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Final Exam Date:
Remember that a study guide is provided as a courtesy to you. It is designed to assist you in the organization and preparation process.
THIS is NOT a substitute for notes, labs or activities done throughout the year.
Use this in conjunction with your packets, hand-outs and labs.
Scientific Process (chapter 1 and Unit 1)
1. List the steps of the scientific method.
2. Why is the scientific method required?
3. Explain the proper way to evaluate someone’s work to assure it is accurately evaluated without bias?
4. Define the following terms:
A. Control group:
B. Variable/experimental group:
C. Dependent variable:
D. Independent variable:
5. What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?
6. How many variables can be present at one time in an experiment? Why?
7. A researcher discovers a plant that can be used as a treatment for cancer, what type of science is being conducted?
8. Use the diagrams below and answer the questions in the box. (A-F)
FYI: Bank Voles are small mice like creatures
A. What type of graphs are these?
B. What is the dependent variable in each graph?
C. What is the independent variable in each graph?
D. What is the relationship in the wood mice/voles graph?
E. What is the relationship in the Tawny Owl graph?
F. Form a question that this data could provide information
9. What is the difference between pure and applied science? Give an example of each.
10. A scientist hypothesizes that students in colder classrooms perform better on a test.
a. What is the IV?
b. What is the DV?
c. How could the scientist test the hypothesis?
11. Define Biology
12. This is the part of the experiment is the baseline that you compare your results to.
13. This is the variable you measure.
14. This is the variable you test.
15. Draw a graph to represent each of the following relationships:
No relationship
Cell Structure (Ch. 3 and Unit 2)
1. List the 4 main macromolecules (carbon-based molecules) and give an example of each.
2. Identify the building blocks for each macromolecule (monomers)
3. Explain why all living things are considered to be organic.
4. Write the chemical formula for water and glucose.
5. Identify 3 reasons water is important to a cell. Which organelle holds the water in plant cells?
6. How did the discovery of the microscope change biological science?
7. What are the 3 parts of the Cell Theory?
8. Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Give examples of organisms with these types of cells.
9. Compare and contrast the 2 types of eukaryotic cells, plant and animal.
10. From smallest to largest list the organization of life.
Cell Organelles (CH. 3 and Unit 2)
1. The main source of energy for an animal cell:
2. The structure responsible for ridding the cell of foreign matter and dead organelle:
3. The fluid materials that suspends organelles and other materials in the cell:
4. The structure that controls cellular function and stores genetic information:
The structure that converts sunlight into usable energy for a plant cell:
Which cell part is responsible for cell respiration?
Which cell part is responsible for protein synthesis?
Which cell part is responsible for delivering proteins to the golgi apparatus?
Which cell part can store materials such as water, proteins or other materials?
Which structure provides support and rigidity to a plant cell?
This structure is selectively permeable to substance outside and inside the cell:
In the diagram below, label the organelles in a plant cell. Circle the organelles that can also be in an animal cell. What organelles do
animal cells have that are not shown in the picture?
Cell Transport Ch. 3.4 and 3.5 and UNIT 2 lecture
1. Why is the cell membrane semi-permeable?
2. Why is the cell membrane referred to as a fluid mosaic?
3. Label all of the parts on the cell (plasma) membrane.
4. Fill in the table below:
Hypertonic Solution
Hypotonic Solution
Isotonic solution
amount of solutes
amount of water
Draw a cell in the solution
Which way will water move?
Which way will solutes move
What happens to the cell?
5. Fill in the table below:
energy used
organelles used
materials moved
Passive transport
Active transport
facilitated diffusion
Cell Energy CH. 4 and Unit 3
1. Define energy. Explain why energy is important to the cell.
2. What is the molecule that is used for temporary energy storage?
3. What molecule does the cell use to obtain energy for growth, development and repair?
4. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic?
5. Complete the following table for cellular respiration:
Aerobic or Anaerobic
Location in the Cell
Amount of ATP produced
Krebs Cycle
6. Complete the following table to compare respiration/photosynthesis:
Types of organisms
Energy used or
7. What is the equation for photosynthesis?
8. What is the equation for cellular respiration?
9. How are the two processes related?
DNA & RNA (Ch. 8 Unit 4)
1. What does DNA stand for? RNA?
2. Draw a model of DNA that compliments the following strand in the box provided
3. Using the model you drew; identify which parts make up a nucleotide.
4. What is the relationship between DNA, chromosomes and genes?
5. What does DNA do for the cell?
6. Name the general differences between DNA and RNA.
7. Explain what the following scientist contributed to the discovery of DNA’s structure and function.
a. Griffithb. Averyc. Hershey and Chased. Chargaffe. Franklinf.
Watson and Crick-
8. Name the 4 nitrogenous bases in DNA. Circle the pyrimidines, underline the purines.
9. What is the base found in RNA that is not found in DNA?
10. What type of bonds form between a purine & pyrimidine?
11. What is the function of DNA?
DNA replication
1. What is the enzyme responsible for unwinding DNA?
2. What is the function of DNA polymerase?
3. Define semi-conservative replication, explain why it is necessary.
4. Explain how DNA replicates