions of each?
What is the genetic code? What is a codon? What are the three stop codons?
What is a ribosome? What macromolecules make up a ribosome?
What is transfer RNA? What role does it play in reading the genetic code?
Where are peptide bonds formed?
At what point in protein synthesis is a polypeptide covalently attached to RNA?
No warranty, explicit or implied, is
intended that these pages present a
perfect review of course material, or
that exam questions will be drawn only
from topics listed here. They merely
represent a good faith effort on my
part to recall the key topics we have
covered in class and ask a few important
questions about each of them that may
be useful in reviewing material for the
exam. Good Luck.
- KRM.